Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2553: Too deserved

In the southern part of Yunzhou, in the territory of Dongping County of Pingtian Dynasty, in a secret room of the Tianyuan family, Jian Chen is sitting on the ground three feet and taking a careful look at his own **** and the sea.

In a space where he knows the sea, there is a white mist floating in the sky. This group of white mist is the form of the evil spirit of the Emperor.

It is not so much a beast soul, but rather a purely avenue of the road.

Because the beast soul of the Void Emperor is refining through the fire of the Red Emperor, there is only this part of the soul energy that contains the sense of space law.

For this group of beasts, Jian Chen pays great attention to it, because his space law has only consumed one tenth of this beast soul from the early days of the kingdom of the gods to the present. It can even be said to be a few tenths.

If he can completely absorb the laws of this beast soul, then his understanding of the law of space can at least reach the beginning of the mixed yuan, and even a little bit of it may directly fall to the beginning.

At the beginning of the day, Jian Chen still can't imagine it, but even if he can get to the beginning of the mixed yuan, he is satisfied.

"Purple, Qingsuo, help me check if there is any problem with the beast of the Void Emperor, is the wisdom of the Emperor of the Void, has it completely annihilated?" Jian Chen calls for the Purple Sword, facing the Emperor The power of the beast, the sword dust does not dare to have the slightest care.

The Void Emperor, after all, is a terrible creature, extremely terrible. If its intelligence has not completely disappeared, even if it survives a little, it is a devastating disaster for Jian Chen.

Because of its intelligence, you can easily mobilize all the soul power remaining in the sea!

During the retreat of Jian Chen, within the Tianyuan family, there was also an uninvited guest.

This is a young woman who looks like a 20-year-old woman. Although the woman looks like a mortal, she does not have a half-branch as a volatility. However, her temperament is extraordinary and she has the attitude of becoming a fish and falling geese.

She came alone here, and her figure appeared silently in the Tianyuan family. Around the Tianyuan family, the powerful array of the evil spirits arranged by the evil spirits seemed to stop the woman, and it seemed like this woman. This defense is very strict, and the Tianyuan family, who can be said to be impregnable, can come and go freely. No one can see her.

This woman is under the Eighth Hall of the Bisheng Tiangong - Bai Rong!

"Little teacher!" Bai Rong stood outside a palace in the forbidden land of the Tianyuan family. The teeth were light and gently called.

Her voice directly penetrated all the arrays arranged around the palace and passed it inside the palace.

Soon, the gate of the palace opened, and the princess who led the Qianlian dynasty from the east led the smoke out of the inside. The look was full of excitement and surprise.

At the same time, in the other direction, the **** of the Bi Sheng Tian Gong will come here again, and bow to Bai Rong: "God worships the Eighth Highness!"

"Eight teacher, how come you?" Ming Dong ran to Bai Rong in front of a white arrow, and asked Bai Rong to sit inside with enthusiasm.

In the Bi Sheng Tian Gong, Bai Rong is the closest person to Ming Dong. Therefore, for his own sister, Ming Dong is very respectful.

"Little teacher, I am coming this time, it is the life of the teacher, pick you up." Bai Rong said.

"Take me back? Why? Eight teachers, I like to stay here, and I don't want to go back now." Ming Dong refused without hesitation.

Bai Rong is not angry, saying: "The teacher is about to travel, can't shelter you at all times. Moreover, the ancestors have also dealt with you, and it will be dangerous to stay outside."

"Then I can't go any more. What if the ancestors turned to deal with the Tianyuan family? Eight teachers, you go back, I want to stay in the Tianyuan family." Ming Dong said very decisively.

Seeing that Ming Dong’s mind has been decided, Bai Rong knows that he cannot persuade Mingdong unless he is forced to take Mingdong back.

Thinking again and again, Bai Rong still did not force the Ming dynasty back, and finally sighed and turned away.

One day later, the Bisheng Tiangong was really too standing up. He had a boulevard in his body, and the sound of the boulevard was roaring. The whole person seemed to have integrated into the heavens. To that station, it represented the world. The highest will.

He was so embarrassed that he couldn’t see the truth, and there was a mystery, and he took it one step at a time.

Suddenly, the Galaxy transforms, and the Qiankun reversal. This step seems to have crossed the entire sacred world, crossing the distance that I don’t know how far away, and seems to appear in the wasteland of the universe.

In front of him, there is a chaotic space, the rules are disordered, the five elements are reversed, and there is no order at all.

Here, on the edge of the sacred world, this chaotic space, full of violent energy filled in it, seems to be able to smash everything.

This is not a real chaotic space, but a boundary of an interface.

It was really too respectful to enter the boundary wall, and immediately his finger gently stroked, directly cut through the boundary wall and left the holy world.

In the state of the blood, the **** temple is filled with blood and fog. The majestic voice is used to carry out the genus of Jiu Xingjun.

"Chaotic space has been opened, and the division will go to chaotic space to find chaotic ancient gas. This time, I don't know how long it will come back. During the period when the teacher is not returning, you must be cautious in your actions, and you must not be angry."

"Yes, Master!" Jiuyi Xingjun stood below and replied respectfully.

The weeping blood was too respected to leave the state, and chose to enter the boundary wall from the other direction, cutting the boundary wall and leaving the holy world.

In the sacred mountain where Xingyao is submerged, a handsome and handsome young man is walking in the garden, and behind him, a group of people follow closely, most of them are beautiful ladies of heaven and earth. They are all eyes and affectionate, and they are eager to look at the young man. Looking at the gesture, it seems that only a young man needs to be indicated. These young ladies from all major families will not hesitate to give their arms and give them an initiative. Your own body and soul.

And the young man seems to enjoy all of this. At this moment, he is holding his left and right, holding two pretty women with a pretty face, a trace of bad smile on his face, and burying his head in two from time to time. The woman’s towering jade peak took a deep breath, revealing the intoxicating color.

This young man is a little star who is unknown to anyone in Xingyao State.

Xiao Xingjun has been practicing for a thousand years, and the king of the king has been repaired in the late period.

However, in Xingyaozhou, he is definitely walking side by side. Any big force does not dare to offend. Instead, he tries his best to please and wink. The status is very lofty.

All of this is because his righteous father is the supreme being of the Starry State - Jiuyi Xingjun.

"Small star Jun, why indulge in these rouge powders, these women behind you, even if everyone adds up, are far more than the Goddess of Heaven, the arrogant woman of the gods..."

"This is the official screen, but the only successor of the three ancestors, whether it is appearance, strength and potential, is far from being comparable to these rouge powders..."

After Xiao Xingjun’s body, Dao’s name followed closely, and he said that he had all the advantages of Shangguan’s curtain. He was trying his best to let Xiaoxingjun pay attention to Shangguan.

He knows that Xiao Xingjun loves beauty, and as long as he sees the appearance of Shangguan, he believes that Xiao Xingjun will be intoxicated.

"Hey, fame, you don't listen to this alarm. I have heard of the official sergeant. It is also an ordinary woman. How can you say so well..." The women around Xiaoxingjun, one They turned their eyes on the name of the road and they retorted.

Xiao Xingjun, but the object they climbed, they will let Xiaoxingjun see others.

"Tian Yao, come to see me quickly." Just then, a voice that only Xiao Xingjun could hear was introduced into his ear.

This is the voice of Jiuyi Xingjun.

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