Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2571: Xuan Dao's robbery

"harmful and unhelpful? Jian Chen brother, I do not know why this is?" Hao Tian looked confused.

Jian Chen sank and said: "If I expected it to be good, you have already known that the League of Four Elephants has begun to draw up the little star. The little star is the only son of Jiuyi Xingjun. The energy is very huge. Some of your ancestors in the Justice League are worried that Xiao Xingjun will help the Four Elephants Alliance to deal with them in the future, so they think of the Bisheng Tiangong. I hope that when the day comes, I will respond to Xiao Xingjun with the shock of the Bi Sheng Tian Gong. Retaliation."

"This idea is good, but you are too high to see me, because with my own ability, I can't interfere with the Bisheng Temple. I can only protect myself at most. Therefore, your four-image alliance is involved. It is not necessarily a good thing."

Jian Chen directly explained the words. Although with the support of the Justice League, he can directly fight with the Four Elephants Alliance, and even have enough power to destroy the Four Elephant Alliance. This is true for the Justice League. It is really harmful.

Because if the Justice League does not participate, then they will not offend Xiao Xingjun. Xiao Xingjun will not hate the Justice League, but once he participates, he can really hate with Xiao Xingjun. At that time, even if the four-image alliance was destroyed, the Justice League would suffer revenge from Xiao Xingjun.

The revenge of Xiao Xingjun is by no means resisted by the Justice League.

After the explanation of Jian Chen, Hao Tian also understood the powerful relationship and could not help but frown.

He also faintly understood that the relationship between the Tianyuan family and the Bisheng Tiangong may not be as strong as the ancestors imagined. Jian Chen can save the Tianyuan family by the return of the true tower, but Absolutely can't keep their Justice League.

At the same time, in the northern part of Yunzhou, the palace of the Xuan Dao imperial palace, the imposing palace was shrouded in a powerful array, leaving only a few large gates for people to enter and exit.

However, at this time, a figure flew at a very fast speed, and the energy of the body boiled and rolled, and the huge momentum covered the entire palace.

This is a strong protagonist, the realm of the realm, has reached the endless nine heavens, he just arrived, it was the ancestors of the Xuan Dao dynasty.

In the forbidden area of ​​the Xuan Dao imperial dynasty, Tian Hu, one of the three ancestors of the Xuan Dao dynasty, opened his eyes and stared at the outside with a dignified look. The popularity was so huge that he had reached the endless nine-day sky. It can completely crush the entire Xuan Dao Dynasty.

"Will you go straight to the palace, who is he?" Tianshuang said in the dark, a flash appeared outside.

The other two insecure strongmen of the Xuan Dao dynasty were also retreat at the same time, ready to go out.

The Wujiu Jiuqiang Tianqiang was intimate, which made the three ancestors of the Xuantang Dynasty dare not have the slightest care.


However, at this moment, a deafening roar came, only to see the violent trembling of the Xuan Dao Imperial Palace, the light sighed quickly, and then, as the most powerful guardian of the Xuan Dao imperialism, it was so easily broken. .

As soon as the coming of the people approached the palace of the Xuan Dao imperial court, they attacked and attacked, and they broke the guardianship of the Xuan Dao imperial dynasty, without any words.

The day frost and the other two ancestors who were preparing for the polite greetings, the face suddenly changed, and the attitude has already shown hostility.

"Stop, I don't know where our Xuantu dynasty sinned the Taoist friends, and made the Taoist friends so angry that they ruined the large array of our Xuan Dao dynasty." Tianshuang screamed, and the other two Xuantang dynasty The strong starters fly to the sky at the same time.

At this point, they also saw the other side's touch, it is a very ordinary looking old man, but the strong momentum of the body, but let the three people of the day frost are a chill.

The Wujiu Heavenly Realm is the most important ancestor of the Xuantu Dynasty, which is the strongest but only the four heavens. It is like a mountain, so they can't breathe.

This old man is the guardian of Xiao Xingjun, Mu Lin.

Mulin was suspended in the heavens and the earth. He was previously humiliated in the Tianyuan family. Xiao Xingjun attacked the Pingtian Dynasty and lost it. This made his heart very wrong. At this moment, he faced three people who were far weaker than themselves. He seems to have finally recovered his self-confidence and shrouded the three people with a powerful momentum. He said coldly: "Where the innate and the body are, they will be called out immediately and go back to serve the little star. ”

As soon as I heard this, Tianshuang’s three faces suddenly changed. They didn’t know who Xiao Xingjun was, but they could make a non-polar Jiuzhong Tianqiang who did things for him. It’s also a sure thing to be an extraordinary person. They were not provoked by the Xuan Dao Dynasty.

"Xinger and Yueer have already had a marriage contract with the son of the Luoshen family." Tianshuang said that the family of the gods is one of the top families in Yunzhou, standing on the top of a continent. Now, she can only be lost. The family moved out and hoped to scare people back.

However, she did not know the little star in the woods mouth, and the big ones were far beyond her imagination.

"Hey, the family of the gods? Just because they dare to compete with Xiaoxingjun for the celestial body and the innate celestial body?" Mulin dismissed, revealing the sarcasm, and immediately his palms spread, suddenly there is a powerful energy coming together. , condensed into a huge palm and grabbed toward a palace below.

He did not put the three people in the eyes at all, and he was too lazy to continue to waste his tongue here and directly started.

Because of his knowledge, he has found congenital and celestial bodies in dense palaces.

"Stop!" Tianshuang and the other two ancestors of the Xuan Dao dynasty were furious, and they would watch the unscrupulous arrest of the woods, and the three immediately stopped.

"By you also want to obstruct the old man? Look for death!" Mu Lin was cold in his eyes. He used one hand against the enemy, slammed the seal, and displayed the secretary. He turned out a starlight to cover the three people, and the other hand, The speed of the energy giant palm is not reduced. The bang smashes a palace below, and the star princess and the moon princess who stayed in the palace retreat are taken up.

The other two old men of Tianshuang and Xuan Dao’s dynasty were retired by the secret law of Mu Lin’s display. The three were contaminated with blood and were already injured.

Among the three of them, the strongest day cream is only the fourth day of the world. In the face of the woods that have been repaired to the nine heavens, the gap is too big.

"Sure enough, it is a peerless attitude, Xiaoxingjun will love it." Mulin looked at the Princess of Stars and the Princess of the Moon who was imprisoned by himself. He nodded with satisfaction and immediately looked at the three people in Tianshuang. Killing the plane and shooting: "Your northern domain seems to be on the side of the Justice League. If this is the case, then you can't leave you." After that, Mulin started again and prepared to kill all the three people.

The face of the three ancestors of the Xuan Dao dynasty changed dramatically and immediately resisted and was forced to fight over the palace of the Xuan Dao imperial court.

In the beginning of the battle, the power is very horrible. Every time you fight, every time the collision, the afterglow of the energy is destroyed, extremely destructive, and they are only a few hundred meters away from the ground below. Therefore, only two fights, the magnificent palace of the Xuan Dao imperial dynasty, is to ruin the ruins, many soldiers wearing armor have fled, and suffered heavy casualties.

"Father of the Emperor!"

"Father of the Emperor!"

The imprisoned Star Princess and the Princess of the Moon gave a voice of sorrow and anger. They watched the Emperor in the robes screaming under the raging energy aftermath. Buried in the ruins.

puff! puff!

At the same time, in the sky, the two heads flew high, the blood stained the sky, the three ancestors of the Xuan Dao imperial dynasty, in addition to the day frost, the other two were all smashed by the woods, and the gods were destroyed.

The day cream is also full of blood and is hit hard.

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