Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2441: Destroyed City (3)

"There was actually the use of the guardian array method set by the ancestors of the Guan family. This guardian array method was launched once, but it took a lot of energy. Feifei brother was a little fuss."

"In the early days of killing a **** with the power of the guardian method, this is indeed a knife that kills chickens..."

After Guan Feiyu, the two deacons from Youshuizong whispered.

Obviously, the two deacons did not put the sword dust in their eyes.

However, the next moment, the things that made the two deacons horrified happened.

I saw Jian Chen's finger pointing to the sky. At the fingertips, there was immediately a sword spurting out, such as turning into a brilliance of lightning, with the power of the kendo law rising from the sky.

When the sword gas touched the energy light column emitted by the guardian array in Chishui City, there was no imaginary roaring sound. The huge energy light column was directly cut into two halves by the sword air. It was broken everywhere.

After that, the remaining strength of the sword will not be reduced, and will continue to skyrocket, with a ruin of the destruction of the earth, and the bombardment of the squad in Chishui City.


Suddenly, a deafening roar sounded in the sky, and the entire Chishui City was shaking in violently. The earth shook the mountain. It was like a terrible earthquake. Many ancient buildings standing in the city also They have collapsed.

I saw the sky in the sky, the guardianship of Chishui City was torn apart, and the numerous arrays of formations of the formation were also bursting at this moment.

In an instant, the guardianship method that shrouded Chishui City was completely destroyed and could not be repaired.

The eyes of the Chishui City, the main Guanfei Fei, who witnessed this scene, were eye-catching, staring at the sky of Chishui City, showing the gloom.

"The beginning of the world" Guan Feiyu was a bit stunned. He looked at the sword dust with an ugly look. His eyes showed deep jealousy, mixed with it, and some anger.

At this moment, Guan Feiyu’s heart is dark and secret. Since you are a strong starter, can you directly show your strength? If you face a strong starter, he will never dare to have any arrogance. Everything is Can be negotiated to resolve.

But you have to hide your own strength, so that the original thing but the big point of sesame has evolved into this situation.

In particular, the ruined guardian of Chishui City has made Guan Feiyu’s heart drop blood. This is the starting point of the array, which is extremely difficult to arrange.

"Predecessor" Guan Feiyu's face is ugly, but Jian Chen simply doesn't give him time to talk. He only saw his finger pointing, but also a strong sword gas shot, with the pressure of the beginning to fight in the defense of the city government. On the array.

In Chishui City, there are two powerful guards, one of which is the guardianship of Chishui City, which is used to guard the entire city.

The other is the array of the city's government, which is only used to protect the city's government.

Both of these methods are at the level of the beginning.

Moreover, the order of the city government is stronger than the array of Chishui City.

However, it is also limited in strength and can only block the attack of the three-day day of the Promise.

In the case of Jian Chen, without using the artifact, the combat power has reached the six-day heaven of the Promise, which can only block the formation of the Three-day Heaven of the Promise, and his hands are naturally vulnerable.

I only listened to a loud noise, and the pattern of the city’s government was bursting under the attack of Jian Chen. The powerful energy aftermath raged and drove directly to the old building where the city’s main building existed for a long time. Give destruction.

In an instant, the city’s main government was ruined, and many soldiers wearing armor and some servants were fleeing in the ruins.

The control of the energy of the sword dust has reached the point where the fire is pure. The power of this attack can just break the battle of the city government, and the energy afterglow generated can just give the city capital that lost the protection of the law. For the flat, not too much harm to innocent people.

"Predecessors, what is your intention? Don't forget that our Chishui City is the site of the secluded waters." Guan Feiyu's face changed greatly, so it was so easy to break the battle of the city's government, which made him see the power of Jian Chen.

"I said that the city government of Chishui City, there is no need to continue to stay." Jian Chen said, the body is boiling. To extinguish the secluded water sect, start from Chishuicheng.

Feeling the killing of Jian Chen, Guan Feiyu knew the seriousness of the matter. He did not hesitate, and immediately crushed a piece of jade, and asked for help from Youshui.

"Fei Yu brother, the two of us immediately went back to Zongmen for help." After Guan Feiyu, the faces of the two secluded sects have already become pale. They all bowed to Guan Feiyu and immediately ignored the attitude of Guan Feiyu. It is the fastest speed to the direction of the secluded sect.

"The people of Youshui Zong, one don't want to leave." Jian Chen's eyes are cold and indifferent. He doesn't look at the two deacons. It's just his eyes. At this moment, he suddenly becomes bright and extremely infinite. The sword is hidden in it, which makes people dare not look straight.

Suddenly, a horrible sword was filled out, with the sword dust as the center, covering a hundred thousand miles.

This is the supreme kendo of Jian Chen. Without the martial art, Jian Chen instantly became the only **** in the space of 100,000 miles. He dominated the life and death of all beings. All the warriors under his realm, life and death. His thoughts.

The two secluded deacons who have escaped thousands of miles away by secret method feel only that they are in a sea of ​​oceans formed by endless swords. In an instant, the endless swords are drowning them, making them The body was turned into a **** fog, and even the screams did not have a chance to be sent out.

"You have killed the disciples of Youshui Zong" Guan Feiyu exclaimed, and the secluded water sect is one of the top sects on this land. It is not so easy to kill the priests of the sage.

At this time, a scream came and I saw that in the ruins of the city's main government, a young man was **** with an invisible force, and his face was full of horror.

This young man is the owner of the city of Chishui City. It is obviously a matter of doing things.

Jian Chen’s gaze suddenly looked at the boy. The next moment, he saw the young man’s screaming screams, his expression was extremely painful, and he seemed to suffer from the most cruel torture in the world.

I saw his body, starting from his feet, disappearing bit by bit, turning into a **** rain falling from the sky, gradually spreading toward the waist, then the head.

After only a few breaths, the young master of Chishui City has fallen, and died under the supreme kendo of Jian Chen. The form is completely destroyed. Like the other two secluded disciples, there is no perfect body.

In the end, Jian Chen looked at the main feathers of Chishui City, and between them, Guan Feiyu directly disappeared and stepped into the footsteps of the other four.

With the current state of the sword dust, his supreme kendo can dominate the life and death of any **** king. No one can be exceptional. Only the strongest person can compete.

"From today, the main house of Chishui City will cease to exist. I will give you ten minutes. All the unrelated people will leave the city government. After the break, kill the innocent!"

His voice just fell, and in the ruins of the city's main government, it was a shadow of people, and many gray-faced soldiers and servants left the place at the fastest speed.

After the tenth interest, there is no one living in the ruins of the city government.

The sword dust sleeves are gently waved, and suddenly there is a sky of swords coming, endless, such as light rain generally shuttles through the ruins.

In an instant, the ruins disappeared and the entire city government was completely razed to the ground without leaving a brick and a tile.

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