Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2438: Chishui City

"Things are not as simple as you think. If you want to stop it, you can only be enemies. In addition, since this sword dust is really true, it is still secret in the moment. Paying attention to his movements, if you want to let Jian Chen die, you must first have to be true." Weeping blood said too much, and he was a little jealous in his heart.

"However, if Jian Chen really fell down because of an accident, it can indeed have a great impact on the truth. After all, too respectful for heaven, heaven is also ruthless, but really for the feeling of love, since falling into love, It has already violated the law of the operation of the heavens. Therefore, she must smother the evil spirits by killing the sword dust, so that she can break free from the love network, return to herself, and restore her heart."

"If the sword dust can break her line from the love network, so that she can not recover her heart, can not find herself, then she will get big problems sooner or later."

"Master, then we have to find opportunities." Jiuyi Xingjun is careful.

Waiting for him to finish his words, the blood of too much will raise his hand to stop the next words of Jiu Xingjun, saying: "You must not mess with this matter, but now I am really secretly paying attention to the movement of Jian Chen, her strength. Although it has not fully recovered, the will can come to any place in the sanctuary in an instant. If she does not want it, no one can kill the sword dust."

"However, the chaotic air in the chaotic space will erupt in the near future. By that time, all the sacred people in the sacred world, the fairy world and the demon world will go to the chaotic space, and it is naturally no exception. If she goes to the chaotic space, then It will not be able to sense anything in the sacred world, this may be an opportunity."

"Master, then we are not able to" Jiuyi Xingjun eyes bright.

"Whoever killed Jian Chen, who is really the enemy of life and death, if Jian Chen really accidentally fallen, then his death, absolutely can not have anything to do with you." Weeping blood said too seriously.

"The disciple understands."

Blue Blue, in a bustling city in the middle of the domain, Jian Chen and Xu Rang just walked out from a cross-domain transmission array.

They have now entered the sphere of influence of the Youshuizong, and the city that is currently in the possession belongs to the secluded sect.

"In the secluded sect, the Taishiqiang is only one person from Haishan, but now the old man of Haishan is dead. The secluded sect is naturally greatly reduced. The only trouble is the few people in the secluded sect. Yuan Jing." Xu Ran voiced the sound of Jian Chen, analyzing the current power of the secluded sect, and discussing the matter of destroying the sect.

"There are five great elders in the Youshui Sect. These five elders are all elders. They are all in the beginning of the mixed-race. Among them, one in the early days of the mixed-age, two in the middle and two in the latter, these three mixed-ages are not difficult to deal with in the early and middle stages. The real trouble is that the two mixed elements are late."

"I have already explored the strengths of the two people. They are a nine-day and an eight-day." Xu Ran’s face became a bit serious, saying: "My realm is now in the mixed world, if it is counted. I have mastered all kinds of ancient magical powers and mysteries. I can overcome the six heavens of the mixed world, and the other side must be the same kind of ordinary mixed-age six heavens. If those talents are extraordinary, comprehend the powerful law, the combat power. Superb people, I may only be able to compete with each other."

"As for the seven days of the beginning of the mixed yuan, this is already the late stage of the mixed element. In my current realm, even if I encounter some ordinary mixed-ages, I can only protect myself. Eight days, I will Far from being an opponent."

"Then add nine robbing to the heart?" Jian Chen opened, he looked calm, and did not feel any pressure because of the strength of the secluded sect.

This time, he made preparations for the sake of killing the old people of Haishan. Even the old people of Haishan were dare to start with three heavens, and they couldn’t help them.

"You don't know about the nine robbers, and the nine robbers are a special array of attacks on the gods. If this is used against one person, the power will be the strongest, even for the Taishiqiang. It can also make an impact. If it is used to deal with many people, the power will be greatly reduced. After all, the special attack on the gods is not the same as the ordinary array."

Xu Ran looked at Jian Chen and said: "In addition, there is only one in the nine robbers, and the mixed environment of the secluded sect, but there are five full. This array does not necessarily make all the mixes. Yuan Shijing is shrouded in. Therefore, in order to prevent accidents, the opportunity of the shot of Wan Gulou may be used."

"Predecessors, seniors, you must be the first time to come to Chishui City, buy a map, the detailed description of every place in Chishui City." At this time, a person does not seem to be 16 or 17 years old. The girl took the sword dust, her bright eyes stared at Jian Chen with a bit of sly color, and sold the map of Chishui City to Jian Chen.

Jian Chen looked at the girl and found that the girl was a handsome man. Although she was not the kind of beauty bill of the country, she had a temperament that was not stained.

Moreover, her strength is also weak and poor, only the repair of the Sky Master, the clothes on her body are also ragged, looks like a little nephew.

Jian Chen saw at a glance that the true age of this girl is really like her face. It is only a teenager, not an old monster who has practiced for countless years.

A poor girl who is only a few years old and weak in strength, but sells maps in Chishui City, where the gods are not in the minority. It takes a lot of courage and courage. If you don’t pay attention, you will be in danger of falling. Let's go.

Jian Chen couldn't help but look at the girl deeply, especially when he saw the girl with a bit of timidity and nervousness, and at the same time full of expectation, the soft side of the heart seemed to be touched, saying: "Well, I buy one. How many gods!"

Wen Yan, the girl’s eyes suddenly brightened, and immediately revealed the color of excitement, the busy road: “Not expensive, not expensive, the predecessor, a map of Chishui City, as long as ten pieces of Shenjing.” This girl seems to be afraid of the sword dust and repent, staring nervously at Jian Chen.

Immediately, Jian Chen took out ten pieces of Shen Jing, and bought a map from the girl.

However, in the dark, he has quietly inserted a thousand pieces of fine crystal into the low-level space ring on the girl's finger.

The strength of the girl is too weak, he dare not directly give the best of the crystal, afraid to bring this girl a curse, the top quality Shen Jing is relatively safe.

Immediately, Jian Chen and the girl did not say much, and left with Xu Ran.

"This kind of little person, in the sacred world, I don't know what, your sudden goodwill, maybe one day in the future, will become your weakness." Silently paying attention to all this, Ran said.

Jian Chen did not speak, but slowly opened the map bought from the girl.

The map is very rough, it can be said that it is not professional at all. It can't be compared with the maps sold in the shops. Even the streets drawn on the map are crooked and irregular.

Looking at this map, Jian Chen’s heart sighed. He saw the map at a glance, fearing that the girl had drawn it by hand.

"Let me go, let go of me, beg you to let me go, don't catch me." Just then, a familiar exclamation came.

I saw the side, a few warriors dressed in uniforms, and the girl who just sold the map to Jian Chen was being forcibly taken away by one of the warriors.

These warriors are all cultivators, and only the girls of the sky sage are in their hands, and they have no resistance.

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