Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2485: Junkong’s mind

The soldier asked by Jian Chen had the cultivation of the late Divine. It was a small commander here. In the face of the sword dust that came across the intercontinental transmission array, naturally he did not dare to neglect, and immediately he was very polite. Dao: "Who else can be, is naturally the sacred Tianjiao in the sect of the Taoist sect!"

It was said that the face of Jian Chen suddenly changed slightly, and some of them were gloomy, and the eyes were flashing.

Shangguan, but his wife, now has some big forces and blatantly ups and downs, which is a big irony for him.

However, the soldier did not notice the face of Jian Chen. In his eyes, the name of Shangguan, the name seems to have a mysterious magic. When the Shangguan curtain is mentioned, the soldier’s gaze is revealed. Unrecognized admiration, looking at the direction of the sacred Taoist sect, said incessantly: "It is said that the Shangguan sect of the sacred sect is not only the celestial arrogance, but was introduced to the throne of God three years ago. The name of the ten, and she is still a beautiful woman who can fascinate many men in the world. With just one look, let any man who has seen her go to fight for her. To die for her, to give everything for her, including her own life."

"Of course, the superiority of the Shangguan dynasty is not only that. It is said that she is still a descendant of the ancestors of the sacred sacred ancestors of the sacred ancestors of the sacred sect of the sacred ancestors. The future is boundless, and it is very likely that it will become the second in the future. Three ancestors."

"It is precisely because of this heavy identity that the Shangguan sect of Shenyin Daozong has become a hot figure of many top powers in Tianhuozhou. They are all engaged and drawn through various means. Among them, marriage is the most common. In the way, I also heard that in Tianhuozhou, many top forces have gone to Shenyin Daozong to mention relatives, and even other continents, these years have also been a big force to come to Tianhuo, also to the Shenyin Taoist Propose marriage"

"What is the attitude of the sacred Taoist sect? So many top forces are coming to draw, are they not worried that the Shangguan dynasty already has a Taoist?" Sword dust asked a little ugly.

However, as soon as he heard the words in the back, the soldier looked at him with a sigh of relief. He said with a slap in the face: "Daoyou, you can't talk about some words, think about the identity of Shangguan, how can there be a Taoist? The appearance and qualifications of the official sect, in this vast sacred world, in addition to the legendary sages, I really don't know who is worthy of the strange woman like the official sergeant."

"But the attitude of the sacred Taoist sect is somewhat intriguing. I have heard our generals whispering about it. It seems that the sacred Taoist sect intends to let Shangguan dynasty and Junkong combine, and does not want to let the Shangguan sect marry."

"Hey!" As soon as he heard the name of Junkong, Jian Chen’s eyes were cold, and he immediately gave a cold cry. His body shape disappeared and disappeared. He had already left here at lightning speed.

And his coldness fell into the ear of the soldier, just like a blue sky slamming in his head, and instantly let his ears deaf, the gods can not stop shaking.

"Well, this is at least a strong starter." When he recovered, the soldier looked at the position where Jian Chen disappeared in shock and couldn't help but **** a cold breath.

At the same time, in a forbidden place in Shenyin Daozong, Shangguan Muer was sitting in a cave in the practice of the knee, and the demon jingming piano had turned into a palm-sized, floating quietly on top of her head, vaguely In the entire cave, it seems that there are low and ancient music lingering.

These pieces of music are specially aimed at the gods. If some of the weaker warriors step into this hole, they will be taken away by these ancient music in an instant.

This cave, named the Demon Cave, is the retreat of the three ancestors of the Shenyin Taoist.

At that time, the three ancestors of Shenyin Daozong had three retreats. The three retreats were the Shenmo Cave, the Life and Death Cave and the Wanwu Cave, which corresponded to the three Supreme Artists of the Three ancestors. Heart, heart of life and death and heart of all things.

In these three artistic conceptions, the heart of the gods and devils is the most, and it is the head of the three major artistic conceptions.

Shangguan dynasty, these years have always been in the magical hole to understand the magical mood, rarely going out.

At this time, the inexplicable sky suspended in the top of the Shangguan dynasty caused a beam of light to enter the body of the official sect. Immediately, the closed eyes of Shangguan dynasty were also slowly opened.

"Sister, your sense of consciousness is getting stronger and stronger. When I came to you, I realized it and ended my cultivation." At this moment, a gentle voice passed from the cave and I saw it in the hands of Junkong. A folding fan, smiling, walked from the outside.

In these years, Junkong has completely emerged from the setbacks in the Bohai Jingu Shrine, and once again turned into the demeanor of the demeanor of the demeanor of the year, and the attitude is full of self-confidence.

Because in these years he has retired in the life and death hole, he has truly realized the three artistic meanings of life and death, the concept of life and death, has been introduced!

"Jun Kong brother, you are not good at cultivation, why come to me four times and four times to disturb me?" Shangguan screen child brows slightly wrinkled, the heart has been a bit intolerant to Junkong.

The magical hole, the life-and-death hole and the universe hole are only separated by a wall. Therefore, in the past few years, Junkong often stepped into the magical hole from the next-door life-and-death hole, and repeatedly interfered with her cultivation, which made Shangguan’s heart very do not like.

Jun Kong showed a sunny smile. He did not care about the attitude of the official sergeant. He said: "There is a difference between the teacher and the teacher. The teacher will arrange the two of us to practice in the place where the three ancestors once closed, not only to let us The two feel the heart of the gods and the heart of life and death, but also the meaning of letting us communicate with each other."

"After all, whether it is the heart of the gods or the heart of life and death, it was created by the three ancestors in the past. We exchanged ideas and jointly confirmed that it might have an unexpected effect."

Shangguan Screen has no interest, and said indifferently: "Brother, please come back, I will continue to practice."

Jun Kong did not leave, he sat down in front of Shangguan Screen, and his eyes looked straight at the suffocating face of Shangguan, the depths of his eyes, with a deep hidden depth. The heat of the yuwang and the fire of yuwang did not show up.

"Sister, brother, this time, in addition to sharing experience with you, there is also the meaning of the old man to convey the old man." Here, the tone of the air, and the road; "Sister, you must know, these years There are a lot of top forces from all over the world who come to our Shenyin Dao, but they are all stopped by the masters and the ancestors, but those top forces are not dead, and there are even many who do not belong to Tianhuozhou. The great forces, across the distant stars, came to our Shendao Taoist and made a special trip for you."

"These forces that come here are stronger and stronger. We are guilty of being sinful, and even the ancestors who have been retiring all the year have to break through. But Master and several ancestors know clearly." This is not a long-term solution. For the marriage requirements of these big forces, our Shenyin Daozong can't resist too long. Once someone wants to suppress our sacred words, we can't just Resist, and even be robbed." Behind the scene, Junkong’s look became heavy, and he was worried about the future of the Taoist Taoist.

"I am already a married woman, and there is a son under the knee. You will announce this news, and the top forces will not ignore the face." Shangguan Muer said.

Junkong shook his head and said: "You are too young to see yourself, and those top forces are really not going to care about this in order to be able to tie you to your side. As for your so-called husband, I believe Once the top forces are known, most of them will send people to chase after them. After all, a nameless **** with no background, even a superstar, will not be put in the eyes of those top powers. In the holy world, women are not remarried. No, as long as the sword dust is dead, you will be re-married."

Shangguan’s face was cold and his face did not change at all. She stood up and said indifferently: “If this is the case, then I will leave the sacred Taoist sect, so as not to bring disaster to the sacred Taoist sect.” Going outside.

"Muscles and sisters, and slow!" Jun Kong stood up without hesitation and said: "The curtains of the teacher, you leave the voice of the Tao, but it is easier to fall into the hands of the big forces, but there is a teacher The method can let those top forces give up the idea of ​​marriage."

"That is, let us combine!"

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