Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2259: Mutual confirmation

Soon, the east side of the snow will go back and return, with a spar that recorded her conversation with Wang Tianfeng's main character, once again came to Feiyunfeng.

"Take it, I will get it back for you." The East Lin Yuxue handed the spar in his hand to Jian Chen and continued: "It seems that this is just a new act, even the peaks of the peaks are not used to When I asked the Tianfeng Peak Lord about the news about Chiba Purple Lotus, I hope that the Tianfeng Peak Master knew that I was secretly recording, but it did not stop me. Therefore, this evidence that can prove your innocence is very easy. ""

Jian Chen took the spar, and the gods immediately plunged into it. The shadows of the heads of the snow and the peaks of Wang Tianfeng were immediately introduced into his eyes, including the voices of the two of them talking, the content of the conversation, the sword dust is listening. Clearly clear.

"Fei Yunfeng disciple Changyang is only a one-color Yuan Dan, but his use of the light of the Holy Power makes me stunned and amazed. After he defeated Wencheng who is far better than him, I will rise up and will The Chiba Purple Lotus in the hand is awarded to Changyang."

"The main character, is this Chiba purple lotus, is not a reward for setting up a winner?"

"Nature is not, rewarding Chiba purple lotus to Changyang, but it is just my temporary rise."

In a few short sentences, Wang Tianfeng’s main character completely opened up the issue of Chiba’s purple lotus.

The knowledge of Jian Chen retreated from the spar. He held the spar in his hand tightly, and his mouth gradually revealed a sneer.

When the content of this spar is released to the public, he will have to look at what is fair.

"Fair new, this time, I will let you down the stage." Jian Chen heart secretly.

"I have already done it for you, now, is it because I should consider my business."

Jian Chen nodded and turned his hand, recording that his innocent spar had disappeared from his hand. His eyes were very casual and he stunned the place where Zhuofeng was hiding, and then made a request for the east side of the snow. Gestures go straight to your own cave house.

Seeing Jian Chen actually entered his own Dongfu, and stayed in the east with a snowy look, and the light in the eyes flashed, revealing a hesitation.

But in the end, she bite her teeth and walked into the cave house of Jian Chen.

"Shu Xueshi sister actually entered Changyang's Dongfu, how could this be possible?" In the distance, Zhuofeng, who saw this scene clearly, was full of horror on his face, and the burning fire in his eyes was almost It’s about to be sprayed out.

"What good is this Changyang, first of all, Bai Yu Shimei, now it is even Xue Xuejie, especially the sister of Xue Xue, she is a bright pearl of the Temple of Light, damn" Zhuo Feng’s face is distorted, white jade The only thing that can be done is that the snow is in the east, but this is the character that he regards as a goddess. It is sacred and inviolable.

As a result, the goddess in his mind did not care about the impact, and entered the cave house of Jian Chen, which made Zhuo Feng mad.

At this moment, Zhuo Feng even wants to turn himself into a sword dust.

At this moment, among the simple caves belonging to Jian Chen, Jian Chen and the east side of the snow are sitting face to face, and in the hands of Jian Chen, a group of milky white light gives off a soft white light, just like an active The elf seems to be constantly beating at his fingertips.

"Bright Saint, it is like my arm, my body, even a part of my soul. As long as it exists between heaven and earth, I can establish a wonderful connection with it and control it. Let it change according to my mind, you are optimistic. "Sword dust looks focused and serious, and the light of the Holy Spirit in his hands is like a life, constantly changing, turning into various forms, free And move.

In one thought, it becomes the sword of the Holy Light. The next moment, the sword of the Holy Light becomes the shield of the Holy Light. There is no gap. His manipulation of the Light and Holy Power seems to have no restrictions.

In the east, the snow is full of attention, focusing on the movement of the sword dust, and sometimes closing the eyes to understand, and sometimes controlling the light of the Holy Spirit, to make various attempts.

In the end, the snow in the east had to admit that her cultivation was indeed much stronger than the sword dust. She had to pick up the control of the light and the use of the gods, but she was far behind.

Even after many attempts, there is no way to enter the east.

However, there is no sigh of relief in the east, but she is not afraid of failure, constantly trying, constantly confirming, and finally she has gradually explored a new method of application by her own talent.

This method of use, although far worse than the sword dust, but let her use of the light of the Holy Power, rose to a new level.

In the east, the snow is so intoxicated, completely intoxicated in it, forgetting the time, often confirming with Jian Chen, exchange experience, make up for the defects, and gradually let her find out the control method, the more perfect .

The sword dust is also harvested from the east to the snow, and through mutual verification with the east and the snow, this allows him to touch the higher level of the jihad rule in advance, and for the four-color element. In the field of Dan, he also had a vague perception through the snow in the east.

It can be said that this exchange has benefited not only from the east, but also from both of them.

Unconsciously, it has been half a month since I entered the Jianchendong House in the east.

In the past two months, the gossip about Changyang and Donglin Snow has been rumored in the Guangming Temple, and everyone knows it.

First, Changyang used the one-color Yuan Xiu as the "inside" to defeat the tri-color Yuan Dan, and the agreement between him and the fair new. Under the propaganda of the people, it spread the thousands of peaks and let many disciples do not care. .

But very quickly, this matter was overwhelmed with the long-term residence of the snow in the caves of Changyang in the east. In the bright temple, many bright sacred teachers are enthusiastic speculations about the east and the snow and Changyang. The relationship between, for a time, rumors.

At the same time, many high-level Guangming sacred priests who have a loving heart to the east, are also irritated, and many high-ranking sacred teachers have gathered in Feiyunfeng, forcing Feiyun Fengfeng’s main Han Xin to personally come forward. The Feiyun Peak will be closed and no one is allowed to step in.

Among these high-ranking sacred teachers, there are many noble names such as the elders of the temple and the descendants of the elders of the temple. These people combined with Han Xin’s pressure to put Han Xin under tremendous pressure.

Until the same as one of the ninety-nine main peaks, the arrival of Wanhuafengfeng in the east east of Qiushui, these high-level Guangming sects whose status is good are quiet.

Half a month later, the east of the snow has finally come out of the cave house of Jian Chen. However, just as he walked out of the Dongfu, the snow would be stunned in the east, and the look was full of horror.

I saw that the Yunshan Peak’s Guardian Array has been opened, and many Guangsheng sects are gathering in the sky, and are blocked by the Guardian Mountain. In the interior of the Feiyun Peak, not far from the Jianfu’s Dongfu, Feiyun Fengfeng’s main Han Xin And Wanhuafengfeng main Donglin Qiushui are standing side by side, and the eyes are brushed together in the east.

"Aunt, how come you?" Looking at it, I knew that Donglin Qiushui, who had been waiting here for a long time, suddenly stayed in Dongyang’s Dongfu for half a month, and the look of the snow in the east suddenly changed. It’s a bit unnatural.

"You don't pay attention to the impact, if I don't come, can you practice here safely for half a month?"

"But I have to say that you are not white, but the strength of Changyang is not very good, but the understanding of the light of the Holy Power is unique. The mutual verification between you and him is not too small." Donglin Qiushui continued.

"Aunt, do you know?"

"Hey, if I don't figure out what you are doing inside, I will let you stay in a man's cave for so long, I will already give you out, go, and go back with my aunt." Donglin Qiushui is not good. Said, I couldn’t help but say that I left the east and left the snow.

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