Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2569: Special constitution

Within the Tianyuan family, there was a tense and serious meeting for the battle. In the headquarters of the Sixiang League, which is far away from Dong'an County, Xiao Xingjun was furious in the luxury palace specially arranged for him by the Four Elephants Union.

"Waste, waste, all are waste, three mixed elements are five heavens, two mixed elements are four heavens, adding up to five mixed elements, even an old woman who can't cope with the Tianyuan family, that name If the realm of the old woman is far more than you, it can be said that she only has the cultivation of the five-day world. You so many people can’t beat the opponents in your realm. This is the first time that Jun has seen it. You use such waste."

In the luxurious palace, the sound of jingle came on and on, and Xiao Xingjun was furious and smashed a piece of decoration in the luxurious palace. He pointed to the four elders standing in front of him and shouted. In the four-image alliance, four high-ranking, high-ranking elders and elders are bloody.

The four elders of the elders were silent. In the face of the little star in the wrath, the four of them chose silence, but from the gloomy faces of the four of them, it can be seen that their hearts are not so flat on the surface. .

Even occasionally, from the eyes of the four of them, we can see the faint disgust and anger.

This is the mood for Xiao Xingjun.

I think the four of them are so precious in the four-image alliance. Under the five ancestors, even the five ancestors in the four-image alliance will not treat them like this. The screaming screams, Xiao Xingjun insulted them so much that they were very angry.

Of course, this is anger, they are not dare to show it anyway.

After a while, Xiao Xingjun felt uninterested and gradually subsided. He carried his hands and looked proud and indifferent. He said, "How many people are we still left?"

"Except for the four of us, all the others were killed, and even Jin Li died in Xu Ran's hands." Silence for a moment, an elder elder said.

"What? All killed!" Xiao Xingjun's face changed, and a handsome face was suffocated.

He was first humiliated in the Tianyuan family, then went to the Four Elephants Alliance to rescue the soldiers, and attacked the Pingtian dynasty with a strong force. He was thinking about swallowing the territory of the Pingtian Dynasty little by little with the power of absolute crushing. Slowly approaching the Tianyuan family, the Tianyuan family’s swordsman looked at his territory’s constant loss and had no way to regret what he had done.

But he never imagined that he was ambitious and arrogant with a strong attack on the Pingtian dynasty, but in the end it was the end of the whole army. This suddenly made Xiao Xingjun feel hot and hot on his face, no face. Light.

For him, who is proud of his heart and extraordinary in his identity, this is really shameful.

"Tianyuan family, Tianyuan family!" Xiaoxingjun's face was white and his fists were tightly held together. The anger in his heart and the killing of Jian Chen had reached a point where they could not be added.

Because since his birth, this is the first humiliation in his life, naturally unbearable.

Immediately, Xiao Xingjun found the five ancestors of the Four Elephant Alliance, and directly named the five ancestors to personally destroy the Tianyuan family.

Because, he can't stand the days of the Tianyuan family in Yunzhou.

There was also the sword dust that threw him out of the Tianyuan family. At this moment, he was afraid to sit in the Tianyuan family and laugh at himself and satirize himself.

After listening to Xiao Xingjun’s request, the four ancestors of the Four Elephants’ frowns were all wrinkled, and they all felt a little headache.

The dispute between Xiao Xingjun and the Tianyuan family is a very difficult matter. Every step must be cautious, and one is careless. I am afraid that the entire four-image alliance will be in ruins.

This is a middle-aged man who has been repaired in the beginning of the Promise, and he is respectful and respectful: "The old ancestors were found to have discovered that a large number of spies in the Justice League have sneaked into our southern domain."

"Is the Justice League finally coming?" The smoked ancestor sighed and said: "The Justice League is currently headed by the Tongfeng Peak, and the Tongfeng Peak Lord once took care of the Tianyuan family. You can be sure that if we take the shot, The Justice League will not stand idly by."

"Yes, we can't do it. Otherwise, it is very likely that it will become unmanageable. Now the strength of our four-image alliance is not the opponent of the Justice League." Zheng Hu, one of the five ancestors of the Four Elephants, also said. .

A few of them sang a sum, deliberately said things very seriously, and always refused to personally deal with the Tianyuan family.

"How do you deal with the Yuan family that day?" Xiao Xingjun's face is ugly.

"This thing can't be anxious, it needs to be considered from a long time." The smoked ancestor said that the matter of Xiao Xingjun to deal with the Tianyuan family was delayed.


Xiao Xingjun returned to the palace with a gloomy face. The top four strong leagues refused to take the shot. This made him have no way to take the Tianyuan family. After all, this time he only brought a Wujiu origin to come here. This power is simply not enough to deal with the Tianyuan family.

"Mullin, is there any way to contact Xingyao, let some people come to Xing Yaozhou." Xiao Xingjun said to the beggars.

"Less master, the master is strict. This time, the trip to Yunzhou is just a tour of the young master. If the strongman of Xingyao comes over, I am afraid... I am afraid it will destroy the rules of the experience, in case the owner is not happy. The consequences are serious." Mu Lin said cautiously, he knew that Xiao Xingjun liked beauty, and then specially sent the four elephants to send some women, one by one, and the dresses were good, and they came to serve. Xiao Xingjun, let Xiao Xingjun eliminate fire.

"What are these goods, a group of rouge powder, all give up the less." Xiao Xingjun was originally on the head, where is the mood to appreciate these, and he is used to the best woman, ordinary women can not enter him The eyes of the law, so all the beautiful people were driven out.

"If the young master of Stars likes a woman, the old man has two good candidates." At this time, in the ear of the guardian Mulin, there was an old voice, which was a safe one to protect the little star. Elder.

"Who is it?" Mulin immediately asked.

"The two princesses of the northern sect of the Xuan Dao dynasty, they not only face the country, but also the celestial body and the innate celestial body."

"Tian Yin body and congenital body, this is a rare physique of the sanctuary, especially the celestial body, if it is to meet it, it will get unexpected benefits, the young master will love it." Mulin eyes suddenly Light up and ask for the detailed location immediately.

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