Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2517: Rectification of the family (3)

Originally, in the hearts of these law-enforcement laws, there was no such thing as the sword of the gods.

It was only when they saw the amazing strength of Jian Chen’s mountain-protecting method and the outstanding strength that they showed, they really realized the power of Jian Chen.

Today's Tianyuan family is absolutely not as weak as the rumors.

Moreover, he is not only powerful, but even his style of work is extremely hegemonic and decisive. Because the meeting was not present, he ousted three defending methods from the beginning to the beginning.

Therefore, at this moment, in these hearts of protection, it is no longer dare to look down on the sword dust, and began to truly face up to his owner.

Jian Chen was sitting on the head of the house, and his eyes were coldly swept away from more than a dozen guards. He knew that the initial Liwei had already been reached, but it was not over.

"Who is like the law?" Jian Chen opened, no expression.

When I heard the sword dust and lifted the image protection method, it was almost the ink that was already standing at the gate of the hall of the parliament. The spirit suddenly shocked, and the delicate beauty appeared on the exquisite beauty.

The former Mofu ancestral Moling was also a binocular gaze. What has been guessed in the faint, revealing the color of expectation.

"The old age is flat, I have seen the owner!" A bald old man stood up and hugged his fist against the sword dust. His performance was approachable, and there was no shelf and pride in the original strongman.

Of course, this is just his performance after seeing the strength of Jian Chen!

The shadow of Jian Chen fell on the elephant protection method: "Like the law, it is said that you injured a veteran of our Tianyuan family?"

After listening to this, the eyes of the beginning of the law in the hall of the House of Confucius have been condensed, turning one by one to look at the image of the law, some people's faces become very unnatural.

From the words of Jian Chen, they all heard the taste of a sin.

It’s just that hurting a person’s strength is not strong. Even in their eyes, they can only be regarded as a small figure of a grasshopper. They directly ask the initiators of the starting position to ask for sin. This makes many beginnings unable to feel in mind. Bad premonition.

After all, they had a shelf in the Tianyuan family, but there were quite a few. If the sword dust was asked one by one, I am afraid that many people will end up with a slap in the face.

Playing, even the strongest mountain protection method is not an opponent, let alone them, even the only one in their hearts, who is also a son, is also standing on the side of Jian Chen.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the Tianyuan family members want to ask the old things to sin, they really can't cope.

Like the law of protection, I heard the taste, and my heart sank slightly. "My homeowner, I am afraid that there is something wrong with this. I also ask the owner to see the autumn!"

"Mo Ling, you will treat you like the law, and explain the cause and effect in detail." Jian Chendao.

Mo Ling was very excited and began to elaborate.

Regarding some deeds of the elephant protection law, the Tianyuan family has already investigated it clearly. In his early years, he complained with a Taizu emperor of the Tianyue Dynasty. He was chased by the Taizu Emperor for a hundred years, and his heart will be the Tianyue Dynasty. I hate it, and I want to destroy the Heavenly Moon Dynasty.

However, because of his limited strength, he could not destroy the Tianyue Dynasty by his own ability, and he must always guard against the pursuit of the Heavenly Emperor Taizu Emperor. Therefore, he joined the Tianyuan family.

During the Tianyuan family, the Elephant Protection Law also used more than one reason to encourage the top of the Tianyuan family, and even to draw some protection laws, and jointly proposed to occupy the territory of the Tianyue Dynasty.

On the surface, it is a complete consideration for the development of the Tianyuan family. In the process of planning for the Tianyuan family, in fact, it is to use the power of the Tianyuan family to destroy the Tianyue Dynasty and achieve his personal purpose.

His proposal has also been supported by many elders of the Tianyuan family. As a result, because of the strong opposition of Mo Ling, the idea of ​​using the Tianyuan family to destroy the Tianyue Dynasty was defeated, and eventually fell short.

Under the wrath of the law, he directly threw him out of the neck of Mo Ling and caused Mo Ling to be injured.

After listening to Mo Ling’s statement, it’s a bit ugly to look like.

"Like the law, this thing, you will not deny it?" Jian Chen stared coldly at the image of the law.

"Homeowners, proposing to attack the Tianyue Dynasty, the old age is completely for the development of the family, there is no self-confidence, as for the Moling, he is only the main deity, even dare to smash the old, the old gave him a little lesson, is this also wrong? ”

"Is it true that the five-day retreat of the eternal life of the imperial concubine is not as good as a main **** in the Tianyuan family?"

In the hall of the House of Representatives, many of the ruling laws of the beginning are nodding for the image protection law. They all agree with the viewpoint of protecting the law. They all believe that a master **** dares to provoke the majesty of the beginning, and indeed it is subject to some punishment.

On the throne of the family, Jian Chen screamed coldly: "The strong starter has a very high position in the Tianyuan family, but if he uses this status and does what he wants in the Tianyuan family, there will be only one in the end." The shape of Jian Chen suddenly disappeared. He seemed to be like a teleport, and he came to the side of the Guardian Law. The power of the sword was in the palm of his hand. The palm of his hand was shot in the palm of his hand. The palm of the hand shattered the space and thundered with thunder. Hit the elephant protection method.

At the same time, a series of formations rose, shrouded the entire hall of deliberation, and all the beginnings of the law and the top of the Tianyuan family were protected by the formation.

The sudden attack of Jian Chen made the face of the Guardian Law change greatly, but as a strong starter, he also reacted with a hundred battles, and immediately responded with a shield of artifacts in front of him.


The palm of the sword dust hit the shield of the artifact, and suddenly a roaring sound was heard. Between the strong energy and aftershocks, the defender and the person with the shield were all shot.

The current fighting power of Jian Chen is far stronger than the five-day life of the Promise. The power gap between him and the elephant protection method is really too great. Even if it is like a guardian-held artifact-level shield, it is difficult to resist the dust of the sword. Wei.

The body like the law-protection fell to the ground, and his face became pale. He opened his mouth and spurted a blood, and he was already hit hard.

Jian Chen shouldered his hands and stood in the middle of the main hall of the parliament. His eyes looked cold and cold, and he looked at the law, and immediately swept his sleeves. He turned and walked toward the head of the house. He said: "In the future, anyone will dare to worship the Tianyuan family. Any one of the tribes, like the law, is his end. Although the status of the law is high, it does not ignore the rules and does not replace the law enforcement."

In the hall of the House of Representatives, there was no sound, everyone was stunned, no one spoke, and even some of the guards had a cold sweat on their foreheads, and their hearts were uneasy.

"From this moment on, Xiang Ping is no longer the protection of the Tianyuan family, and expelled from the Tianyuan family!" Jian Chen ordered again.

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