Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2538: Void worm

The sword dust converges, and the great elder Cheng Ming leaves the dark temple.

Wearing a battle armor on the body of Cheng Chang, the elders, this battle armor looks plain and unremarkable, but it can be a medium-sized artifact to protect the elders of the elders.

Outside the dark temple, a powerful wave of energy fluctuated into a horrible storm raging between the heavens and the earth. Occasionally, there were a few terrible beams of light shot from the sky, with the power to destroy the earth.

The battle outside was extremely fierce, and there were casualties every moment. The blood had already dyed the earth and gathered into a river.

Jian Chen and Cheng Ming, who were silently falling on the ground, were immersed in the war-torn crowds, and they were escaping toward the depths of the palace by the crowds around them.

All the strong men of the tumbling dynasty were participating in the war. No one noticed them. Under their deliberate concealment, all the way through the temples unimpeded, the gods came to the forbidden land without knowing it.

When he first came here, Jian Chen was a glimpse of his heart. With his powerful perceptive power, he keenly felt a crisis.

This crisis is strong enough to be deadly!

Looking at the empty entrance to the forbidden land, Jian Chen looks dignified. He knows that this forbidden place is absolutely not so calm on the surface.

"This forbidden place is the retreat of the four dynasty dynasties. It has not been summoned by the four of them. Anyone who breaks in without permission will die. Because in this void, a worm is sealed. Emperor's beast soul, use to guard here." The elder long Cheng Ming stopped, he did not approach the forbidden land, but explained to Jian Chen: "Void worm is a starry beast living in the void, is a more special Race, born with the ability to integrate into the void, the real come to nowhere, to go without a trace, tough to deal with. And the emptiness of the Emperor, is even more powerful than the beginning of the world, to kill it, even if the strength is more than the worm It’s hard to climb the sky when the emperor is on several levels."

"But the luck of this worm is very bad. It just happened to meet the rain man who mastered the law of space. He was eventually killed by the rain and sealed his beast here..."

"The great elders, how strong is the strength of this rain?" Once again, I heard the people on the rain, and Jian Chen’s heart could not help but be curious about this unsuccessful rain.

Since coming to Lezhou, he has heard the most people in the rain, this is a supreme existence that makes all the top powers in Lezhou jealous.

Cheng Ming looked serious and said: "The people on the rain are very strong. The Champion King who was chasing you at the beginning is not the opponent of the rain."

Hearing the words, Jian Chen’s heart slammed into the heart of the rain, and he developed a strong jealous heart.

"You pay attention to the hidden atmosphere, you must not wake up the soul of the beast hidden in the void, we are ready to go in." At this time, the elder elder Cheng Ming sang low, and his hand turned over, and the Tongtian Bridge, which emits colorful light, appeared. In the hands, it spread directly to the depths of the forbidden land.

"This forbidden place is extremely dangerous. Not only does it have the evil spirit of the Emperor, but also a strong array of guardians. Only through the bridge, we can enter." Cheng Ming said, and then set foot on the bridge with Jian Chen.

"Not good, some people broke into the forbidden area, it was a bridge, and the bridge was in the forbidden place..."

At this time, a loud drink came from afar, and a mixed-minded person discovered the abnormality of the forbidden land and gave a warning.

Immediately, some of the strong-minded people want to get out, but they are all dragged by their opponents, and they simply can't get away.

"You can't let them break into the forbidden land, fast, and quickly awaken the soul of the Emperor of the Void." The Emperor of the Clouds Dynasty also angered in the night.

With his voice, one immediately wore a king of armor, with a decisive color in his gaze, exuding the imperial power of the gods, and rushing toward the forbidden land.

"Come on!" The elder elder Cheng Ming frowned and greeted a sword dust. The two set foot on the bridge and rushed toward the forbidden area.

Just as they had just passed through the invisible array, the **** king who was wearing armor was also near.

However, at this moment, the space was changed, and the space near the forbidden ground suddenly broke like a mirror, cracking a black crack like a spider web.

The **** king who wears armor, his body cracked in this broken space, and turned into a piece of different size.

However, his **** was lucky enough to escape, and with a look of horror, fled in the distance.

It is a pity that he has not escaped far away. The void in front of him will split again, as if a monster is opening a **** mouth, and the **** of the **** is swallowed in one bite.

"Void Emperor!" The Emperor of the Clouds Dynasty became a very dignified look at the night. He looked at the space near the forbidden land, and his eyes showed deep awe.

At this time, the cracked space near the forbidden land seemed to be disturbed by a mysterious force, and it was restored in an instant. However, in the next moment, the space suddenly solidified and everything fell into a still position.

The bridge was also affected by this, and the colorful light emitted by one of the bridges has been solidified, and it is obviously bound by this solidified space.

"The beast spirit of the Void worm is awakened, and I want to shackle my bridge. Oh, if it is in its heyday, it is natural to do this, but now, you are just a beast." Inside, Cheng Ming sneered, and his mind changed, and the Tongtian Bridge, which became the length of a thousand feet, immediately shrank, and even got rid of the space of imprisonment.

In the end, the long-distance Tongtian Bridge, which was re-emerged into a magnificent volume, was closed by Cheng Ming.


Outside the forbidden land, there was a low snoring sound, a sharp voice, wearing a golden cracked stone, and the sacred sword dust of the gods faintly produced pain.

This is the beast of the emptiness of the Emperor of the Void, and the next moment, the space outside the forbidden land violently oscillated, and the scene of the outside world instantly became blurred.

"Let's go, here is the person who has been personally arranged by the rain, the evil spirits of the Emperor of the Void will not come, we must hurry up." Cheng Ming no longer pays attention to the soul of the Emperor of the Void, the head does not return The sword dust left and went to the depths of the forbidden land.

For the terrain in the forbidden land, Cheng Ming seems to know everything. He took the sword dust all the way, and he came to an elegant manor in an elegant environment.

"This is the land of people on the rain. The things we are looking for are all here in the rain." Cheng Ming pointed to the manor and said, he went directly into the manor.

"Great elders, is there no way to guard the law here?" Seeing Cheng Ming did not do anything to prevent, Jian Chen could not help but ask.

Hearing the words, the elders smiled and said: "All the protection is outside. As long as you pass the outside, everything is much simpler. You can rest assured that the rain is clean and there is no hiding. Any crisis."

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