Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2520: Seven seals

Since Yunxiaoyan has already been with Mingdong, the things that happened in the Bohai Jingu Shrine will not be taken care of.

Soon, the wine was full, and Jian Chen also gathered with a group of friends and relatives, and he himself returned to his own palace.

During his departure, the Tianyuan family also expanded several times. As the head of the family, the Tianyuan family was naturally in the best position to build the largest palace for him.

This palace looks like a palace. From the outside, it looks magnificent and magnificent. There is also an invisible pressure that permeates. As for the palace, it is a magnificent, luxurious, and used. Many precious things and ancient jade that are worthy of the city are decorated. Some of the flowers and plants that are extremely extraordinary at first sight are placed inside, giving off a touch of fragrance and taking a sip.

These flowers and plants are all precious plants, and the grades are all up to the **** level, and the value is very high.

Today, their role is only as a bonsai.

Looking at this more luxurious residence than the palace, Jian Chen shook his head in a speechless manner. Such treatment, before he left Yunzhou decades ago, he could not think about it.

"Sword Dust!" Just then, outside the palace, the voice of Qing Yixuan came.

Jian Chen's eyes glanced at the gate of the palace, and immediately the sleeves were gently waved. The closed door opened automatically. Qingyi Xuan, dressed in a blue-colored dress, was aggressive, and the pace slowly came in from the outside.

Looking at the white robes of Jian Chen, the slender back of the long hair shawl, a glimmer of complex light in the eyes of Qing Yixuan.

"Qing Yi Xuan, come to me so late, because there is something important to do." Jian Chen turned and looked at Qing Yi Xuan calmly.

Qing Yi Xuan looked at the sword dust, and did not immediately answer, but silence for a while, then gently opened: "Jian Chen, you still remember that at the bottom of the cave, let me get the cloud pool sword master Where is the kendo inheritance?"

Jian Chen nodded and said: "Remember naturally, is there any problem?"

Qing Yixuan looked at Jian Chen's gaze with a bit of anxiety, saying: "The cloud pond sword is the rule of my master Jin Dan, there is a piece of information hidden, this information is extremely concealed, hidden in the depths of the law Jin Dan, I also absorbed this message in the rule of Jindan when the sacred sentiment was improved a few months ago."

"This information is about the other seven peers who have been killed together with the Yunchi Sword Master. The Yunchi Sword Lord seems to be very uneasy about the seven peers and let me tell you if you have nothing to do. Be sure to be careful about the seven people."

After listening to this, Jian Chen was silent and did not speak.

Qing Yixuan is worried and continues: "The seven peerless powers have been degraded for many years, although I don't know why Yunchi Sword Lord is not assured of them, and let me speak out to remind you. But repair to reach them. This level is a horrible person with all-round ability. I am worried that they may have left behind what they are doing and will do things that are not good for you."

"I already know, Qing Yi Xuan, thank you for your reminder." Jian Chen's mouth showed a touch of faint smile, a pair did not feel how to put it on the heart.

Seeing the state of Jian Chen, Qing Yi Xuan was angry and angry, and at the same time, he was anxious in his heart. "Sword dust, don't you believe what I said?"

"No, I believe, you can rest assured that I have a lot of things in this matter, and everything is under my control." Jian Chen said, calm and idle, no worries.

After Qing Yixuan left, Jian Chen stood in the hall of the palace and sank into the meeting, then walked to the closed room of the retreat and sat down on the jade bed.

His consciousness has completely sunk into his own god. In this way, he can more clearly "see" everything in his own god.

In a very hidden place in his god, Jian Chen can vaguely feel that there are seven small points hidden in it.

These seven small points are seven spiritual seals. They are hidden very deep and seem to have completely integrated with the soul of Jian Chen.

The non-Sword dust gods have changed because of the integration of a real power of chaos, and have strengthened a lot compared to the past. He may not be able to discover the existence of these seven spiritual imprints until now.

"Purple, Qingsuo, when can they wake up?" Jian Chen communicated with his mind and communicated with Ziqing Sword Spirit.

When he absorbed the rule of Jin Dan, he felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart. From that time on, he was already alert.

Later, as his strength increased, as his gods continued to grow, with the characteristics of the mutated god, he finally found the spirit of the seven regiments.

"The spirit of the seven regiments is still very weak. If you want to wake up, there is still a long time." The voice of Ziqing Sword Spirit came.

"It seems that after a while, I have to find a way to make the spirit of the seven regiments recover soon. Otherwise, I am afraid that when they naturally wake up, I will not need them." Jian Chen’s heart secretly, though The seven powerful men passed on to his rule, Jin Dan, but he did not owe them seven.

Because he is a trading relationship with the seven powerful, and this kind of transaction, he is also directly exposed to the under the eyes of the **** too, the inside and outside have been thoroughly seen, no more A little secret.

However, behind this kind of transaction, the seven strong players are left behind, and they are speculative.

"Since you are not benevolent, then don't blame me for being unjust, and wait for my chaotic body to go up one level, I will find a way to make you wake up faster, when I will surprise you." Jian Chen sneered in his heart.

In the next few days, Jian Chen spent a few days in the Tianyuan family. He temporarily put down the cultivation. He did not accompany him in the Shangguan dynasty to watch the moon. It was with Mingdong and Nobis. Wait a few old friends to have a drink and talk about some things in the sacred world.

In the meantime, the news of the return of Tianyuan’s family was gradually spread out. The parties in Yunzhou continued to have large and small forces to send messengers to come and visit Jian Chen.

These things, Jian Chen naturally handed over to the rain, they went to handle it, and only meet some very special guests, he will personally receive, such as the emperor of the Xi's dynasty!

"Sword dust, sword dust!"

On this day, Jian Chen and Shangguan Muer were walking together in the garden. Nubis, a golden robe, ran away from the distance with excitement.

"Nubis, what makes you so excited?" Jian Chen asked with a bit of curiosity. At this moment, Nubis, his excited face is red, with his understanding of Nobis, this is Extremely rare.

"Ha ha ha, Jian Chen, good news, good news, my great Nubis has just received the exact news. In Lezhou, there is a gold silk silver snake that has been repaired to reach the infinity. You should know the origin of the same family. Jingqi, how important it is to me, it is the key to the rapid improvement of my great Nubis strength, and it can also make my great Nobis blood constantly changing, so no matter How, the original essence of this old snake, my great Nobis must get.” Nubis said with excitement, very excited.

"That's good, I will accompany you to a trip to Leju." Jian Chen said, the cruel growth experience of the golden silk and silver snake family, he has long known from Nobis.

"That doesn't have to be. The Tianyuan family is not a small family owner. You are the head of the family. How can you personally go over it? You can let the snow guards accompany me. This kind of thing that is not related to the family, the snow protection method will not Listen to me," said Nubis.

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