Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2484: Tianhuozhou

"Eight teacher, this search virtual spaceship is made by the teacher, the grade is good, although it is only a piece of artifact, but it has reached the peak of the next artifact, although it is not a Chinese artifact, but in some convenience, than The artifacts of the Chinese products are all beyond."

The five-sister Su Qi took out a white flying shuttle.

The shuttle looks like a diamond-shaped crystal, and it is floating quietly between her palms at the moment, emitting a faint white light, with artifacts spreading.

"Because you have to leave Wushen Mountain, you must be in a hurry. The refining of this empty spaceship, the speed can be compared to the beginning of the mixed yuan, and even some of the weak points of the mixed environment can not catch up with this search spaceship. In addition, This Void spacecraft not only has speed, but also has strong defense and penetrating power. Once its speed is maximized, it will have a strong attacking power and can directly penetrate the stars." Su Qi continues to be a sword Detailed introduction of dust.

"Thank you for the kindness of the five divisions, this is really too expensive." Jian Chen refused, a void spacecraft with an infinite number of close to the Chinese artifact, its value is definitely more than a multiple of the Chinese artifact.

Because of such artifacts, it is extremely difficult to refine and the materials used are very rare. Therefore, special artifacts such as the Void Warship are worth more than several times the value of ordinary artifacts.

"Eight teacher, you should not shirk it. Your five sisters have some accomplishments in refining. Refining a piece of artifact is already a common practice for her. You can put it away in this empty spaceship." The brother-in-law Yun Ziting said openly.

"The eight divisions, the gift of the five divisions, you should not refuse. The five divisions are masters in the aspect of refining. In fact, some of our brothers in Wushen Mountain, almost everyone has a refining of five divisions. The Void Warship, you see, this is mine." Qingshan Road, I saw only in the palm of his hand, also a virtual warship, the shape is still a diamond, just like the sword in the hands of the big difference .

Qingshan continued: "There are still the virtual warships refining these five divisions. It is not just a simple artifact. It has the symbol of our martial arts. We are not in the sacred world. Super power, but there are still some deterrent, ordinary top forces, almost never take the initiative to provoke our martial arts. In addition to the Temple of Light, our martial arts have no enemies in the Holy Land."

Jian Chen stared at the empty spaceship in the hands of Qingshan. He saw at a glance that the virtual warship in the hands of Qingshan was also a medium-sized artifact.

Seeing this, Jian Chen will no longer refuse, accepting the search for the virtual warship presented by Su Qi.

He has already figured out that this search spaceship, even if it is not used by itself, can be left to the Tianyuan family in the future.

In the state of shrinking silver, the silver-white warship is only the size of a palm, and there is already an artifact in it.

With the cooperation of artifacts, it is easy to refine this virtual warship.

After two hours, a silvery white light flew out of the Wushen Mountain, and after a flash, it has disappeared into the depths of the void.

In the vast expanse of the sky, a silver-white diamond-shaped virtual warship with a length of only 20 feet is breaking the cold void at a very horrible speed and galloping away in the distance.

Inside the empty spaceship, Jian Chen held his hand and stared at the starry sky map on the empty spaceship. He muttered: "The five-sister refining virtual spacecraft is really extraordinary. This speed is faster than I am alone." More than ten times, even if the speed of the mixed-race is fast, I am afraid that is not the case."

"The only flaw is that the interior space of this Void spacecraft is a little small." Jian Chen looked at the rear of the Void Spacecraft. The limit of this Void spacecraft, that is, twenty feet, could not be bigger.

With the help of the Void spacecraft, the original Jian Chen took three days to complete the journey. It only took more than two hours to arrive. He came to the nearest intercontinental transmission array from Wushen Mountain and paid it. After some colorful crystals, they passed through the intercontinental transmission array.

"Shenzhen Taoist in Tianhuo State, for so many years, it is time to go to Shenyin Daozong to see the curtain, if you can, then take the screen back to the Tianyuan family." Jian Chen thought in his heart, he kept on The transfer between the continents and the continents went straight to Tianhuo State, one of the forty-nine continents of the Holy Land.

At the beginning, he did not have enough strength to pick up the screen, but now he is confident that he already has this ability. After all, with his current combat power, as long as the mixed forces are not strong, almost no one can pose to him. Threat.

Including the endless nine heavens!

At the beginning of the sacred water sect, he relied on Xuanjianqi to kill the Wujiu Jiuzhongtian, not to mention his strength after the practice of Wushenshan.

Therefore, the only thing that can pose a threat to him is the beginning of the mixed yuan!

As for the cultivation of resources, he won the Shuiyun Temple, but there is a huge accumulation of secluded sects over the years. If it is to cultivate resources, Jian Chen is confident that his current resources are no less than the sacred words.

After more than a dozen super long distance transmissions, Jian Chen finally came to the destination of this trip to Tianhuo!

This trans-continental transmission was apparently built in the city. It was just transferred, and Jian Chen saw the bustling square and street in front.

"For so many years, I finally set foot on Tianhuozhou. I don't know what the curtain is doing now." Looking at the land of Tianhuozhou, Jian Chen was full of sighs.

In the past, after the Shangguan dynasty was taken away from Yunzhou by the strong voice of the sect of Taoism, Tianhuozhou was a distant place for him to look up and could not touch, because it was consumed when trans-continental transmission was carried out. The colorful crystal, for him at that time, is simply an astronomical number.

At that time, he could only swear in his heart. One day, he would have to cross the distant starry sky with his own ability, and he would pick up the Shangguan dynasty in Tianhuozhou.

Today, he finally did it!

At this time, the cross-continental transmission array that Jian Chen had just used once again gave off a strong radiance, and the fierce transmission force was surging.

"This friend, please also let the road down, so as not to hinder the transmission of people behind." A soldier guarding here came to Jian Chen and said to Jian Chen, the words were very polite.

Those who can carry across the continent are not general, so these soldiers do not dare to offend.

At this time, the cross-continental transmission array flashed, and the five figures were transmitted from other continents and appeared on the transmission array.

Jian Mian couldn't help but look at it. He saw at a glance that two of the five old men were strong in the beginning, but they were all in the early days of the beginning of the Promise.

The remaining three are an imposing, arrogant family, and two women who look at the maid.

"Go, let's go directly to the Shenyin Taoist!" Among the five, the family member said faintly, but his eyes were a bit of an urgent color.

The two maids stood quietly and did not say a word, and the two old men who had the initial cultivation of the Promise, were slightly decapitated, and immediately left with three people.

"Is it to go to the sacred Taoist sect? It seems that these people are also going to raise relatives..." When the five people left, the gentleman who made the sword dust make way whispered.

"Shen Yin Daozong? Tiong?" The soldier's words were not introduced into the sword dust ear, and the sword dust looked awkward and produced some curiosity.

After all, he is about to go to the Shenyin Taoist, and he wants to know more about everything about the Taoist Taoist.

"This Taoist friend, I don't know if these people go to the Shenyin Daozong, which is the arrogant woman in the sacred voice of the sect?" asked Jian Chen.

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