Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2595: Blood wash three major forces

The four-image alliance's smoked ancestors, Gong Ji, Wu Lu, Chang Fengyun, and the fallen from the Justice League, together, the two are standing together.

Each of them is a legendary figure in Yunzhou. Many warriors cannot have a true life in their lifetime. They can influence Yunzhou as a whole.

At this moment, they are full of six Taishiqiang strong, representing the top of the entire Yunzhou more than half of the index of the top of the strong, are standing face to face in the guardian array of law, staring at the distance, there is a touch of eyebrows There is very little sorrow in them.

"Hey, we have already fallen into a dead end. If there is no foreign aid, our four-image alliance will not be able to spend this robbery, Gong Ji, Wu Lu, things have developed to this step, are you satisfied?" The smoked ancestor sighed, Said in a heavy tone, full of blame.

He originally disagreed with the practice of Gong Ji and Wu Lu. Now that things have developed to this point, it can be said that everything is caused by Gong Ji and Wu Lu.

As for the two people who lived together and joined together, the smoked ancestors did not say anything. Although they were once hostile, hatred was difficult to completely resolve, but at this time, they still need them.

"Smoke the wind, things have come to this, it has no meaning to pursue these, we have not thought that the sword dust is actually a person of the martial arts, and the fighting power of the martial arts is not strong or weak compared with the rumors. The three mixed elements are really terrible." Miyaji said with a blank expression, her old eyes looked into the distance, looking at the place where the Wushen was located across the distant void, and the eyes were born. The color of taboos and horror.

Not only her, in fact, all the top powerhouses in Yunzhou are scared by the horrible fighting power of Wu Xun.

It’s so easy to kill the Taishiqiang, and it’s so amazing that it’s so easy to kill the Taishiqiang in a short time.

If nothing happens, they will not believe it anyway.

"Xiao Xingjun, you also saw it. With the addition of Wushen, our four-image alliance is no longer an opponent. Now everything can only be seen by Xiao Xingjun." Gong Ji turned his head to Xiaoxing. Jun said, with a hint of pleading in his tone.

Smoked ancestors, long wind clouds, Wu Lu, together and a few days of people are also looking to Xiao Xingjun. Indeed, in the form of the eyes, their four-image alliance is in an absolute disadvantage. Just one martial art makes them difficult to parry. Moreover, there are still no names in the Justice League, Zhou Zhidao and Flames are the three strongest. By.

The only hope they have now is to rely on Xiao Xingjun.


"Fortunately, not insulting, has successfully killed the second Taiqiang strong, eight divisions, this corpse you and collect." Chu Jian haha ​​smile, he picked a sword in his hand, Zheng Hu's body directly flew Into the Wushen Mountain.

On the illusory Wuhun Mountain, the martial arts squad has stopped. Jian Chen has caught Zheng Hu’s body and felt the terror power contained in it. His heart is also secretly happy. I did not expect to harvest two Taishijing so quickly. The body of the strong, this will help boost the strength of the fairy demon flower.

"This is their space ring, a few brothers and sisters, these two rings will be handed over to you." Jian Chen took the space ring of Coulee and Zheng Hu and took the initiative.

"The usual beginning of the world, it is estimated that there is nothing good for us to look at the good things, you take five to see if there is something you need." Soul burial, Chu Jian and Yue Chao three set foot Wushen Mountain, they did not look at it, they handed the space ring to Yunzi Pavilion, Su Qi, Bai Rufeng and Qingshan.

"Okay, then I am not welcome." Yun Ziting smiled and took a look at the space ring: "There are a lot of colored crystals inside, I took some color crystals and several materials, and the rest of you The four people took it."

Subsequently, Su Qi, Bai Rufeng and Qingshan also took their own needs, and finally threw the rest to Jian Chen.

The possession of the two great Taishi strongmen was thus divided by the five of them.

Jian Chen did not go to see what was left in it, and directly collected the two space rings.

"Thank you for helping a few friends, otherwise, our four-image alliance is afraid that it will be robbed." Tongtianfengfeng, the nameless, Zhou Zhidao and the flames of the Promise came to Wushen Mountain in front of the Qiqiu fist.

Although the strongest martial arts are not mixed, they dare not be scornful and treat them with great care.

Suddenly, on the land of Yunzhou, a strong energy fluctuation caused the attention of Jian Chen.

At this moment, Jian Chen is deep in the sky, and Yunzhou is a flat land floating in the sky. Therefore, he can see the five major domains in Yunzhou at a glance and find the eastern, northern and middle regions. The fierce battle broke out, and the horrible energy aftermath formed a ripple that was visible to the naked eye, turning into a storm that raged in two places.

The position of the outbreak of the war in the northern region, Jian Chen at a glance, is the place where the family of the gods is located.

"You are working on the family of the gods?" asked Jian Chen, his eyes flashing, and he wanted to try.

"The family of the gods, Yuhua Daozong and Qi Tianzong betrayed the Justice League, and we naturally will not let them go." Flames promise the teeth.

"It’s good, it’s going to pay a heavy price for their betrayal. We want to wash away the family of the gods, the Tianzong and the feathers, and kill them. The dogs don’t stay.” Zhou Zhidao said, murderous.

This time, their sudden betrayal in the sky, almost let them fall into the abyss, so they are all hated to gnash their teeth.

"Peace, how is your injury?" Jian Chen looked at the peak of Tongtian Peak, his brow furrowed.

"For the time being, I will not be able to get in the way. The power of this curse can be suppressed for the time being. You should first deal with the things of the three major families." Tongtianfengfeng waved his hand and said the tone was weak.

"Well, let's go and solve the family of the gods, the feathers of the Taoist and the Tianzong, and this time there is no need to be merciful." Jian Chen immediately flew toward the north, an impatient look. It seems that he is more urgent than the Justice League to destroy these three forces.

"Yuhua Daozong, Yu Tianzong and the Luoshen family have strong guardianships. It is impossible to break open by the elders in our family, or we need to do it ourselves." The place where the big family is located, said to the flames of the Promise and Zhou Zhidao.

Immediately, the three of them were divided into three roads and went to the three major forces.

At the same time, in the southern part of Yunzhou, in the imperial city of the Blood Yang Dynasty, there is a young boy who is sitting on the roof of an inn. If Jian Chen is here, he will recognize it. This boy is the child he met when he went to Wan Gu Lou.

On the surface, he is just an ordinary farmer and child, but his strength is unfathomable.

"Nine Stars is estimated to want to use his son Tian Yao's hand to remove the sword dust, but he is too high to see his ability to be a son, unless the power of the Star State, or his personal layout, Otherwise, depending on the ability of his son, if you want to get rid of the sword dust, it is really an idiot to say a dream."

"But personally, the interference is too much, the more the traces are naturally, the Jiu Xing Xingjun estimates that there is no such courage, otherwise, if it is really too respectable to push the telescope to understand the truth... Oh, the ruin is really too respectful If you don't say that he will die in the Nine Stars, even the sobbing blood will be shackled by the fish pond. How terrible it is under the wrath, I dare not imagine."

There was a fruit in the hands of the unintentional boy. While eating the fruit, he looked at the flowing pedestrians in the street below. He whispered: "Since the sword dust is a fruit, he will eventually die, but he But he can't die in Yunzhou." When it comes to this, the unconscious boy's gaze suddenly looks at the sky, and his gaze seems to penetrate the endless void and see the depths of the universe.

"Even the bird has come, this little Yunzhou seems to be getting more and more lively..." The unintentional boy gave a chuckle and became more and more interested.

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