Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2536: Real strength

The huge dark temple is slowly floating on the bridge under the thunderstorm of the sky, and it is getting closer and closer to the front of the cloud.

At this time, the clouds and rains suddenly stirred up the energy fluctuations of the sky. I saw that one dragon and one phoenix suddenly flew out of the formation, and the sound of the dragon and the phoenix rushed to the dark temple.

This is not a real dragon and phoenix. The dragon is made up of the endless clouds. The phoenix is ​​formed by the rainwater containing the power of the avenue. At this moment, it is a horrible power to attack the dark temple.

Moreover, in the middle of this dragon and phoenix, there is a huge thunder, which is hundreds of meters thick, and emits a dazzling light to tear the dark space, and smashes the power of the earth to the dark temple.

It was the Battle of the Emperor of the Clouds Dynasty. Through the hands of the passing of the country, the control of the clouds and the rain, the power of the control method delayed the invasion of the Dark Temple.

Under the powerful attack of the storm clouds, the dark temple advances more and more slowly.

Originally, the power of a top-quality artifact is not so unbearable, but there is no such thing as a strong starter. The power of the upper-class artifact is not enough to fully display it. It can only resist the attack of the stormy cloud with the solidity of the temple itself.

In the imperial city of the dynasty, all the strong people have gathered, one by one watching the huge temple slowly approaching.

The gold silk and silver thread snakes are hurt, and they are also among them.

Only at this moment, his face became extremely dignified, and the lock of his eyes was passing through the dark temple of the through-the-sky bridge. The light in his eyes flashed and the sky was uncertain.

"It’s damn, I didn’t expect the Heavenly Demon to have a bridge. If I knew it, I wouldn’t have to go back to the Imperial City.” The day is sad and he’s so confident that he’s too confident in the storm. There are clouds and rains, and the demon sacred religion can never be attacked into the tumbling dynasty. The appearance of the bridge can make him feel bad.

Because if he is outside, he can escape from the birth of the day with his own escape, and can easily leave Lezhou.

In this storm, he was greatly restrained.

Because the level of overturning the rain is too high, it is an extremely powerful miracle. At this moment, all the formations are open. Even if he exhausts all means, it is impossible to cross this formation.

At this time, the magical spirit of the sky has already flowed in from the bridge, and the dark temple of the celestial sacred religion has entered the imperial city. It is emitting a huge power, all the way to the palace, and the place where it passes. The air is filled, and the heavens and the earth become dark.

"Turning over the clouds and raining, turning the sky into the world!" Inside the palace, the Emperor of the Clouds Dynasty sang a big fight in the night. He held up the hand-carved jade in his hand, and the passing of the country's jade suddenly radiated the sky, as if it was integrated with the whole big array.

Suddenly, the space inside the cloud and rain was fiercely distorted. There was a mysterious force appearing, dividing the space, creating another world, and blocking the dark temple in another space.

The steps of the dark temple of the celestial sacred abruptly ceased. Around it, the space was distorted, and the power of time was intricate, forming a seal that seemed to evolve into another world and bind it there.

The night of the tumbling dynasty, using the power of the clouds and rains to imprison this temple.

After all, this temple is a top-quality artifact, indestructible, and if it is allowed to squat in the imperial city, there will be no one in the Imperial City.

The light of the dark temple rose sharply, and the horrible energy fluctuations broke out. The magical atmosphere annihilated the heavens and the earth, turning the whole sky into an eternal darkness.

The Temple of Darkness also began to counterattack, contending with the storm clouds.

The clouds and clouds began to tremble, and the space that bound the dark temple was also fluctuating violently, becoming unstable, and there was a looming collapse.

"I am too low, and the power of the clouds and rains, I can only play part." The Emperor of the Clouds Dynasty was a dignified look at the night, he looked at the hand of the country, and then decisively bite his tongue, a bite The blood is sprayed on the jade.

Suddenly, the passing of the country's jade blooms with dazzling light, and the power of the clouds and rains immediately increases.

At the same time, in the dark temple of the celestial sacred religion, the great elders of the state of the gods, Cheng Mingpan, sat in the void and looked serious.

His hands changed in tandem, and he was swaying and controlling the temple through the secrets that his master taught him.

On top of his head, there is a drop of bright red blood, and the blood contains extremely horrible energy. At this moment, the energy in this drop of blood is changing with the printing of Cheng Ming, and it is scattered and blended into it. Inside the temple.

The main energy that drives this temple is this drop of blood!

"This blood left by the owner can only drive the temple for three days. After three days, it must be retreated." Cheng Ming’s heart secretly, the attack was over the dynasty, and the time was very urgent.

"It is a pity that the original owner of this temple died in the hands of my master. There is resentment in the spirit, and he is always unwilling to surrender. He is finally ruthlessly obliterated by the master. If there is the help of the temple, it will be easy to motivate this temple. Many." At the thought of this, Cheng Ming felt a great regret in his heart, but even if it was a big drink, his hands were strangely printed and suddenly pressed on the ground of the temple.

Suddenly, the dark temple rushed out of the black light column, intertwined with each other, forming a mysterious rune directly into the cloud and rain, and entangled with this large array of guardian imperial city.

"It's not good. It's been ruined by the clouds and rains. I can't control the guardianship by passing the country's jade." In the palace, the face of the night changed.

At the same time, in the Temple of Darkness, the army of the sacred sacred priests has surged like a tidal wave. From a distance, it looks like a black cloud, dense and numerous.

The clouds and rains were shackled, and the army of the sacred sacred religions was officially dispatched. This is their elite troops, all of which are composed of martial arts.

These elite troops are well-trained, and once they have a black temple, they form a battlefield, maximizing their own strength, and under the leadership of some gods, they are crushing toward the Twilight Dynasty.

In the high air, it is the strongest starting point of the celestial sacred religion. The number of the celestial sects is so great that the dynasty of the tumbling dynasty is shocked.

"There are more than two hundred origins, how can there be so many strong people in the beginning of the sacred sacred religion?" Many of the devotees of the tumbling dynasty changed their faces. This number of strong starters, but the two of the turbulent dynasty More than double.

"Hey, all are the beginnings of the Promise, and more than seven floors are just the beginning of the Promise, the beginning of the mixed yuan, definitely no more than ten people, the strength of our dynasty will not be weaker than them."

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