Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2554: Wind and rain

Tian Yao is the name of Xiao Xingjun.

This name, not many people in Xingyao State, knows that except for Jiuyi Xingjun, almost everyone is called Tianyao by the name of "Xiaoxingjun".

As soon as I heard the sound of Jiu Xingjun, the frivolous color on Xiao Xingjun's face suddenly became condensed, and the look could not be overwhelmed. The mixed with it had an unrecognable respect and fear.

Xiao Xingjun has been pampered with sincerity, and he has been adored with thousands of people. In the sacred world, no matter where he goes, he is a star-studded moon. All the strong people treat him with a polite attitude, which makes him A temper who is not afraid of fear, only when faced with his own righteous father, Jiu Xingjun, will he be afraid.

Therefore, after receiving the call of Jiu Xingjun, Xiao Xingjun did not hesitate for a moment, and decisively pushed the two beautiful women who were kneeling in their arms, and went to the glory of the Xingyao Mountain.

At the top of the Xingyao Mountain, in a magnificent temple, Jiuyi Xingjun is sitting in the first place. At this moment, he converges all the breath, looks like a mortal, only as vast as a starry sky. And the deep gaze, with a bit of thought and color, looked into the distance, a burst of ecstasy.

"Baby sees the righteous father!" Xiao Xingjun came here, his manners became respectful and his knees fell directly on the ground.

His voice seemed to awaken the nine-star singer who was swimming in the sky. When Jiuyi Xingjun came back to God, his gaze had changed and became complicated. He stared at the little star who was squatting underneath with indescribable eyes. , fell into silence, long time no words.

Seeing the righteous father has no voice for a long time, Xiao Xingjun is also a doubt, and the righteous father is so silent, this is in his millennium, but the first time he met.

However, Xiao Xingjun did not dare to say anything. He knew the majesty of his righteous father. The righteous father did not speak. He did not dare to speak.

"Tianyao, how many years have you been practicing since then?" It was only after a long time that Jiuyixingjun spoke slowly and his voice was peaceful.

"Returning to the righteous father, the child has been practicing till now, just over a thousand years." Xiao Xingjun said.

“It’s just a thousand years...” Jiuyi Xingjun whispered: “When the millennium time, how short it is, it’s just a snap, and you can cultivate to the late kingdom of God in the millennium. Such a talent, even if it is to look at the entire sacred world, is also a bureaucratic count, even compared to the father of the year, it is not bad. If you create a new space for growth, then your future achievements will be limitless. ""

Jiuyi Xingjun said that everything is correct. In the sacred world, it took only a thousand years to cultivate into the late kingdom of the kingdom. It is indeed rare. Because there are more than nine layers of warriors, it takes tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years to cultivate to the king of God.

Such as Jian Chen, they have cultivated to the kingdom of God in just two or three hundred years. It can be said that it is rare in ancient times.

Unless it is the reincarnation of the mighty!

Therefore, the achievements of Xiao Xingjun have already made Jiu Xing Jun very satisfied and even proud.

"It’s all the cultivation of the righteous father!" Xiao Xingjun said very modestly, but his heart was full of self-satisfaction.

"Yeah!" Jiuyi Xingjun slightly decapitated, he stared at Xiao Xingjun with a complicated look, saying: "Tian Yao, a squat cultivation, can not make you a real strong, therefore, you are When I go out to try out some trials, I don’t break through to the beginning, I can’t return, understand?”

"The child has to follow the arrangement of the righteous father....."

"This trial, you can't take too many strong people to travel, for the father only allows you to bring a Promise to the beginning, remember..."


When Xiao Xingjun left, the nine-star singer sat on the throne and looked out of the temple with a complex look. He made a whisper: "In order to complete the plan, Tian Yao, the father only sacrificed you." ....."

In the deep gaze of Jiu Xing Xingjun, he suddenly revealed the color of the road. He is pushing the future trajectory of Xiao Xingjun, and made various arrangements in the dark to ensure that the road behind Xiao Xingjun is in accordance with his secret design. The route is on the way.

"This matter is really too respectable. I can't interfere too much, nor can it be too obvious. Everything must be done with care..."

Under the Xingyao Mountain, Xiao Xingjun returned to Yan Yanyan. He looked at the daughters who were surrounded by him. His heart was very sad.

I understand that, because of his righteous father's orders, these women can not take one of them, and if the father is not happy, the consequences can not be afforded.

For Jiu Xing Jun, Xiao Xingjun has a natural fear.

After all, Jiuyi Xingjun is the supreme person of Taijiu Jiuzhongtian. It is the second only surname. The level of life is too high to crush all the weak.

"I am going to go out and practice. In the future, I am afraid I will not be able to accompany you." Xiao Xingjun said reluctantly, his eyes glanced at the look of these women's Miao Mang, and the evil light in his eyes widened.

"Giggle, Xiaoxingjun, then tonight, let your body serve you well, and send it to the Star Master." Immediately, a woman made a silver bell-like laugh, crisp and sweet.

The name of the Tao in the crowd, suddenly revealed a happy color, said: "Star Jun young master, Yunzhou can be used as a place to experience."

"Well, after going tonight, I will go to Yunzhou tomorrow morning..."


"The Master has left!" In a strange starry sky of the Holy World, a woman who exudes a dazzling glow in the sun is suspended in the vast sky, accompanied by the sky and the sea, echoing with the law of tens of thousands, looming, seems to have Incorporate the whole world between the world.

This person is the great hall of the Bi Sheng Tian Gong - one heart!

The piece of Xinghai, where the heart is in the heart, is surrounded by many broken stars, and the space has just stabilized.

Not long ago, she had been fighting with the ancestors here, smashing thousands of stars and hitting a star in the sky, which has just recovered.

"I don't want to go back, you can't!" Suddenly, whispering, I saw that she lifted the hand of Yu Yu and directly entered the void, and the whole arm disappeared.

At the same time, the southern part of Yunzhou, suddenly, a horrible to desperate energy fluctuations emerged from nothingness, so that the entire southern land is violently trembled, and even the entire Yunzhou is shaking.

I saw it in the sky above the Pingtian Dynasty, the space was broken, and a large hand that was completely condensed by energy descended from the sky and directly extended to the Tianyuan family.

boom! boom! boom!

All the big arrays arranged in the Tianyuan family are completely vulnerable in the face of this big hand, just like the spider web is generally fragile. With the energy of the big hand falling, all the arrays arranged by the evil spirits are all shattered.


In the end, this can only smash a temple in the Tianyuan family at an incredible speed, and take away the Mingdong hidden in the temple.

"The Great Hall!" In the other direction, the guardian of Mingdong appeared in evil spirits. He looked at the giant hand that descended from the sky, showing a respectful color, and rushing to the ceremony, where to dare to stop.

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