Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2519: Tianyue Dynasty

A few decades ago, Jian Chen and the two major denominations had grievances, and this grievance is not shallow.

Of course, among the two major sects, the sects that most hated Jian Chen are non-Tai Yun Dao.

Although he and the Lingling sect have been grievances for a long time, the conflict between him and the Lingling sect belongs to the middle of the road. On the other hand, Taiyun Daozong, on the surface, has a very friendly attitude and highly respects the sword dust. However, at the crucial moment, the **** of the Taiyun Daozong is a hidden identity, and the Pingtian dynasty and the demon sect Time to assassinate the sword dust.

The assassination of that time made the memory of Jian Chen still fresh, and the impression was extremely profound. If he had some means, he was afraid that he would have died in the hands of the **** of the Taiyun Daozong.

"Let them come in and bring them here." Jian Chen said to the attendant, his tone was calm.

When he had not left Yunzhou for decades, the Tianyue Dynasty was a giant in his eyes, an ancient dynasty he could not afford.

But today, the Tianyue Dynasty is nothing in his eyes.

Even if it does not consider the factors of Mingdong, it is only by his personal strength that he can suppress the entire Tianyue Dynasty by himself.

Soon, the visitors of the Tianyue Dynasty were brought to the public. There were three people in total, namely the Emperor of the Tian Dynasty and the Emperor of the DPRK, and the Taizu Emperor who had retired from the dynasty.

The two ancestors of the Tianyue Dynasty were all old-fashioned, with a majestic manner, and their eyes were full of enthusiasm. They walked dragons and walked, and they had a kind of majesty.

This is what they have grown up in the high place and ordered the world to form.

But at the moment, in the Tianyuan family, they all converge on all their breath, trying to make their performances more ordinary, with a fearful heart.

As for the Emperor of the Tianyue Dynasty, he was an ordinary middle-aged man. He wore a robes and exuded a majesty of the emperor, but he was hidden by him.

The three heavyweights of the Tianyue Dynasty came to the Tianyuan family, and they all looked cautious and cautious, and did not dare to show their disrespect.

"There are seven heavens and two heavens without a pole!" Jian Chen's eyes swept over the two Taizu emperors, and they judged their cultivation at a glance.

As for the Emperor of the DPRK, it is the peak of the king of God.

When I saw Jian Chen, the three of them even bowed and bowed, and the attitude was very low, even with a bit of respect.

For the sudden return of the Tianyuan family, they dare not have a slight disrespect, because in the past few days, they have already explored some situations in the Tianyuan family.

It is the Tianyuan lord who did not exude a half-day pressure on his body and looked like a mortal, but he was expelled from the ten beginnings to protect the law.

And even the Tianyuan family has been repaired by the mountain protection method that has been smashed to the eternal eight-day heaven.

Although it has only been a few decades before and after, the strength of Tianyuan’s family has already undergone an incredible change. So far in the eyes of all the law-protection, Tianyuan’s master Jian Chen has been described as unfathomable.

The Taizu Emperor of the Tianyue Dynasty first complimented the sword dust. When he sneaked a few words, he went straight to the subject and wanted to form an alliance with the Tianyuan family.

Jian Chen was silent and did not express his position. However, the Emperor of the Pingtian Dynasty, Mo Xingfeng, spoke up: "With the strength of your Tianyue Dynasty, you are not qualified to form an alliance with us. After all, even in the territory of your entire dynasty, even if it is counted Zonghe Taiyun Daozong, in total, only four infinite beginnings, but our Tianyuan family, let alone a few big guards, just that one sword **** army, you can sweep your heavenly dynasty."

The Taizu Emperor and the Dangdang Emperor of the Tianyue Dynasty fell into silence. The Sword Gods of the Tianyuan family were notoriously strong in the southern part of Yunzhou. Although there were only 10,000 people, this one was all by the gods. The warriors above the border were formed, and the main gods accounted for one-third of them. The gods were no longer a minority.

Moreover, the Swordsman Legion also mastered the battle array. Once the battle squad was formed, the combat power was multiplied. Even through a map passed down by Mingdong, the forces of 10,000 people could be united and confronted with the beginning.

"Our Heavenly Moon Dynasty is willing to attach to the Tianyuan family!" Finally, a Taizu Emperor of the Tianyue Dynasty said.

In today's Yunzhou, since the formation of the Justice League and the Four Elephants Alliance, the pattern of the entire continent has changed. All forces are either incorporated or attached to the two major leagues. Apart from the Tianyuan family, there are no exceptions.

The Tianyue Dynasty was originally attached to the Four Elephants Alliance, but later, for some reason, the Tianyue Dynasty was kicked out of the camp of the Four Elephants and became isolated.

During the period, the Tianyue Dynasty wanted to rely on the Tianyuan family more than once, but each time it was stalked by the image protection method and eventually failed.

In the glory of the Tianyue Dynasty, Mo Xingfeng did not dare to be the master, but looked at Jian Chen.

Jian Chen looked down and thought about it. After seriously considering it, he finally nodded and agreed to the sincerity of the Tianyue Dynasty.

The Tianyuan family does not seek hegemony, and the Pingtian dynasty also does not seek hegemony. It is necessary to expand some appropriately.

The two great ancestors of the Tianyue Dynasty were overjoyed and immediately got up and bowed to Jian Chen. In their view, they embraced the big tree of the Tianyuan family. The Tianyue Dynasty can truly sit back and relax, no need to worry about the surrounding areas. I have relied on the power of some of the forces of the Four Elephants.

The Taizu Emperor of the Tianyue Dynasty quickly left the Tianyuan family, and in the shortest possible time, the news that the Tianyue Dynasty was attached to the Tianyuan family was announced.

Suddenly, the Tianyue Dynasty was sensational, but in the land of the Tianyue Dynasty, there were many elders who were not happy. The ancestors of the Lingling Zong were also silent, and some were unwilling to accept this fact.

As for Taiyun Daozong, there are several elders who know the assassination of Jian Chen in that year. They are in a heavy mood and have a bad feeling.

The ancestors of Taiyun Daozong, the face is very strange.

The assassination of that year was actually through his acquiescence, and he wanted to use the death of Jian Chen to blame the earthly sect, thus causing the conflict between the spiritual sect and the **** of heaven.

"The elder who shot the sword dust died, but the sword dust is still alive. I don't know if Jian Chen knows the identity of the elder. Otherwise, once he finds the Taiyun Dao Zong, it will be against me. In fact, it is really a disaster."

"I hope that Tianyuan’s master, Jian Chen, does not know the identity of the elder." Taiyun Daozong’s ancestors are comforting themselves, and there is still a trace of luck in their hearts.

Tianyuan family, Jian Chen finally quieted down, and toasted with a few friends from Tianyuan mainland in the forbidden area of ​​the backyard to celebrate.

He also saw the princess cloud of the Qianlian dynasty who had been with Mingdong.

At the time of the Bohai Jingu Shrine, he had played against Yunxiaoyan. Now he knows that Yunxiaoyan has a previous marriage with Mingdong. This is naturally a surprise to Jianyun.

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