Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2555: Xiaoxingjun arrived

Almost at the moment when Ming Dong was just taken away, Jian Chen’s figure appeared in front of the broken temple. Now his space law has already reached the beginning, and his mind has moved, and he has come from the secret room. Almost teleported.

He looked at the shrine that had been completely shattered, and the large array of devastation around the Tianyuan family. His look was serious.

"East brother, Dong Ge, Dong Ge was taken away." The Princess of the Thousand Lotus Dynasty screamed out of the ruins and was scared to be eclipsed.

She is the princess of the Qianlian dynasty, and she is the king of the gods on the throne of God. It is reasonable to say that this should not be so confusing.

But that big hand, with a supreme pressure, that is enough to destroy the horror of all things, has already defeated the soul of the clouds, so that her heart is fearful, has been chaotic.

"Uncle Shu, Uncle Shu, this is how it happened, Dong Ge, Dong Ge, he was taken away." Yun Yan smoked to the front of the evil spirits, looking for help seems to look at the evil spirits.

Jian Chen still seems calm, and his eyes are also looking at the evil spirits, waiting for the reply of the evil spirits.

He knows the identity of Mingdong, and also knows the identity of the evil spirits. As the guardian of Mingdong, it is obviously unreasonable that Mingdong has been arrested and the evil spirits are indifferent.

"You don't have to panic, it's the big hall." The evil spirit said to the cloud, then turned to look at the sword dust, said: "Since the nine halls have left, then I should go."

"In these days, I would like to thank the predecessors for taking care of the Tianyuan family." Jian Chen held a fist in the evil spirits and sent a heartfelt thank you.

"Homeowner, what happened?" At this time, Xiu Yu, Nubis and other high-level officials also came here, accompanied by all the beginnings of the Tianyuan family.

A big hand descended from the sky and shattered all the formations of the Tianyuan family. The movement caused by this was really a sensation. It had already shaken the entire Tianyuan family and Dong'an County.

Even all the strong people in Yunzhou at the moment are all looking at the situation with their knowledge of the sky.

Among these powers, they are wrapped in the ancient existence of the Justice League and the Four Elephants Alliance.

"The terrible energy fluctuations, the pressure, even made me feel a shudder..."

"Tianyuan family, even once again robbed, who is this strong man, is it a hatred with Peterson?"

"It's unlikely that the evil spirits will be the gods of the Bi Sheng Tian Gong. You see that the evil spirits are actually a calm face. This is obviously awkward..."

"That horrible palm seems to be from a woman. Among women, it can be repaired to such a terrible state, but the bureau can count..."

"I know who she is, she is the big hall of the Peterson Palace!"


Many powerful gods from various places are in contact, and they are also communicating.

Yunzhou, in the forty-nine continents of the Holy Land, is a land with a weak edge. For so many years, the strongest person born is only too early to start, and I don’t know how long it has not appeared. The strongest of the five heavens in the beginning.

Therefore, today suddenly there is a super strong man who has been repaired in Yunzhou, which naturally shakes Yunzhou up and down, so that all the strong are not calm.

"Ming Dong, was brought back by the Great Hall of the Bi Sheng Tian Palace..."

After this, all the strong people in Yunzhou know that Mingdong has left, Tianyuan family, only a **** of the Shengsheng Temple.

"The gods of the Bi Sheng Tian Gong will also go away, and there is also the Princess of the Thousand Lotus Dynasty, which is also with the evil spirits." Soon after, the peak figures in Yunzhou, the gods saw the meditation Evil and cloud smoke embarked on a trans-continental transmission array and disappeared into the land of Yunzhou.

"Because it is the reason for the ancestors of the heavens, the ancestral sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred ancestor. In the end, I was stopped by my heart, and my heart was taken away from Mingdong. It was to prevent the ancestors from staring at Mingdong again..." All the top powers know the reason, which makes them more aware of Mingdong. Pay attention to it.

Because through these two things, they are all clearly seen under the Basilica of the Bisheng Temple, and they value the Mingdong.

This kind of protection is almost meticulous.

Of course, they still don't know the true identity of Mingdong, and they still believe that Mingdong is the disciple of the Great Hall of Heaven.

Tianyuan family, Jian Chen Ning Shen looked at the broken temple in front of her eyes, and her heart seemed to be awkward.

When Mingdong left, the **** of the Shengsheng Temple will also leave, and the Tianyuan family seems to have returned to the past.

Because he understands that all the glory and status that the Tianyuan family enjoys today are brought by the two people of Mingdong and the evil spirits. Now when they leave, it can be expected that the status of the Tianyuan family will inevitably fall.

Although there is still a Xuran, Xuan Ran, and can be compared with the **** of the Shengsheng Temple.

Suddenly, Jian Chen looked up at the sky, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he sensed that there were dozens of powerful gods in the sky.

Moreover, this is only the gods that can be sensed by him. In the dark, there must be more hidden gods.

"The array of evil spirits has been broken, and the old body can repair some." Xu Ran said, and then immediately began to repair the array.

"Sword dust, what do we do next?" Xiyu came to the front of Jian Chen. Today, the Tianyuan family is suitable in size, and she is responsible for it.

"People don't commit me, I don't commit crimes, business as usual." Jian Chen said calmly.

Yunzhou quickly recovered its calmness, and it seems to have returned to the past, calm and calm, and the storm caused by the Tianyuan family has gradually subsided.

Although the gods of Mingdong and Bisheng Tiangong will have left, the deterrence of the Tianyuan family is not as good as before, but no one is willing to provoke the Tianyuan family.

On this day, in the southern city of Yunzhou, in the imperial city of the Yangyang Dynasty, the cross-continental transmission array that was built by the four-image alliance and consumed huge materials suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

When the light was exhausted, I saw only two figures in the transmission array.

One of them was a handsome and handsome young man. His chin was slightly raised, and his demeanor was proud. He looked at the eyes of the pedestrians around him, filled with a touch of disdain.

The other person, an old man, looks like an old servant, ordinary and incomparable, not surprisingly.

However, this old man is a strong man with no eclipse, but his own cultivation is well concealed, and ordinary people can't see it at all.

"Star Jun, the young man, Yunzhou has arrived." Out of the transmission array, the old man said to the young man next to him, the posture is very low.

Although the strong starters, no matter which side they are in, they are all people who have a certain status. However, the identity of Xiao Xingjun is really extraordinary. It is the only son of Jiu Xingjun.

Therefore, even if this old man is already a strong man on the day of the infinity, he can face Xiao Xingjun, still with a little respect.

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