Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2307: Heaven and earth are not allowed

", impossible, this is absolutely impossible..." The beginning of the sorcerer’s footsteps could not stop, his eyes were full of shock, and with extreme Staring at Jian Chen in horror.

The ruin of the spirit of the beginning of the sword made the sword dust brow, and he said: "What did you see from me?"

"You, you, your existence, is not allowed by the heavens and the earth, the heavens and the earth can not tolerate you, your final ending, can not escape being ruined by the heavens and the earth. You have no good results, your path of growth, simply do not go In the end." The beginning of the instrument, pointing to the sword dust, issued a hysterical bark.

Its reaction at this time seems to have seen a terrible scene from Jian Chen’s body, even after experiencing an endless long period of time, living two epochs for a long time, and following a saint’s primordial spirit, Can't keep calm.

Jian Chen tightened his brows tightly. His eyes looked deeply at the beginning of the spirit, and the reaction of the Taishou Spirit at this time made him feel that he couldn’t help but think of the original tower when he was still in the Tianyuan continent. What I saw inside is really Taling.

At the beginning, it was true that Taling, after seeing his own future with his special ability, also changed like the current Taishou Ling, and made a similar exclamation.

"Can you tell me what you saw from me, my existence, why not be allowed by the heavens and the earth, why did the heavens and earth obliterate me?" Jian Chen asked again, eager to know from the mouth of the Taichu answer.

For the future of his own corner, Jian Chen is really curious, but at the same time there are some deep uneasiness and worry.

Being smothered by the heavens and the earth, just thinking about it, it is chilling, which makes it difficult for Jian Chen’s heart to calm down.

"Because, because you are taboo, your existence, you should not appear because of it. As for what I saw, this is a secret, can't reveal to you..." The stunned eyes stared at Jian Chen, and the shock was undecided. Said.

At this moment, it looked at Jian Chen's gaze, became surprisingly dignified, and never looked down on it.

"Perhaps you haven't noticed any abnormalities yet, and you don't feel any signs of ignorance. It's because you are too weak now. If you are weak, you can easily get a strong one. You can easily pinch you. To the point, therefore, you will naturally not touch the taboo. But in the future, when your strength reaches a sufficient height, you will naturally know what you will eventually face, then you will be with the whole world, the whole universe. The world is an enemy."

"The heavens and the earth will obliterate you. No one can help you, including the most powerful saints in the world, and you can't shelter you. Even if it is yin and yang, it will not play any role in the future. Your only ending is death. The complete dissipating between the heavens and the earth, this is your ultimate destination." The beginning of the instrument, the spirit is very low.

"Oh, it’s too clever. Now it’s too early to conclude. You can clearly see the owner fall in the future of that corner?"

The words of the beginning of the instrument, causing the strong dissatisfaction of Ziqing sword spirit, Ziyan immediately retorted.

"It is targeted by the heavens and the earth, and no living beings can be spared. Even if it is powerful like a saint, it is still not at the end of the Epoch Times. It is fallen under the infinite amount of robbery and is cleared by the heavens and the earth."

"The vast majority of the saints in your mouth are just some of the most important talents with extraordinary talents. They grow up step by step, and they can be compared with their masters." Zi Yan shouted.

"Since the master has appeared, it will never fall. Even if it is in the face of the destruction of the heavens and the earth in the future, it will eventually be spent in horror." Qingsuo also vowed to say that he is full of confidence in Jian Chen.

The beginning of the instrument is silent, at this time it has gradually calmed down, staring at the sword dust, the old eyes flashing wise light.

After a while, it suddenly said: "If you can find ten drops of sage blood for me, let me break the curse of a saint, then I can change my original thoughts for you, give you the Lord, let you be me. The second owner."

"Follow me, let me be your second master?" The sudden change of the attitude of the beginning of the spirit, the sword dust look a glimpse, he stared at the uncanny spirit, sneered: "You The conditions are really tempting, but in my opinion, this will not bring much help to me. Because when I have the ability to get enough of the blood, you may, for me, maybe It’s no longer useful.”

"Unless, you are now based on me. Only in this way, I will spare no effort to search for you too much."

The beginning of the instrument shakes his head: "The curse of the Taoist sage is not removed, I can not only leave here, but also can not bring you any help. If you want me to be the Lord, for your use, you must Give me ten drops of blood and let me regain my freedom."

"And I believe that before you become a saint, my help to you will be far more than yin and yang." Self-confidence.

Immediately, Jian Chen felt that the line of sight in front of him suddenly changed. He had been brought to another dim space by the Taishou Spirit, and in front of him, dozens of abnormally tall creatures were closing their eyes. Sitting cross-legged there.

These creatures look like humans from the outside, but in reality, they are not human.

"Is it, they are the strongest fighters who have followed my masters in the past, even though they have already fallen, and they have lost their lives, but their bodies and all the strengths in the body are protected by my initial power. Under the perfect preservation, as long as they implant a new soul, they can fight for you immediately."

"Do these people have strong strength?" Jian Chen asked, and he stared at the long-lost warriors in front of him. These powerful people are all ancient creatures before the two eras.

"Before you become a saint, these warriors will be your greatest help. After all, they used to be cultivated by my master Taiqing saints."

Hearing this statement, Jian Chen immediately felt his heart, and his eyes became hot. From the words of the early temple spirit, it is not difficult to guess how powerful these battles are.

"Of course, before you find the drip of the saints for me, these warlords will never be able to fight for you. The power of the curse of the Taoist shackles me, before the power of the curse is lifted, I There is simply not enough ability to wake them up." The temple spirit continued to say.

"That drop of saint blood, can you wake up one or two warriors?" Jian Chen asked hotly. If it is a drop, then he can get it now.

"No, ten drops of sage blood, one drop can not be less, otherwise, it will not break the curse of a saint."

"There is no way." The words of the beginning of the instrument, like a bucket of cold water poured from the top of the sword dust, can instantly make the fantasy of Jian Chen burst.

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