Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2537: Death Corps

The sacred sacred religion and the army of the tumbling dynasty officially engaged in battle. The ordinary soldiers confronted the ordinary soldiers, and the origins dealt with the starting territory. The scorpion magical surging, the whole piece of imperial city was covered.

The strength of the army of the tumbling dynasty is also not weak. They are all elite divisions composed of sacred masters. They are also formed into war battles with the celestial sacred gods.

However, in the number of great army, the tumbling dynasty is weaker than the celestial sacred religion. After all, the celestial sacred religion has many branches in the sacred world, and each of the divisions has cultivated many strong people, even in Within each division, there is also a guardian temple composed of the gods.

A large number of branches gathered, naturally the gods of the gods of the Holy Spirit, the number reached a very terrible number, completely crushed the clouds of the dynasty.

Therefore, when the two armies of the two sides fought, the tumbling dynasty was suppressed, and a large number of casualties occurred in a short period of time.

In addition, in the beginning of the Promise, the Demon Faith also has an absolute advantage, and the Promise of the Promise, reaching a total of more than 200.

The turning clouds of the dynasty, the beginning of the Promise is only eighty or ninety.

The only thing they have in the dominance is the number of strong players!

There is no limit to the celestial sacred religion, but the number of mixed elements is very rare. Except for the great elders Cheng Ming and several major wars, there are no more people.

Among them, the great elder Cheng Ming is a metaphysical body, unable to participate in the war. The five major wars will be degraded one person, and now there are only four people left.

Looking at the tumbling dynasty, the number of people in the mixed environment is more than a dozen.

Of course, there are only a dozen people who belong to the royal family at the beginning. The rest of the people are drawn from the outside world. As a natural injury, they serve as a dedication.

At this time, a terrible knife slashed through the sky and smashed toward the chaotic dynasty.

The swordsman of the five major wars of the Demon sacred priests took the shot. He held a long **** red knife and the whole body was surging, and he took it out with a momentum of nowhere.

Behind him, the cloud magic, the wind demon, the Gorefiend three battles will also be shot, and the strength of the three of them is not as powerful as the sword, but they are equally powerful, each with a special magical power, and the power is shocking.

In the tumbling dynasty, more than a dozen of the strong elements of the mixed forces were dispatched, all of which exudes the power of the heavens, and murderously greeted the four major wars of the celestial sacred religion.

Among them, one person is extremely tyrannical, and has already reached the top of the world, and is engaged in fierce battles with the swordsmen.

Yunmo, Fengmo and Gorefiend also met their own opponents.

However, the turbulent dynasty of the dynasty dynasty has an absolute advantage in terms of quantity, and it is simply impossible to match the four major wars of the celestial sacred religion.

At the crucial moment, some of the Promise in the celestial sacred religions gave a low drink, and in the crowd, there were several arrays of pictures floating up, emitting a radiance, with a thick The quaint atmosphere.

Around each array, there are more than a dozen infinite beginnings. They are centered on the map and stand at a specific position. The energy in the body is continuously injected into the array.

Suddenly, the quaint array of images exploded with glaring light, and horrible energy fluctuations spread out from inside. Under the control of more than ten insecure powers, they shot a horrible energy beam.

These energy light columns have already been squeezed into the ranks of the mixed elements at the level, directly enshrining the mixed environment of the tumbling dynasty.

But even so, the Chaoyun Dynasty still has an absolute advantage in the battlefield of the mixed environment.

However, at this moment, in the dark temple of the celestial sacred religion, a red blood mist suddenly burst out. In this fascinating blood fog, it seems that a huge figure can be seen looming.

It is a **** scorpion with a height of ten feet away. There are thousands of them. They are filled with a strong atmosphere of death. They are pressing on the neat pace, and every step falls, the earth is shaking. Shaking.

"It is the death corps of the Demon Lord!"

In the palace of the dynasty, the Emperor stared at the **** scorpions in the night and looked dignified.

Although this is the first time he has witnessed the death corps of the sacred sacred religion, he has heard a lot about this powerful army.

It is said that this is a true undead army. It is the most powerful force of the celestial sacred religion. It is never easy to move, but once it is dispatched, it will be invincible and unstoppable.

"It’s so strong, this...this... is this the legendary death corps of the Demon sage..."

"It's not good, it's the Death Corps. This so-called death corps is actually made up of the bodies of countless powerful people..."


In the tumbling dynasty, many strong starters also noticed this special army, and their looks changed suddenly.

The Death Corps was finally completely exposed to the sight of all people. This legion, as its name suggests, was not formed by a warrior, but was cultivated by a martial art of a famous warrior. They were not thought, and there was no life. It is just a humanoid bone, filled with a strong dead air.

The number of death corps is not many, only 10,000, but that is more than 10,000 **** scorpions, but it is a heavy pressure on the hearts of all the powerful people of the tumbling dynasty.

Because it is said that there are many people who have died in the hands of the death army.

This is a fierce name, a terrible devil army!

At this time, these **** cockroaches began to merge with each other. The number of death corps of more than 10,000 people was constantly decreasing.

They are fused in a special way. As the number of **** enamels is increasing, the pressure from them is constantly increasing, and the body is constantly expanding and getting bigger.

Before and after a few breaths, more than 10,000 scorpions of the Death Corps have disappeared, and the three baboons are hundreds of feet high.

They are like devils, with death pressure on them, covered in a thick layer of blood, looming.

At this time, the three were instigated, and each of them held a huge bone stick in their hands, with a thick blood fog directly toward the beginning of the three dynasty dynasty.

bump! bump! bump!

I only heard three dull sounds. In the early days of the three dynasty dynasties in the dynasty dynasty, I was directly smashed out by a stick. The body of the body was dim, and the power of the avenue collapsed. The corner of the mouth overflowed with blood. .

With just one blow, the three offerings in the early days of the mixed-race were already injured.

"Be careful, the strength of these cockroaches can erode the gods!" The three mixed-powered people exclaimed, and all of them were worried.

At the moment of contact with these three baboons, they all felt their own gods tingling and had been hurt by an invisible force.

The three blood-colored cockroaches shot again, and the big bones in their hands were turned to the beginning of the rumbling dynasty.

With their participation, the disadvantages of the celestial sacred religion in the mixed environment were finally recovered and gradually gained the upper hand.

Xu Ran also participated in the war. She stared at the golden silk and silver wire snake wounds and launched a lore on the heavenly injury.

Nowadays, the entire imperial city has been shrouded in rain and clouds, blocking the entire space. Even if the life-threatening escape is strong, it will not be able to escape through the clouds and rain, so he can only escape in the scope of the storm.

Finally, after performing three escape missions, the Tianshou was crushed by the palm of his hand and the mind was destroyed.

The double-day nature of the mixed-age world has fallen since then!

"This is the body of the snake, and it is handed over to you." Xuran threw the wounded body to the sword dust, and then rushed into the sky, and fought with a feud of the tumbling dynasty.

Jian Chen threw the body to Nobis, and after Nubis had detoxified the snow protection method, he went out to fight.

This time, there are a lot of strong people in the beginning, and the gods are more. It is a great opportunity to collect the growth nutrients of the demon flower. He does not want to miss it.

"Sword dust, you come with me, we go to the forbidden place in the depths of the palace, where the land of the rain is buried, whether it is the innate five-line flower, or the things that the owner needs, all in the rain. In the middle." Cheng Ming, the elder elder, stopped Jian Chen.

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