Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2439: Destroyed City House (1)

Such a scene was naturally seen by many warriors on the street. Everyone looked at the girl who was arrested with sympathy and regret, and no one dared to stand up and stop.

It seems that those who took the girl's sacred warriors, so many of the heavens here, even the more powerful main deities, are extremely jealous and dare not provoke them.

Seeing this, Jian Chen’s gaze was cold. He shook his body in front of the few people and asked with a blank expression: “Several people, I don’t know what sin the younger sister committed, why do you want to take her away? ”

Looking at the sword dust in front of himself, the few people who took the little girl’s sacred martial arts Qi Qilu’s mistakes were stunned, but immediately the face showed sneer, one of them looked at Jian Chen with a mocking look: “The kid Do you know who we are? Advise you to do nothing, otherwise you can't live out of Chishui City."

"Daoyou, these are the people of the Red Water City, and they must not offend them..." At the same time, in the ear of Jian Chen, there are also many voices of the military.

As soon as he heard the Red Master of Chishui City, Jian Chen immediately understood everything. His eyes suddenly became chilly. Cold voice: "Let her go."

Seeing that Jian Chen didn't know how to be good, these few men in Chishui City were also angry, and their faces became gloomy. Immediately, three people took out the sacrificial ware in a scream of anger, murderous toward Jian Chen. go with.

Jian Chen faceless expression, I saw his sleeves arbitrarily radiant, the streets are instantly stunned, the brilliance of the brilliance, the fierce swordsman has already shrouded these few Chishui City masters.

Suddenly, the three sachets of the lower stalks were directly shattered under the shroud of the Jianguang, and became a fine powder like gravel, and those who took the little girl were under the cover of the sword. It seems that it has been treated like a thousand knives, the flesh begins to disappear, and the whole body bones are turned into ashes.

In an instant, the bodies of these sacred warriors disappeared, and under the cover of Jianguang, they turned into nothingness.

But they did not die, their gods were floating there, they were all dull, staring at Jian Chen with a look of horror.

Jian Chen only ruined their flesh and did not destroy their gods.

On the bustling street, it suddenly became silent. At this moment, on both sides of the street, everyone stopped involuntarily. They all looked at the gods floating in the air in the air, and they burst into the waves.

It is not difficult to destroy the flesh of a few people's gods. Several of the main gods in the crowd can easily do it.

But if you want to make the sword dust so easy and casual, just wave your hand and let the body of several people disappear into the invisible, leaving only the gods, which is somewhat shocking.

" are waiting for me..." At this moment, the group of gods finally reflected, and dropped a swearword and immediately flew toward the main city of Chishuichengcheng. .

Jian Chen, as if to do a trivial thing, he did not care about the escape of the group of gods, slowly walked to the little girl: "Are you okay?"

The little girl was pale and her face was full of fear and fear. She couldn't help but open the distance from the sword dust. The voice shook: "I...I...I..." Originally, I wanted to say "I am fine", but her trembling and scared voice could not spit out the latter two words.

After all, she is only a teenager, she has not experienced great winds and waves, and her psychological endurance is not so strong. What happened at the moment has already scared her.

"Don't be afraid, there is me here, no one has hurt you in Chishui City." Jian Chen said softly.

Xu Ran stood on one side and looked at it all silently. Without saying a word, in her opinion, Jian Chen’s move had no meaning at all.

She has already cultivated and she does not know how many years have passed. Similar things, she does not know how many times she has seen it. Her heart is already numb, and she will hardly feel pity like Jian Chen.

At this moment, a wave of pressure came and I saw the direction of the main government of Chishui City. Hundreds of soldiers wearing armor were led by an old man and rushed to the air.

"What is the matter, that is, he is that the man has destroyed our body." Beside the old man, a **** who had just been destroyed by the sword dust was shouting.

Without the old man's instructions, the soldiers who followed the old man were rushing in, surrounded by Jian Chen and the little girl.

The little girl was nervous, feared to the extreme, and the petite body shivered.

"Don't be afraid!" Jian Chen's hand gently placed on the shoulder of the little girl, comforting.

"Who is the lord, who dared to injure our city's main house in Chishui City, is really courageous." The old man was suspended at a height of three meters, and the condescending cold voice.

"What sin did this little girl commit? Why do you want to take her away?" Jian Chen looked straight at the old man.

Wen Yan said that the old man immediately sighed coldly and indifferently: "In Chishui City, we want to arrest someone, what sin, what we have, our city owners have the final say. It is you, the person who injured our city, this But here is the crime of death." Speaking of this, the old man waved his hand and gave a command: "Take this person, if there is resistance, kill it on the spot."

Suddenly, many warriors gathered on both sides of the street were far away, and many buildings standing on both sides of the street also opened up the array at this moment, and the hundreds of soldiers surrounded by Jian Chen and the little girl were in an instant. Forming a battle array, powerful energy is boiling, killing toward the sword dust.

"Is the city government of Chishui City so overbearing? If so, then the city government of Chishui City, there is no need to continue to stay." Jian Chen said coldly, the battlefield composed of hundreds of soldiers was directly He ignored it.

Although there are many gods among these soldiers, the formation of the battle power is enough to threaten the Lord God, but in front of Jian Chen, it is still vulnerable.

He was still dancing in his sleeves, and the wave of battles caused the battle to collapse. He immediately wounded hundreds of soldiers, and immediately his body swayed, and he came to the old man like a ghost. When the old man had not reacted, he pinched it. I lived in the neck of this old man and raised him.

The old man was in a big heart. Until now, he realized that he had provoked a powerful and powerful man. Under his fear, he had a difficult opening: "Chishui City is the site of the secluded waters, we are Chishui. The city's lord is a very high-ranking deacon in the secluded sect. If you offend us, you will offend the secluded sect. The secluded sect will not let you go."

He did not mention that the secluded water sect was good, and when he mentioned the secluded water sect, the killing of Jian Chen suddenly rose.

He did not kill the old man's mind, but after the old man mentioned the secluded sect, the killing in the sword dust chest would be difficult to converge.

I saw the palm of his hand holding the old man's neck. Suddenly, the sword was shining, and the fierce sword gas directly penetrated the old man's head, and he was destroyed on the spot.

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