Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2518: Renewed

The mountain guardian law was expelled from the Tianyuan family. The three guardians who ignored the call of the family were expelled from the Tianyuan family. Nowadays, even the guardian law has been expelled from the Tianyuan family.

In a blink of an eye, five people were recruited from the 18-year-old law-raising system.

The strongstarters have a very distinguished status and status in the sacred world, because they are standing at the top of the pyramid, even if some of the weakest infinite origins are placed in the top forces, they also have some weight.

However, at this moment, in the Tianyuan family, the sword of the head of the family, even the brows, did not blink, and they directly expelled the five strongmen from the beginning, especially the three of them, in the presence of all the law, actually Did not commit too much fault.

The attitude of Jian Chen to the strong starters makes the thirteen remaining guards here feel a little heavy. Some of them are even sitting on blankets, and their hearts are filled with uneasiness.

Because among them, there were many people who despised the family rules of the Tianyuan family, but they did not look down on the top of the Tianyuan family.

Because at that time, Mingdong did not care about things, ignored the family's internal affairs, they were expensive for the beginning, lost their constraints, and naturally became somewhat unscrupulous.

At this moment, Jian Chen has settled his account in the autumn, and he is very popular. This makes the law of protection that has done some extraordinary things all uneasy, for fear that the next one will suffer.

They still don't want to leave the Tianyuan family, because in the Tianyuan family, they can get things that are not available in other big forces, even some treasures of the same value, inheritance, and heavenly treasures, etc., can be more in the Tianyuan family. Easy to get.

"This Tianyuan lord is really different from ordinary people. In his eyes, there is no such thing as taking our origins. It seems that in the future, if you want to stay in the Tianyuan family comfortably, you have to be the owner. Give it a good wait." Star Protection and White Protection, the darkness in the heart, they wiped the cold sweat on their forehead, and they were afraid after a while.

Because they thought of seeing the sword dust for the first time, they almost directly handed the sword dust to it.

At the moment, they have witnessed the power and sternness of Jian Chen, and all of them are fortunate.

"I didn't expect that the owner is so domineering, not only strong, but also handsome and handsome, that is, to be such a man, to conquer my charm." The charm of the law is still calm, her stunned beauty Even after, the strange sorrows are staring at Jian Chen.

"Is it raining, among the remaining guards, who else has ignored the rules of the family and made some outrageous things? If so, come together." Jian Chen continued, this time, he made up his mind. To carry out a major cleansing of the entire family, it is necessary to remove all hidden dangers and resolutely not leave a locust.

As soon as the words of Jian Chen came out, several strong people from the starting point gathered in the hall of the proceedings, and their faces suddenly became somewhat whitish.

Xiyu stood up and read the names of some people again. Her identity is the princess of the Xi's dynasty. Her father is a strong starter of the mixed yuan. His status is noble. He is not afraid of these people's revenge. She dares to do things that others dare not do.

Therefore, she once again commented on the names of the seven guardians without any scruples. No one ever made a big or small mistake in the Tianyuan family.

In the end, five of the seven law-abiding sins made a more serious mistake. They were expelled from the Tianyuan family by Jian Chen without hesitation. The other two were slightly wrong, and they retained the position of protecting the law.

Eighteen people were guarded by the law, and a total of ten people were kicked out of the family by Jian Chen. In the end, only eight people stayed.

"Homeowners, now we have a lot of cultivation resources and the inheritance of various stages in the Tianyuan family, but the distribution of these resources has always been controversial within the family. Although we have drawn up a lot of distribution methods, it is not Negation, it is difficult to implement, now that the family is back, then the matter, please ask the owner to decide." Li Yu said.

The sword dust sitting on the throne of the house smashed the temple. This Mingdong really has nothing to do with it. It has been so many years, and the specific allocation of resources has not yet been finalized.

This time, the meeting was held for a long time. Firstly, it was shot by Jian Chen, and the ten strong starters were expelled. Then they began to deal with various problems in the Tianyuan family that could not be solved by the people such as Xiu Yu.

In the end, it was the convening of all the top management and the protection of the law, soliciting the opinions of all the people, and finally determined a set of more sophisticated resources and various methods of acquisition.

Three days later, the first meeting of Jian Chen returned to the family officially ended. Soon after, a list of contributions and a list of tasks appeared in the Tianyuan family. The Tianyuan family issued various tasks, and the family members completed the tasks and activities. The corresponding merits, in the end, are exchanged for various resources and precious Tiancaibao, etc., even the origin of the inheritance, all kinds of exercises and techniques.

The appearance of the meritorious list and the task list sensationalized the entire Tianyuan family, causing everyone to be onlookers.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Jian Chen. Jian Chen, like Ming Dong, is not very good at managing the family. After he has finalized the major events and the main principles, he will give them to Xiu Yu and let them be fully responsible. It is the same as Mingdong.

During the meeting of Jian Chen, Mo Xingfeng also returned to Dong'an County with a low-key, and waited for several days in the family before finally seeing Jian Chen.

Mo Xingfeng is already the Emperor of the Pingtian Dynasty. He controls a vast territory and thousands of soldiers and horses. Although his cultivation is only a god, the position of the Emperor is extremely stable, because behind the Mo Xingfeng is the Tianyuan family. .

"Ink Lord, you can manage the Pingtian Dynasty with peace of mind. If you encounter any difficulties, the Tianyuan family will be your strong backing." Jian Chen said to Mo Xingfeng that his name for Mo Xingfeng has not changed. The position of Mo Xingfeng in his heart is still as important as before, and will not change because of his own strength.

For the father of the ink face, the father of the rain, Jian Chen naturally has to take care of it.

The words of Jian Chen are tantamount to letting Xing Xing eat a reassurance. He hastened his hand: "Please rest assured that Xing Feng will do his best and do his best to make a contribution to the development of the family."

"The admonition family, the emperor of the Tianyue Dynasty, and the two ancestors came to visit!" At this time, there was a waiter.

"Heavenly Moon Dynasty!" Jian Chen whispered, as soon as he heard the Tianyue Dynasty, he couldn't help but think of the two top sects of the Tianyue Dynasty, the Lingling Zong and the Taiyun Daozong.

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