Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2570: Visiting the sky

Immediately, Mulin rushed directly to the northern part of Yunzhou.

After he left, the four elders gathered together and looked at the direction in which Mulin left, talking in a voice.

"Northern region, that is the territory of the Justice League, the blatant past of Xiao Xingjun’s Guardians, I wonder if there will be conflict with the Justice League."

"It’s good to have conflicts. Isn’t that what our four-image alliance wants to see? However, in the capacity of his little star Guardian, the Justice League is afraid of not taking him...”

"It doesn't matter, just lay a seed of hatred in the Justice League and let it slowly take root..."

"It is said that the two princesses of the Xuan Dao dynasty have had a marriage contract with the two top families of the Central Region..."


In the middle of Yunzhou, headed by the peak of the peak of the peak, the ancestors of the Justice League also gathered together at this moment, close negotiations.

"Now, it is basically certain that Xiaoyijun, the son of Jiuyi Xingjun, has come to Yunzhou. The Sixiang League has basically embraced the big tree of Xiaoxingjun." Tongtianfengfeng said with a serious face. Although Xiao Xingjun’s identity has not been made public even in the four-image alliance, there are very few people who know it, but the foundation of the Justice League is too late. In the high-level alliance of the Four Elephants, their people are lurking in it. I quickly found out the latest situation.

"The big thing is not good, although Xiao Xingjun is only coming to Yunzhou, there is almost no strong person around him, but his identity is there, after all, the four-image alliance is to show that we must use the power of Xiaoxingjun to deal with us. "Zhu Kunzong's ancestors Zhou Zhidao sighed with a beard and made a long sigh.

The ancestors of the family are unknown, the ancestors of the gods are full of the sky, and the flames of the Vulcan family are also frowning together. If the four elephants climbed the big tree, they would justice them. For the Alliance, it is really a huge disaster.

Although Xiao Xingjun’s own realm is not high, the special and prominent identity has given him tremendous energy. If he wants to help the Four Elephant Alliance deal with the Justice League, the Justice League will be difficult to deal with.

"So far, there is only one road in front of us. That is the Tianyuan family." The old ancestors of the family are very old and look very wrinkled. The wrinkles on their faces are surprised. He is half-squinting and his eyes are deep. .

"There is the shadow of the Bisheng Temple in the Tianyuan family, and the underworld of the Shengsheng Temple is a deterrent sanctuary. The great powerhouse who can chase and kill the ancestors can really compete with the power behind Xiaoxingjun. The Tianyuan family has always been unwilling to have a slight attitude with our Justice League and the Four Elephants Alliance. If we want to form an alliance with the Tianyuan family, I think it is a bit difficult." The flames of the family of the Vulcan family are so ruthless. He was wearing a red robes, and his long red hair fluttered like a burning flame.

"At this moment, now that the East is no longer, the **** of the Shengsheng Temple will also leave. Now the Tianyuan family has not been as powerful as the Sixiang Alliance. The old man thinks that the Tianyuan family needs us." Zhou Kundao, the ancestor of Qian Kunzong, said.

"I have a great-grandson, and I have some contacts with the swordsman of Tianyuan. It is better to let my great-grandson go to the Tianyuan family first. Let’s take a look at the meaning of Jian Chen."

"So very good..."


The news of the war of the Pingtian dynasty spread throughout the five major domains of Yunzhou in a short period of time, causing everyone to be at the same time. At the same time, a mysterious force with nine stars as a flag also became The focus of all the forces in Yunzhou, the streets and alleys, almost everywhere can hear the voice of this mysterious force.

The bottom line of this mysterious force is only known by a handful of top-notch forces. Before they spread the news, some of the family forces with lower status are naturally unaware of the hidden feelings.

"I don't know where the guys came from, dare to provoke the Tianyuan family. Don't you know that even the two major alliances in Yunzhou are not willing to provoke the Tianyuan family..."

"To provoke the Tianyuan family, there is definitely no good fruit to eat. Wait and see, this nine-star force must suffer..."

"The latest information, the nine-star power of a total of five major mixed forces, was killed by the Tianyuan family on the spot ..."

"What? Even the strongest of the beginning of the mixed yuan has fallen? God, I think that even the most powerful ancestors of the ancestors are only the beginning of the world, and the mixed environment is simply out of reach..."

"This Tianyuan family is really amazing..."


Just when people were eager to discuss the Tianyuan family and the mysterious nine-star power, in the Dong’an County of the Pingtian Dynasty, a special guest came.

This is a handsome, extraordinary young man, wearing a luxurious white robe, holding a folding fan in his hand, with a cynical smile on his face, taking a leisurely stroll on a bustling street in Dong'an County, from time to time. Send a burst of sighs.

This young man was the young master of the family who had saved the sword dust once in the Dongfu of the Duanmu God King.

Next to Haotian, a middle-aged man dressed in hard wear followed closely. Although it was only a **** kingdom, his breath was stronger than many gods.

This middle-aged man is the personal guard of Haotian, Taizheng!

"In the past, Jian Chen brother was still risking his life to earn more resources left by the king of God. However, now his identity is so high, the family created by him is famous throughout Yunzhou. Nowadays, It has become the object of making my family's ancestors allied. When I look at this book, I didn't change much with the first time I met with Jian Chen, and Uncle Tai, you said people. The gap between people and the people is so huge." Hao Tian shook the folding fan, and the look of a pair of slings seemed to be very hard.

"How to say again, this is also the most promising talent of the world in the last 100,000 years, but compared with Jian Chen, hey, he is too shocking people..." Hao Tian sighed, very hurt.

"Young Master, if you are diligently practicing, even if you can't keep up with the steps of the Tianyuan family, you can surpass many people. In the future, you will most likely be listed on the throne of God." Taizheng encouraged.

I don't care about it: "The throne of God? How about it, but it is a chance to give some famous kings who like the limelight. You look at the sword dust brother, did not cross the throne of God, but when he was in the realm of the king It killed a lot of gods on the throne of the gods. It is said that the sacred deity of the gods on the throne of the gods was half empty and it was also inseparable from the sword dust brother..."

Soon, Haotian and Taizheng came to the Tianyuan family to explain their identity and intentions, and immediately a bodyguard went to inform.

Within the Tianyuan family, Jian Chen learned that he had come to visit, and immediately asked people to visit his residence.

For Haotian, Jian Chen has always been grateful, because at that time, when he was still weak, he was deeply immersed in the crisis of Duanmu God Wangdong, in the extremes of his life and death, it was suddenly appearing in the sky, crushing the crowd, He was saved, and he was given a precious god, so that the serious injuries he suffered were restored in a very short time.

Therefore, Haotian is a life-saving grace for Jian Chen.

When they met each other, they naturally avoided a little chill. After a few simple chats, Hao Tian went straight to the topic and explained the meaning of the Justice League wanting to form an alliance with the Tianyuan family.

Jian Chen had already guessed the meaning of Haotian, so there was no unexpected color, but he did not agree, but gently shook his head and said: "Hey, brother, forgive me, you justice alliance and us Tianyuan Family alliances may be harmful to you."

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