Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2572: Fallen family

Looking at the head that had been smashed down, the two companions who had been crushed by the gods, the day cream was sad and sad, and she finally looked at the prisoner who was imprisoned by Mulin, and she had already stunned the Princess of Stars and the Princess of the Blue Princess. I did not hesitate to escape to the distance.

"You can't go anywhere today." Mu Lin showed a sneer, revealing a bloodthirsty killing. He was so oppressed these days that he had finally found a chance to vent, and naturally he wanted to kill.

Mulin immediately turned into a residual image and chased the past. The speed was very fast, and the moment was already close to the frost.

After all, the gap between the two is really too big, not only the combat power, but even the speed is not at the same level, with the repair of the heavens and the four heavens, and you can escape the woods. The pursuit.

The heart of Tianshuang suddenly sank, and Mulin’s move was obviously to kill him.

But immediately, her eyes revealed a decisive color, and immediately there was a faint flame burning from her body. At this moment, the day frost burned her own blood, and used the cost of self-destruction to spread the secret. Mile distance.

Mu Lin’s mouth sneered out, his knowledge spread out, and it was very easy to find the trace of the day frost. His body suddenly burst into the sky like a meteor, and it was chased by lightning.

Although millions of miles are very far away, ordinary people can't cross one-tenth of their lives in their lifetime. However, for the woodless forests without the extremes, there are only a dozen breathing time.

Millions of miles away, Tian Huo’s body fell extremely weakly in a wasteland, his face pale. She was first hit hard, and then burned the essence of blood to play the secret, and now it has been badly hurt.

However, she also knows this distance, and she can't avoid the pursuit of a Wujiu Jiuqiang Tianqiang. It is extremely vital. She dares not to stop. She immediately struggles to stand up and turn over, only one foot in size. The white jade compass appeared in her hands, and she took out a tricolor **** crystal to start the white jade compass.

Suddenly, the white jade compass shines brightly, and a huge array of illusions emerges, emitting a strong force of transmission.

In this picture, it actually contains the five major domains of Yunzhou. Through this map, you can clearly see the location of the five major domains of Yunzhou, and the vast ocean that divides the five major domains.

The day frost pointed at the picture. The next moment, her body was under the strong light, and disappeared in an instant.

"Hey, the transmission of the array, she actually has a transmission array." At the same time, the wood forest that was being pursued from afar stopped the figure, revealing a strange color.

"But let's spare your life."

He also knows that it would be very troublesome to chase a strong starter with a transmission front, and he would not waste such a long time on an insignificant person. Fortunately, he gave up, with a star and The two princesses of Laner immediately rushed to the south.

The family of the gods, nestled in a mountain, is covered by a strong array of formations. From the outside, the clouds rise and rise like a vast sea of ​​clouds.

Suddenly, outside the mountain gate of the family of the gods, the space was distorted, and the pale sky cream fell from the inside. As soon as she came here, she immediately crushed a piece of jade.

Soon after, there was a young man in the cloud of smoke in front of him. He was about thirty years old, his face was resolute and his style was extraordinary.

This man is a prowess.

"Day frost, what's wrong with you? You have this reason, who hurts you like this." The young man had a look of excitement from the inside, but when he saw the day cream, he turned his blood and suddenly changed his face, revealing the distressed color. With it, there is a raging anger.

"An imperial nine-day sky has stepped over the palace of the Xuan Dao imperial dynasty, and has taken away the stars and the blue children..." Tianshou said a long story, and the story of the Xuan Dao dynasty was told in three sentences.

"Is there such a thing? It is true that there is such a reason. Stars is the fiancee of a great-grandson of the elders of He Heping. The blue child is also the dim room set by the young master of the sword. The young master of the sword is the descendant of the ancestors. Who is it? Such a bold, even the people of our family have dared to grab." This young man is furious, the family of the gods is a top family standing on the top of Yunzhou, very detached, and now some people dare to shake the earth on the old age, this It is impossible to find death.

"How about the Nine Heavens in the Promise, in the eyes of my family, I have always been a little bigger grasshopper. You should not worry about the frost. I will tell the family's elders, this is a god-level healing Dan. Medicine, you should heal the wound first." As soon as the voice fell, the young man directly passed the sound of the family.

He is also a shackle in the family of the gods, named Luo Feiye, and he has no ambition, so he has a low status in the family of the gods. Therefore, he can directly contact several elders of the family of the gods. .

In the family of the gods, who are qualified to become elders of the elders, are all strong in the beginning!

The day frost nodded, and the eyes showed the color of hatred. The other two ancestors of Xuan Dao’s dynasty fell in front of her. This made her hate and hatred. If she wanted revenge, she must find the family of the gods.

Therefore, in her heart, I also look forward to the early death of the family of the gods, and the wood forest will be killed.

In the anxious waiting of the frost, soon, an old man came out of the family of the gods. He was wearing a black robe, and his swords and eyebrows were stunned.

However, he is full of restraint and can't feel that this is a strong starter.

"The younger generation of frost, see the elders!" Seeing this old man, Tianshuang was happy in his heart and immediately bowed his hand.

This old man, she knows, is one of the elders of the gods family, He Heping, one of his great-grandsons, who has already made a marriage contract with the Princess of the Xuan Dao Dynasty.

Princess Xinger was taken away, and it was a perfect fit for He Heping.

Luo Heping nodded slightly, and his attitude was somewhat indifferent. It seemed that he did not put the frost in his eyes.

"The old man has already found the trace of the man. Let's go, let's go and bring this person here. No matter who this person is, what background, and dare to fight against our family, then we can't forgive." He Ping said, a gesture that does not tell the world's people in the eyes.

Indeed, in the strength of the family, the qualifications in Yunzhou do have this qualification, because the family of the gods is a member of the Justice League.

Although the Justice League and the Four Elephants Alliance and the two major hegemons of Yunzhou, in fact, everyone knows that the strength of the Justice League is completely stronger than the Four Elephants Alliance.

However, just as they were about to leave, the face of Luo Heping changed slightly, and a horrible color appeared in his gaze. His look changed rapidly and he was amazed.

"Taiwanese elders, what's wrong?" Tianshuang looked a glimpse, looking at the falling Heping.

Luo Heping suddenly fell into a silence, after a long ring, he opened his mouth: "From this moment on, our family of Gods has lifted the marriage contract with the two princesses of the Xuan Dao dynasty." The voice fell, and the return of He Ping did not return. Go, disappear into the family of the gods.

If the day frost is struck by lightning, the whole person is stunned and the look becomes awkward.

"This...this...what is going on?" The falling leaves were also stunned, and some of them were stunned, and it was not expected that this would be the result.

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