Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2492: Jian Chen Baishan

This voice, such as Hong Zhong Da Lu, is like a thunder in nine days. The mighty sounds of the self-sacred Taoist ancestors came in, and the strong sound waves turned into a circle of visible ripples, which shocked the group of the gods. The mountains are trembled and spread throughout the sect.

"Sword dust, who is this? I have never heard of..."

"In the past few years, we have gone to the big family of the gods, and the sword dust is estimated to be the young master of a big power family..."


In the Shenyin Daozong, there are many disciples in the discussion, the name of Jian Chen, in the Holy World, only some of the top big people, or some of the most well-informed strong people know, such as some ordinary Disciples are simply not qualified to know.

After all, some news across the continents, without a certain identity and status, simply can't touch this field.

The three ancestors of Shenyin Daozong, Deng Wenxin, Lian Qi and Guna, when they heard the name of Jian Chen, their brows were wrinkled.

"Sword dust? How did he come?" Deng asked in his heart, she was no stranger to the name of Jian Chen, although she did not know much about the news of Jian Chen, but Jian Chen made it in the wasteland. The storm was a sensation in the sanctuary.

A little **** king, even a superstar god, is also an ant-like figure in her eyes, but such a weak character carrier is still a tower, even lurking under the search of countless top powers in the wild state For several years.

Just this point, let Deng ask the heart to sigh!

More importantly, Jian Chen has not been lurking for several years under the search of many top powerhouses. Even after it was exposed, it was caught in the pursuit of many top powers, and eventually it still retreated. Nowadays, more It is unconcealed, and the bright and bright come to worship the mountain.

This made Deng ask the heart of the sword dust of the kingdom of God, not only gave birth to a strong curiosity, but also with a trace of admiration.

Because what Jian Chen did, in the sacred world, but never seen, unheard of, even without exaggeration, he cast a miracle.

However, when Deng asked his mind to think of Shangguan and Yekong, his heart was a bit of trouble.

What's more, there are people from the Dow family in front of you. Jian Chen didn't come late, but he came at this time. This made Deng ask if he was good or bad.

The arrival of Jian Chen, the face of the three ancestors of the Shenyin Daozong changed, and the Shangguan screen, the appearance of a surprise color, immediately sinking into the heart.

"Sword dust actually came at this time. He came here, how can I leave?" The look of Shangguan dynasty became serious. She became the master of the celestial melody, some of the abilities of this piano. It is also gradually familiar with the magical powers. The reason why she dared to leave the Shenyin Taoist in front of the three supernatural powers of the Taoist sects, the biggest reliance is the celestial melody in the hands.

Through the celestial melody, she can smash through the void, and no one in the sacred voice has stopped her. However, this ability has a drawback, that is, she can only leave her alone.

Originally, she was alone, and she could leave at any time, but now Jian Chen came over and completely disrupted her plan.

"Close the mountain gate, prohibit the sword dust from stepping into the voice of the Taoist sect." Lian Qi sings low, sullen face quickly ordered.

Because of the reason of the Shangguan dynasty, Lian Qi was very uncomfortable with Jian Chen, and even had very big stereotypes.

However, the guardian of the Taoist dynasty, not only did it not be closed like a strange command, but automatically opened, and immediately, a colorful bridge appeared from the gate of the Shenyin Daozong, all the way to the vicinity of Yunyue Peak.

"Rainbow Avenue, this is the highest ceremonial ceremonial ceremonial ceremonial ceremonial ceremonial..." Guna had a pair of eyes and a shocking voice.

"It is the ancestors..." Deng asked the complex look, and she looked back at the direction of the forbidden land.

Rainbow Avenue, only when there is a very important person in the Shenyin Taoist. Every time they appear, they must pass the permission of their ancestors before they can be used passively.

If they do not get their permission, even the sect of the sacred Taoist sect has no right to greet the Rainbow Avenue automatically.

At the moment, three of the four ancestors of the Shenyin Taoist are here, and none of them have ordered it. Besides who is the ancestors of the retreat in the back hills, who else?

"This sword dust is really a big face, even with Rainbow Avenue to meet." The Tao family's Ge and Yin Yang said strangely.

Their Dao family also enjoyed the welcoming of Rainbow Avenue. After all, they are ancient family people, but nowadays, a small sword dust that is only famous in the Holy Land, even let the Shenyin Daozong meet with Rainbow Avenue.

If they are in peacetime, they naturally will not have anything to say. The sacred sects use Rainbow Avenue to meet who has nothing to do with them. At the moment, the people of their Dao family are here, and the Shenyin Daozong is so behaving. It is not that the sword dust is placed on the same level as their Dao family.

This naturally makes Ge's face dissatisfied, even Babu, it is also unpleasant, there is a feeling of being underestimated.

At this time, on the Rainbow Avenue, a figure is standing upright, standing on the Rainbow Avenue, letting the halo on the Rainbow Avenue flow, and the power on the Hongqiao is moving toward the direction of Yunyue Peak. Close.

That person is a sword dust.

At this moment, the sword dust, fluttering in white, the long black hair draped in the back, dancing in the wind in the wind, he stood on the Hongqiao with his hands on his back, and the clothes were moving and untidy.

Looking at the closer and closer figure on Hongqiao, even the strange face became very ugly, which is so gloomy.

If you say the person he least wants to see, who is the least favorite, then Jian Chen must be one of them.

"If it is because of this sword dust, I am afraid that there is a very big possibility between Junkong and the curtain." Even in the heart of the secret, Junkong is his most proud apprentice, and he is deeply valued by him. The empty energy is with the Shangguan.

Guna and Deng asked the heart, and the eyes were also the figure that gathered together on the station Hongqiao. The name of Jian Chen, they heard it for a long time, today is the first time I saw it.

Even Ge Tong and Babu from the Dow family can't help but fall on the sword dust. They come from the ancient family, they are well informed, and know many stories of the sanctuary. For the name of Jian Chen, they are also listening. Said some.

"Is this person, will the wilderness be stirred up?" Looking at the temperament, showing the calmness of the sword dust, Ge Tong and Babu secretly.

The Shangguan Screen is a complex look.

"The world is in turmoil, there have been battles before!" At this time, the sword dust standing on the Hongqiao was condensed. As a strong starter, he quickly felt the change in the void. His eyes subconsciously condensed in Shangguan. On the screen.

Suddenly, he saw the pale face of Shangguan’s curtain at a glance, the blood left in the corner of his mouth and the finger that had been stained with blood.

The face of Jian Chen suddenly changed. The original calm eyes also became extremely fierce at this moment. It seems that there are endless swords in it, which makes people chilling and simply does not dare to look at him.

He no longer had the heart to wait for the power of Hongqiao to slowly send himself over. He saw the fluctuation of space law around his body. He disappeared in an instant. When he appeared again, he had already come to Shangguan Screen as a teleport.

"Minger, who hurts you?" Jian Chen distressed and pulled the Shangyu screen, the **** jade palm, his eyes became extremely horrible, his face was gloomy and terrible, and there was a strong killing from him. Dissipated, overwhelming, disturbing a void, so that the world of God's voice, the faint seems to be turned into a swordsmanship.

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