Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2493: Absolute crushing

"Initiation? This sword dust, actually reached the beginning?" Feel the momentum that emerged from Jian Chen at the moment. Whether it is Deng Wenxin, Guna is even strange, it is a shock.

In the news they heard, Jian Chen clearly only had the king of the king to cultivate, but at this moment, he is a **** king, obviously a strong starter.

Moreover, the strong momentum emanating from him is an extraordinary beginning.

"Impossible, this is impossible. In just a few decades, how can Jian Chen break through from the king of the king to the beginning?" Lian Qi felt unacceptable, breaking through from the king of the king to the beginning, this is a big In the realm, it seems that there is only one step between them. However, in the sacred world, there are countless young talents who have been stuck in this gate for countless years.

Even some **** kings can't enter this realm for the rest of their lives.

However, Jian Chen, how long it took, has crossed the barrier that has hindered countless people. Not only has it smoothly entered the beginning, but it has also seen its momentum, even in the midst of the Promise.

"How did he cultivate?" At this moment, Deng Wenxin and Guna were filled with doubts and curiosity.

"Sword dust, how come you?" Looking at the sword dust in the wrath, the Shangguan singer's heart was slightly warm and whispered.

In the face of Jian Chen, her tone is no longer as cold as before, and she is very gentle.

Jian Chen tightly grasped the palm of the sacred palm of Shangguan, and the red blood had already dyed his palm.

Although Jian Chen knew that this was only a skin injury to Shangguan, he couldn't help but feel a distress.

"I don't know if I can't see you when I don't come. The curtain tells me who hurts you? Are they two?" Jian Chen said softly, but there was a tone in his tone. It is difficult to conceal the killing intention. After he said that he was sweeping toward Ge Tong and Ba Bu with a sharp eye, he killed the machine.

Ge Tong and Ba Bu two infinite beginnings, under the gaze of Jian Chen, the heart was born with a chill, the feeling, it is like the sword's gaze is two sharp swords, can penetrate The depths of their souls make them shudder.

Ge Tong and Ba Bu suddenly felt a shock, and the two of them looked at each other and saw the dignified color from the other's eyes.

Although I haven't played against it yet, it is only with this gaze that they can understand that the young man in front of him is afraid of strength.

"Who are you, I don't want to put the hand of the opening lady." At this time, the name of the martial arts was scattered from afar. He saw Jian Chen actually holding the hand of Shangguan, and suddenly became furious.

In his eyes, the Shangguan screen is already his default person, destined to be his future wife, who can make a strange man and the Shangguan screen so close contact.

The Taoist gods were created, and at this moment, the mind was somewhat unclear. At all, they did not notice the momentum emanating from Jian Chen. I saw that he rushed over and angered and attacked Jian Chen directly.

"Young master, can't!" Ge heard the same low drink, but he knew that the sword dust in front of him was not a leisurely generation, and he was in front of the Taoist name.


However, it is already late. The sword dust is low and the sword is like a blast. It turns into a very incomparable practice.

Ge Tong is also wearing a lower-quality artifact armor. The armor shines brightly, forming a powerful energy shield to cover him, and he protects his name with his own body.

Such as the waterfall's sturdy swords and screaming on the body, and suddenly the light of the artifact armor trembled violently, the energy of the artifact armor was rapidly decaying at a fast and incredible speed.

Seeing this scene with his own eyes, Bab's face became extremely dignified, and the strength of this sword dust far exceeded their expectations.

"Sword dust, stop!" Bab sang low, he also wore a lower armor armor, holding a long sword, directly slamming the sword curtain issued by Jian Chen, wanting to save Ge Tong.

Knowing that the strength of Jian Chen is strong, this time Babu is fully committed, even the sword in his hand is also a product of the next!

The Dao family is an ancient family. He is the originator of the Tao family. Even if it is only a branch with a low status, there is no shortage of artifacts.

Jian Chen eyes cold, I saw his right hand fingers and sword, directly toward Babu.

Suddenly, the law of heaven and earth condensed, and a supreme law of kendo wraps around Jian Chen. With his finger, he directly shoots at Babu.

The glory of the eyes, the sword is like a rainbow, this sword is full of a few feet long, and the eye-catching light shines on the whole sacred Taoist sect, with a head-on momentum toward Bab.

Babu’s face changed. Faced with this sword, he was chilling with the four-day repair of the infinite nature. He had a huge crisis in his heart.

"How can the strength of Jian Chen be so strong?" Babu felt a horror in his heart. He heard of the name of Jian Chen, but it was only limited to the section of the wasteland. They have not been preached, so many people still know about his strength, and they still stay in the kingdom of God.

When it was said that it was late, at that time, when Jian Jian’s sword gas was fired, Babu quickly adjusted the direction of the attack. The artifact in his hand was originally a layer of swords that shrouded Ge’s, but at the moment, it was not allowed. Not turning to the powerful swordsmanship that came to the front.


The two collided, and suddenly there was a roaring sound, deafening, and the violent energy aftermath turned into a storm in the Shenyin Taoist.

Deng Wenxin and others immediately shot, laying a layer of powerful enchantment to isolate this energy storm inside, not to spread to Zongmen.

It is not difficult to stop the energy aftermath that broke out during the war of the Promise Strong in the midst of their cultivation.

In the enchantment, Babu hardly took a blow from Jian Chen, his face suddenly changed slightly, and a sigh of relief came from his throat, and his body was already flying backwards.

The long sword that was held in his hand was so radiant that even the next-class artifact-level armor worn on him was also dull.

"It's so strong!" Babu looked shocked. His face was an unbelievable look. Really fighting with Jian Chen, he realized how terrible the strength of Jian Chen was, and he was repaired by his four-day life. Even a trick with the other side is difficult to use.

If he had a **** armor, fearing that it would be the blow, he would be hurt.

Even so, his internal organs have been violently shocked.

"Sword dust, don't kill them." Shangguan curtain opened, the strength of the sword dust show, she also surprised her, but after all, she and Jian Chen came together from Tianyuan mainland, witnessed the sword dust once created All kinds of miracles, so I accepted them very quickly.

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