Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2442: Causal line

The main building of Chishui City, the large building, under the sword of Jian Chen, completely turned into a group of ashes, scattered with the wind.

Around the city's main government, it has already been a sea of ​​people. The movements that took place here in the city's main government are too big. It has alarmed the whole Chishui City. All the powerful warriors have gathered here. They are far away, and they are all looking at the building that has disappeared in front of them, and the waves are screaming in their hearts.

The city's main government is not only a day in Chishui City, but also a spokesperson for the Lishui Sect. The background is extremely large.

But now, the city's main government has been razed to the ground, which has caused a lot of shock to the hearts of the people.

The eyes of all people, in the same place, converge in front of the city government, the young man wearing a white robe, fluttering in the wind, the colors of worship, shock, jealousy, fear have emerged.

"Fang Jinger, you don't have to worry about the people in the city's government in the future." Jian Chen's look did not see any slight change, and it was light and windy. He turned his head and said to the little girl behind him.

However, Fang Jinger seems to have not heard the words of Jian Chen. She only saw her eyes squinting, staring at the city seat that had been razed to the ground, and her face was unbelievable.

The main government of Chishuichengcheng, in the eyes of Fang Jinger, has always been a sacred place that is unattainable. It is the well-deserved hegemon in Chishui City. The command of the city government, the people in Chishui City dare not follow.

But now, in her eyes, it is like a god-like city government, which disappeared completely in front of her, which made Fang Jinger not return to God for a long time.

She even more couldn't think of the "young predecessor" who bought her a rough map not long ago. It turned out to be a super strong man with such a terrible strength.

However, at this moment, Jian Chen’s gaze suddenly condensed, and he stared at Fang Jinger for a moment.

I saw him on Fang Jinger, seeing the causal line one by one, and each causal line spread in different directions.

This is nothing. There is cause and effect in the world. Any warrior has more or less causal entanglement. It is only this cause and effect. Except for the superpowers who have been cultivated to the highest level and have already reached the peak of their dying, they can only be seen by those who understand the cause and effect.

Causal way, Jian Chen was already in the Bohai Jingu Shrine, and he has already realized through six reincarnations, so he can see the causal line.

He first bought a map from Fang Jinger, and then saved her from the people in the city's main house. Now, by the act of Fang Jinger, he killed the city government in one fell swoop. Therefore, he also worked with Fang Jing. Causal was established between the children.

What surprised Jian Chen was that the causal line between him and Fang Jinger was very strong, and the intensity of the causal line was far beyond the level of Ping Shui’s meeting. more than.

"This..." Jian Chen is stunned and puzzling. How can he and Fang Jinger's causal line be so strong?

Jian Chen’s eyes looked deep into Fang Jinger’s eyes, his eyes flashing and he was uncertain.

After a moment of silence, he spoke again, saying: "Fang Jinger, let's go see your grandfather." After the words were finished, Jian Chen's sleeves waved, and the space law was pervasive. He had disappeared with Fang Jinger.

He can see Fang Jinger's causal line. Through Fang Jinger's causal line, he already knows the exact position of Fang Jinger's grandfather in Chishuicheng.

"Hey!" Looking at the direction in which Jian Chen and Fang Jinger disappeared, Xu Yan stood on one side and sighed softly, and his body shape disappeared quietly.

In a very remote place in Chishui City, there is a small stone house built entirely of rock. The light in the stone house is dim, and there is a stinking scent.

Just then, in front of the stone house, the space suddenly fluctuated, and the shape of Jian Chen and Fang Jinger quietly appeared.

"Ah--" At this time, Fang Jinger was just awakened as she dreamed. She looked at the stone house that had suddenly lived in front of her for more than ten years, and could not help but scream.

I am not in the city government, how come I suddenly returned home?

Fang Jinger feels like dreaming.

"Go in, go see your grandfather." Jian Chen said, the line of cause and effect between him and Fang Jinger is so deep, which makes him look at Fang Jinger's eyes also become different.

Although he did not know why the causal line between himself and Fang Jinger became so deep, he already understood that the relationship between him and Fang Jinger was definitely not as simple as meeting each other.

Fang Jinger looked at the eyebrow dust and looked at it with a slight hesitation. Only then gently pushed open the dilapidated wooden door and went inside.

The space inside the stone house is very small, the light is very dim, and in the position near the corner, a pale old man is lying on the stone bed with powerlessness. The floor on the side of the body is already dry blood, stench, just from These blood are scattered out.

Fang Jinger, seems to have been accustomed to this foul smell, did not reveal the slightest color, she flew into the stone house and pounced on the old man, showing deep concern and grief between the look.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, I am back..." Fang Jinger is whispering, seemingly afraid that his voice is too loud and will disturb the old man.

Hearing the sound, the old man’s eyelids shivered slightly, and his closed eyes finally broke open, revealing a pair of bleak eyes.

Jian Chen stared at the old man and wanted to see if the cause and effect between himself and Fang Jinger were related to the old man.

At first glance, he was disappointed. He and the old man did not have any cause and effect.

In other words, before coming here, he has no relationship with this old man.

"Jinger is coming back. These days, you are not wronged outside." The old man said weakly, his eyes filled with deep love and jealousy.

Fang Jinger shook his head and said: "Grandpa, Jinger has sold nine maps this month. As long as you sell another map, Jinger can buy a healing medicine for Grandpa, let the grandfather live again. One month. Grandpa, you can rest assured that Jinger will definitely work hard to sell maps, and if you earn enough Shenjing, go buy those high-quality medicinal herbs and let Grandpa completely recover."

"Give this medicinal medicine to your grandfather. This medicinal medicine can not only completely cure your grandfather's injury, but also make your grandfather renovate." The voice of Jian Chen came and he held his hand. A thumb-sized remedy was handed to Fang Jinger.

"It is really a violent weapon to use a god-level medicinal herb to treat a warrior who has been repaired only as a realm of the Holy Emperor." Outside the stone house, Xu couldn't help it.

"Thank you...Thank you for your predecessors!" Fang Jinger took a smack from the hands of Jian Chen with a look of surprise, and gave her grandfather with excitement.

Suddenly, a majestic glory shrouded the old man’s body, and the power of the god-level healing medicinal herbs began to play, forming a layer of faint white fog to wrap the old man.

"With only a few breaths, your grandfather's injury will be fully restored, but the drug's potency is strong, and the residual potency will make your grandfather repair, so your grandfather will not immediately recover after the injury is recovered. Wake up, I will practice for a while." Jian Chen said to Fang Jinger, hesitating a little, he took a practice and some cultivation resources from the space ring and handed it to Fang Jinger, saying: "In the future, you also Don't go to sell the map, find a quiet place to practice, and only have your own strength to survive in this world."

"Thank you...Thank you for your predecessors, the great grace of the predecessors, Fang Jinger will definitely repay in the future..." Fang Jinger was grateful.

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