Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2443: Ants

The help of Jian Chen’s quiet child is just here. Why is the causal line between him and Fang Jinger so thick, which makes Jian Chen himself unable to understand.

Before clearing the mystery implied in these causal lines, Jian Chen naturally would not vigorously cultivate Fang Jinger.

Because of this causal line, there are both good and bad, but he is still too shallow on his understanding of Causal Avenue, and his understanding of the cause and effect is not profound. Therefore, he cannot see the causal line between him and Fang Jinger. Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing for him.

Even, he can even see the causal line on Fang Jinger's body because Fang Jinger's cultivation is too low. If he encounters a high-level warrior, he can't see the other's cause and effect.

"The way of causality" Jian Chen’s heart meditation, secretly shook his head, he is now majoring in kendo, where there is extra time and energy to learn the cause and effect, he does not know when he can understand the cause and effect to the deep realm.

There are too many rules of his current understanding. In addition to the strongest kendo, there are also rules of creation, laws of destruction, laws of fire, laws of erosion, rules of curse, laws of power, rules of space.

These seven rules are obtained by the golden rule that he inherited in the depths of the wilderness of the wilderness. Nowadays, only the initial level of the kingdom of the kingdom is not enough for the opponents he is currently facing. It is.

In addition, there are jihad rules and martial arts power.

Therefore, he does not have enough energy and time at all to improve other rules.

After all, the enlightenment of each law takes a long time, and there is no shortcut to go one step at a time.

"There is a stepless beginning to dare to come here." Xu Ran's voice came into the dust of the sword.

Jian Chen nodded. He knew that the main Guan Feiyu of Chishui City City had crushed a piece of jade before the death. The heart had already expected that there would be strong people from the beginning.

This is exactly what he wants. If you can kill some of the strongstarters here, then when he goes to the secluded waters, the resistance will be reduced.

Jian Chen and Xu Ran quietly left, they left Chishui City and flew away in the direction of the secluded sect.

In the end, they stopped thousands of miles away from Chishui City. The Chishui City transmission array is closed. If you want to feel Chishui City from the Sesame River, it is a must.

After about a musk, an old man's body, like a residual image, is coming from a distant place at a very fast speed, and rushes straight in the direction of Chishuicheng.

In him, there is a vast breath that emerges and looks at its strength, apparently reaching the level of the Promise.

The Jian Chen is suspended in the sky with his arms, the height is equivalent to the old man, just blocking the old man's way.

"Who are you?" The old man stopped at Jian Chen's kilometer, his eyes looked like a torch, and he looked sharply at Jian Chen.

"You are the person of Youshui Zong?" Jian Chen no expression, no answer.

The old man snorted and said: "Old man Guan Wan, one of the elders of Youshui, sir, you block the old man to go, what is the purpose?"

When talking, Guan Wan’s knowledge has spread overwhelmingly, and in a flash he spread to thousands of miles away, shrouded the entire Chishui City.

Suddenly, his face changed greatly, his body was boiling, his anger was rushing to the crown, and he shouted: "Who? Who is the one who destroyed the city government, the old man will definitely smash you up." Immediately, Guan Wan eyes suddenly looked at Jian Chen, eyes Deaf and terrible, angered: "It is you, you must have done it right, you have destroyed us."

"Yes, it's really what I did, but if I want to smash my bones, it's not enough because of the strength of your second life. I don't want to kill you. Only." Jian Chen cold channel, completely did not put Guanjia in the eyes.

As soon as the voice fell, Jian Chen broke his hand and saw that his sword was filled with air, and the endless swordsmanship suddenly appeared, bringing together a group of white light that would instantly hang over.

Jian Chen comprehends the martial art, is the king of the kendo, the strong law of the kendo, has far surpassed the same level of power, only need to move, you can condense thousands of swords, change with its mind.

Guan Wan, who was shrouded in swordsmanship, was unable to resist the sword air attack from all sides despite the defense at the first time.

I saw a shield formed by his own energy. Under the attack of Jianqi, the armor worn on the body only insisted on a breathing time, and it was already riddled with holes.

Although Guan Wan is said to be an imperial dual-cultivation, there is no artifact on the body, and the strongest defensive armor is only the grade of the best saint.

These levels of saints can be easily destroyed by the strength of the sword dust.

"Ah!" Guan Wan angered, he applied the secret method, the energy surged in the body, and the law had the power to cover him, and made a full blow, after breaking some swords, he rushed out at the fastest speed. .

When he rushed out of the Jianqi field of Jian Chen, he had become extremely embarrassed, and his body was covered with big and small injuries, and he was covered in blood.

"Who are you?" Guan Wan's face changed, and his look became extremely dignified and horrified.

Just one face-to-face, he fell into such awkward end, the strength of this young man in front of him, is not his enemy.

The next moment, in the hands of Guan Wan, there was a quaint jade symbol. He first thought of asking for help from Zongmen.

"A rescue from the beginning of the Promise, most of them will alarm the beginning of the mixed yuan, can not let you do so." Jian Chen eyes cold, I saw at his fingertips, there is a very small white line flashing.

This is Jianqi, a powerful sword of the sword, is the result of the Jianshui's own sacred sacred sensation, although it seems inconspicuous, but its power is strong, so that the endless period must be moving.

I saw that the sword was dying, and the next moment, I heard Guan Wan’s voice screaming.

I saw that Guan Wan held the hand of Yu Fu, the blood at the wrist was like a fountain, and his palm had been cut off.

Yu Fu, who had not had time to crush it, fell to the ground.

"Dead!" Jian Chen eyes cold, his fingers suddenly pointed to Guan Wan, I saw a slight vibration in the space, Guan Wan's eyebrows, it is a silent finger-sized blood hole.

His head has been pierced, the gods are crushed, and the gods are gone!

A second day of the Promise, he died in the hands of Jian Chen, and was killed by Jian Chen with little effort.

There was no fluctuation in the spirit of Jian Chen. He came to Guan Wan and took off the space ring of Guan Wan. Together with Guan Wan’s body, he collected it.

The physical body of the strongstarter is extremely valuable for the current Jian Chen, but it is the best food for feeding the fairy scent.

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