Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2539: The rain is back.

In the forbidden area of ​​the Chaoyun Dynasty Palace, Jian Chen stood in the clearing place of the rain, and looked calmly and seriously, and his heart was not worried.

Although Cheng Chang, the elder elder, vowed to say that it is safe, but Jian Chen still dare not take it lightly. After all, this is a place of potential for the Taishiqiang.

Moreover, this is not a general too strong starter, but a cross-free music state without an enemy without an enemy.

The rain-cleaning place is very simple. In a manor with a small area, the only building is the small three-storey main building in the center.

On both sides of the Xiaozhu Tower, there is a small garden and a small fish pond. Besides, there is no other thing.

There are all kinds of exotic flowers and plants in the garden. Each one is not a thing, and the value is even in the city. The fragrance of the fragrance is refreshing and refreshing.

On the other side of the small fish pond, there are a few ornamental fish that are slap-sized and golden.

These aquarium fish are also not all things, and they contain strong energy fluctuations.

Noticing these extraordinary fish, Jian Chen's gaze condensed. From these goldfish, he actually felt the energy fluctuations that were not weaker than the king's kingdom.

Jian Chen involuntarily came to the edge of the pool, his eyes staring at the goldfish in the pool, but his heart was a sigh. The rain was not the first strong person in Lezhou, and several ornamental fish raised in the clearing place. It is so extraordinary.

"Haha, the congenital mud that is contaminated with mysterious yellow spirit, the rain man really uses the congenital spirit to cultivate the innate five-line flower." At this moment, the voice of the great elder Cheng Ming passed from behind the small bamboo building, in the voice There is an excitement that is hard to hide.

Jian Chen immediately left the pool and flew away behind the small bamboo building.

However, what Jian Chen didn't know was that one of the goldfish that was feeding in the pool when he left the pool, one of them raised his head slightly, and a faint color appeared in the turbid eyes.

At this moment, this goldfish seems to have a sense of insane suddenly, and the eyes full of agility look at the sword dust and the back of the bamboo building, and instantly become extremely cold.

But such a look, only a moment has disappeared, the goldfish's gaze, once again restored to the previous turbid, no purpose to rogue in the pool.

Jian Chen came to the back of Xiaozhulou and found that there is a small pool with a diameter of three feet, which is surrounded by a faint scent of black and yellow.

In the center of the pool, a flower of the size of a washbasin is planted. This flower is extremely strange. There are only five petals. The color of each petal is different. They are five colors of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. .

"Is this the innate five-line flower?" Jian Chen's eyes condensed and became a little hot. Get the congenital five elements of flowers, the defects of the little spirit can be repaired.

In addition, this flower is also very beneficial to Xiaojin.

This time, it broke into the forbidden place of the Twilight Dynasty. Jian Chen was not for himself, but for the sake of Xiao Jin and Xiao Ling.

"A good and rich scent of black and yellow." Jian Chen secretly stunned, this congenital five elements of flowers contain the scent of black and yellow, the concentration of this sacred yellow gas, than the celestial treasures he obtained in the small yellow small heavens, also Be pure and rich.

In addition, he found that not only the innate five-line flower contains the scent of black and yellow, but even the spirit liquid in the pool, as well as the spirit mud at the bottom of the pool, are also contaminated with black and yellow.

Whether it is spiritual liquid or spiritual mud, it is a rare thing in the sacred world, and its value is extremely expensive.

"Congenital spirits and congenital spirits are the best materials for shaping the body. Moreover, the congenital spirits and congenital spirits here are taken from the small heavens of Xuanhuang, which are stained with mysterious yellow, which is rare in the world. The sacred world, the congenital spirits and congenital spirits containing the mysterious yellow spirit are not many, and the owner needs these things."

"And, I am reshaping the flesh, and I need these congenital spirits and congenital spirits as well." The elders of Cheng Ming’s look are excited, in front of the congenital mud and congenital spirits containing the mysterious spirit, Rao is him. The state of mind is difficult to maintain calm.

“Once I reshape the body with the congenital mud and congenital spirits contaminated with Xuanhuang, I will be able to break through the bottleneck and step into the beginning. In addition, the body contains the spirit of Xuanhuang, and it will be easier to break through the bottleneck in the future. The great elders are excited and full of expectations for the future.

Immediately, he took out a rectangular wooden box and carefully collected the innate five elements of flowers. After that, he began collecting congenital spirits and congenital spirits.

In the vast land of Lezhou, in the vast land of Lezhou, the remaining dozens of top families and eternal dynasties standing on the top of a state, there are also many powerful and an ancient existence. Close attention, a sturdy **** circling over the clouds.

"The people on the rain are no longer, and the other three of the dynasty dynasty are no longer the same. Without their host, the power of the storm will not be fully realized. If we shoot, we can easily break the cloud and rain, and instantly Let the tumbling dynasty be destroyed..."

"The cloud-going dynasty is ambitious and has never given up the ambition of a unified Lezhou. It poses a great threat to us. We simply sighed and took advantage of this opportunity to join forces to destroy the Twilight Dynasty..."

"No, as long as the rain is still there, we will never be able to do it. How terrible the rain is, everyone knows well, and we all add up, not the opponents of the rain.... ."

"Yes, the people on the rain don't die, we can't do it on the day. Otherwise, once the rain is retaliated, we can escape elsewhere, but the family will be in ruins..."

In the Lezhou parties, a respected ancestor is also negotiating with each other. Some people are already eager to move and want to shoot against the Chaoyun Dynasty.

However, at this moment, a thick black cloud suddenly covered the entire Lezhou. In the clouds, lightning and thunder, and the light shining through the sky, and the more deafening roar, the horrible thunder sound seemed to be Give the sky all the way to a hole.

The next one, Lezhou, which was originally in the clear sky, suddenly had heavy rain. The scope of this heavy rain was extremely wide. It was not limited to one city. It was so simple in one country or one domain, but it covered the top five of the whole Lezhou. area.

At this moment, if someone stands in the sky outside the sky, they will find that the whole Lezhou is covered by a thick cloud.

This rain that covers the whole of Lezhou, in the eyes of some ordinary people, may not be surprisingly pointed out, only as normal rainfall.

However, in the Lezhou parties, some of the top powers who know the inside story are changing their faces.

Even in some skies, there is already an old and powerful presence that emerges from the sky. They are looking up at the sky and looking dignified.

"This... this is the real storm, the rain is on the people, the rain is coming back..." The strong starter looked up at Gaotian, exclaimed, his eyes filled with thick Taboos and fears.

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