Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2258: The wind calms down

A small one-color Yuan Danming Ming sect, even dared to slam the sacred son in the public, this guts, so many people secretly admire, attracted many people to look at him.

However, there are also people who look at Jian Chen with the gloating glory and offend the sacred son. They all think that his good days are not long.

"Changyang, you are very good, every word you said, I remember." The fair new face is gloomy and terrible, and the word is filled with words. The eyes are full of killing.

"Sister Xue Xueshi, this just new collusion Wencheng, smearing me with the fight against Taiwan, trying to get the Chiba Zilian from the hands of the Tianfeng Peak. I am not afraid of black and white, I am afraid that in addition to Wang Tianfeng No one else can come up with strong evidence to prove this, and I am innocent. In my capacity, it is really difficult to see the peak of the peak, so I think Please ask the sister of Xue Xue to run for the younger brother, go to the Tianfeng Peak to verify, and then announce the results to the public, let the teachers and brothers see, I won the reward in the ring, I won the reward. Behind the new and just help." Jian Chen said to the east of the snow, his flat voice, did not make a slight convergence and spread far.

The east side of the snow giggled, her eyes looked deep into the eyebrow dust, said: "It seems that this Chiba purple lotus, the sister will naturally help you, prove your innocence."

"Okay, you are very good!" In the void, the new face was blue and green, and the gnashing of the teeth took a look at the sword dust, and then turned and left.

He knows that there is a snow on the side of Jian Chen in the east, and he has no way to take the sword dust. Moreover, Jian Chen does not seem to have the same awe to other disciples as he does, and continues to stay. There is no meaning anymore.

Just a new walk, seeing the form of the text in the field and the black man naturally will not continue to stay, have not said a word, left the Feiyunfeng dingy.

At the same time, on a mountain in the distance, Xin Bing, who is also the five major sacred sons, is holding hands and paying attention to the situation of Feiyunfeng.

"I didn't expect Changyang to give the Chiba purple lotus to the east of the snow. Since this Chiba purple lotus has fallen into the hands of the snow in the east, it is almost impossible to get it."

"But this is also good. The strength of the snow in the east is the weakest. Even if she gets the Chiba purple lotus, she can't bring her great advantage in the battle of the Son, as long as she is not just new, Anda and Shide. Get it, that impact is not big."

Xin Bing whispered alone, and for such a result, he was quite satisfied, and immediately drove the light away from here.

The events caused by Chiba Purple Lotus came to an end, and the high-ranking sacred priests from all the peaks also sent invitations to the east again. For a time, Feiyunfeng was once again very lively.

For the true enthusiasm of these people, the East Lin Shu Xue did not hesitate to reject one by one.

After a long time of fragrant incense, the Guangming sages gathered in Feiyunfeng, and they returned to their respective peaks, and Feiyunfeng, which has been lingering for a long time, finally restored the tranquility of the past. .

"Changyang brother, when did you meet with Master Xue Xue? Why I have never heard of you before."

Feiyunfeng just a quiet, white jade came to the side of Jian Chen, the relatives of the arm of the sword dust asked.

And Zhuo Feng, is a sullen face, standing in the distance without saying a word, eyes gazing in the snow and Jian Chen in the east, deep in the bottom of the eye, there is a fire burning in the blazing.

"Damn, how can you know how to meet Changyang? How can they know each other?" Zhuofeng thought in secretly that he had a loving heart for Baiyu. As for the East, he was in his heart. It is a character who has long been a goddess. It is a kind of existence that can only be looked up and cannot be climbed.

And he is regarded as the goddess in his heart, can only look up, can not climb high in the east, the snow is actually acquainted with Jian Chen, and even more willing to bear the consequences of offending justice for the new dust, this makes Zhuofeng very much feel bad.

"Small sister, these are explaining to you later, now the brothers and sister Xue Xue have something to do, let's go back." Jian Chen said to Bai Yu.

Bai Yu suddenly dissatisfied with the wrinkled nose, scorned: "Two brothers, you have to teach me the jihad law, and the holy light handprint, you have to teach me how to master."

"Well, the brothers must teach you the next day, but now the brothers really have something." Jian Chen smiled, in his heart, has truly recognized Bai Yu, Bai Bai as his own sister to see, all care.

"Changyang brother, this is what you said, then I will come to you tomorrow, brothers, you must be able to give each other."

Bai Yu’s eyes glanced at the snow and then left alone.

Zhuo Feng, naturally, does not need a sword dust reminder. After Bai Yu left, he is also a complex look. He stood there and did not leave the meaning of the east of the snow, with a complex and thoughtful mind, walked alone. Far away.

However, he did not go too far, but stopped at a place far enough away from Jianchendong, hiding in the dark to observe the situation of Jianchendong.

To be exact, it is to pay attention to the relationship between the snow and the sword dust in the east.

"Changyang, it seems that your brother is still very concerned about you." The east is very meaningful, and it is obvious that Zhuofeng is observing in the dark.

Jian Chen smiled and shook his head, and did not explain, said: "Let's say, you have come from Wanhuafeng to me, and find me what is going on."

Looking east at the snow, I looked at the eyebrow dust deeply. "It is said that you have some achievements in the use and control of the light and the Holy Power. I am looking for you this time, for the sake of this matter."

"Do you want me to pass on the application of the light of the Holy Spirit to you?" Jian Chen was surprised to see the snow in the east.

In the east, Yan Xue gently shook his head and corrected: "It is not taught, it is mutual communication."

Jian Chen nodded and smiled. "My method is not everyone can learn. If you want to gain something from me, I am afraid it is very difficult."

"Even if you can do it with one color Yuan Dan, can I still do it in four colors?"

"Well, I promise you, but before that, I still need you to run for me to look at Tianfeng. I will get some evidence from the peak of the peak of the Chiba purple lotus. I think, with your quasi-son Identity, Wang Tianfeng Lord will still give you this face."

Hearing the words, the east is close to the snow, and she stared at Jian Chen with a look of positive color. She asked, "Are you serious?"

"Of course it is true. If you don't fight back, I will think that I am bullying. This time, after obtaining the evidence, I will let him just face the new face." His face sank and his eyes flashed a stern color.

The snow in the east is solidified. She seriously stares at the sword dust, the ordinary face transformed from the mask, and she just knows the sword dust.

After quite a while, east of snow Yan solemnly nodded, serious, said: "Well, I'll go to heaven peak trip, but I want you to think clearly carefully the consequences of doing so, this fair new background It’s far from being as simple as Wencheng.” Drop this sentence and go straight to Wangtianfeng in the east.

PS: Today's three chapters are updated. I hope the brothers will be satisfied. Today's update is here first. Please don't wait for the brothers at night.

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