Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2306: Frightened

"Master, a glimpse of the beginning, can let us surpass the peaks of the past, and then go further and become more powerful." Zi Yan said, between the words, with a trace of heat.

Between the heavens and the earth, there is no temptation to make yourself stronger by living with a living being. Whether it is a large number of warriors, it is a congenital spirit like the purple sword spirit.

Hearing the words, Jian Chen was shocked. In the peak period, Ziqing Sword Spirit is already a very powerful existence. The two swords merge and the power destroys the earth. If it goes further, what kind of anti-sky level will be reached? ?

The gas of the beginning is so great that the help of Ziqing Sword Spirit is so great that it makes the Jian Chen feel stunned and wants to wait for it. Ziqing Sword Ling, has already recognized him as the main, Ziqing Sword Spirit has become stronger, it can also indirectly enhance his own combat power.

Jian Chen took a deep breath and calmed himself down. His eyes looked at the temple spirit at the beginning, and he said: "In fact, if you want to lift the curse, you don't have to be so troublesome. Just move one level with the saint. Too graciously shot, because it is easy to resolve the curse of a saint. If you want, I can find a way to find a sage-level powerhouse for you."

After learning that the gas of the beginning is of great use to Ziqing Jianling, Jian Chen will ponder how to get a glimpse of the beginning of the Ziqing sword spirit.

As for the ten drops of too much blood, he did not dare to think about it, because it was impossible to do it, and it would not be possible even for a long time in the future.

Looking for a strong and respectable person, although it is equally difficult to climb the sky, but it is easier than looking for ten drops of blood.

Jian Chen, on the other hand, is looking for a super-powerful person to take the opportunity to lift the curse for the Taichu Spirit.

After all, today's entire sacred world, too strong and strong, are few and foremost. With his current strength, it is not an easy task to see such strong people. Therefore, he exchanges for such a condition. At the beginning of the day, it is not too much.

And he also believes that once the Taizong-class power is known to the existence of the temple, the preciousness of the temple at the beginning of the temple will surely let the high-ranking Taizun personally protect the hand.

After all, this is the beginning of the temple, but a top artifact that is no worse than the purple and blue swords.

However, the words of Jian Chen seem to touch the anti-scale of the early temple spirit, so that the eyes of the Taishen spirit suddenly become sharp, and the fierce stare at the sword dust, cold channel: " Boy, you better not do this, otherwise, even if you have yin and yang to protect you, I will never spare you."

In the early days, the spirit of the temple was so excited, and the threatening words fell into the dust of the sword. Suddenly, the sword dust brows, and he stares at the old man who was transformed by the spirit of the beginning, for a time, actually Some of them can't figure out what the instrument is, and what is the abacus.

"In the beginning, the method that my master said is indeed the only way to help you get out of trouble quickly." Ziqing Jianling said with a disappointment.

At the beginning of the temple, the cold voice said: "Let the saints take the shot. I have already thought of this method. If I really want to do this, then I will have been out of trouble, and I will be trapped today."

"Just if the saints knew about my existence, then I will inevitably worship him. After my master fell, I did not want to surrender to anyone, even if they are the most powerful saints in the world..."

After listening to this, Jian Chen suddenly showed a strange color. He only felt that this is too primitive, it is too different. It has become an instrumental spirit, but he wants an unconstrained freedom.

Ziqing sword spirit looks at the beginning of the Taiyuan spirit, and said: "But you are only a spiritual, spiritual mission, it is to fight for their masters, you have to get rid of the fate of the constraints, almost impossible Even if you can hide for a while, you can't hide for a lifetime. As long as you get out of trouble and appear in the outside world, sooner or later you will be perceived by those heavens and the earth."

"Oh, these don't require you to worry about it." The beginning of the instrument is cold and cold: "Ten drops of sage blood, in exchange for a sigh of gas that can make you stronger, you are willing or not. I know now You are very weak, it is impossible to get the blood of the saints, but after all, you are the innate spirit of a yin and yang. In the future, you will have this ability sooner or later."

"The spirit of the beginning, if you want ten drops of sage blood, you should beg our master, not to find us." Ziqing Jianling responded.

"Your master?" Wen Yan, the spirit of the early squint looked at the sword dust, and there was a trace of disdain between the eyebrows: "Is he? Although I don't know why you chose him as the master, I don't think he really has it in the future. The ability for me to find ten drops of sage blood."

"Although there is already a drop of sage in his body, I can also feel that the drop of sage in his body is left for the sage of the last era. It is not from this era, he can get this. A drop of sage blood is all luck, and such luck cannot always be with him."

Speaking of this, the tone of Taichu Lingling suddenly became a meal, and the look was strange. He continued: "Do you mean, what do you mean, let me wait for your master to become a saint in the future?"

Not waiting for Ziqing Sword Spirit to speak, the beginning of the spirit is a sneer, said: "If you really think so, then I can only say that you are too naive. How tough to become a saint, to be I have more clarity than you have experienced."

"In the era when my master was in the vertical, the road of saints was also called the road of bones. The reason why there is such a name is because every saint is walking with a white bone. The creation of every saint is made up of endless bones and is buried in the heavens."

"Your master, perhaps with some skills, is one of the geniuses of the world. But in the future, he may also become a stepping stone to other sacred roads leading to saints."

"You asked me to put my hopes on your master. It seems to me that it just makes me waste time waiting."

The beginning of the instrument is plausible and eloquent, and between the words, there is no disguise to reveal the disdain for the sword dust.

Although he is only a kind of spirit, but after all, it is made by a sigh of arrogance, and he has his own arrogance. Even the world is supreme, and it is difficult for him to surrender, not to mention the fact that he is now a god. The sword of the border is gone.

Taichu Lingling dismissed the sword dust so much that it made Ziqing Jianling very angry. The Qingsuo, who was the embodiment of the green shirt, immediately said coldly: "Our master, there is no mediocrity that you said." At the beginning of the day, look at your eyes and look good."

"Hey, still not convinced? Well, let me yell at your yin and yang qi, where is it from." For Ziqing Sword Ling, Taichu Lingling is not too serious, but he still seriously Really, I looked at Fan Jianchen with a look of attitude.

However, in this look, suddenly his face changed greatly, and he seemed to be greatly frightened. His footsteps could not help but retreat. Even his unreal body made up of cyan rays was a violent Shaking, almost directly collapsed to open.

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