Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2596: Insidious blackmail

In the vast starry sky far away from Yunzhou, there is a small volume of meteorites, which is floating quietly in the sky at the moment, as if it is integrated into the stars.

On this rock, there is a man in Tsing Yi, who is like a ghost, standing silently.

He converges all the breath, and the whole person seems to have become integrated with the stars, even if he is standing near him, it is difficult to feel his existence.

This Tsing Yi man is the famous Qingpeng Wang in the sacred world. He is also one of the four kings of Tianduanzhou.

At this moment, he was standing on the rock, standing with his hands on his back, and his eyes were sharp and sharp, staring at the moment in front of the floating sky in the void, only the sesame-like land.

This land is Yunzhou, one of the forty-nine continents of the Holy Land.

Because the distance is too far away, the originally huge Yunzhou has narrowed down in the eyes of Qing Yao Tianwang.

"Nine Stars has already announced the closure of life and death, and the impact of the situation is too respectable. As a result, the sons he received have gone to Yunzhou to make a fuss, and they have offended the sword dust. It seems that Jiu Xingjun did not retreat before the retreat. To his son, he told the news that he was too respectful and degraded, which led to his son, and even made some acts that provoked the victory of the Tiansheng Temple." Qing Yao Tianwang looked at Yunzhou and issued a low The sound of whispering.

Although it is far from the location of Yunzhou, Qingyao Tianwang has seen the scene of what happened in Yunzhou.

Qing Yao Tianwang seems to think of something, the corner of his mouth suddenly reveals a very strange smile, whispered: "I don’t know that Jiu Xingjun passed the customs and learned that Jian Chen actually died in the hands of his own son, it will be What kind of expression is it?"

"Just, his ability to be a son is too weak. With his words, he can't kill Jian Chen."

"Sword dust is a thorn in the heart of the king. I can’t wait to kill it, but it’s just because it’s really too respectful. Let the king have nothing to do with him, but since the son of Jiu Yao Xingjun has already avenged him, That king, why not push the boat..." The smile of the king of Qing Yao is getting more and more strange and gloomy.

In the northern part of Yunzhou, outside the mountain gate of the Sacred Family, I saw the entire family of the gods, and they were all shrouded in a powerful array. The energy in the array was boiling, and the radiant glow was shining. The defense of the law is pushed to the extreme.

In addition to the array of law, many powerful people are suspended in the sky, led by four old people, constantly making powerful attacks, and the continuous bombardment of the family of the gods, the deafening roar is endless, and the sky is falling apart.

These strong men who attack the Fallen family are all family members.

Since the emergence of Wushen, after the prevailing advantage, the nameless, Zhou Zhidao, the flameless three have been ordered to launch a devastating blow to the family of the gods, Yuhua Daozong and Yu Tianzong.

Therefore, this time, the family is almost incisive, and the four major elements are too elders to come to the family of the gods with the fastest.

However, Tian Tianzong and Yuhua Daozong suffered revenge from the Vulcan family and Qian Kunzong respectively.

"This method of guarding the family of the gods, but the heavens are personally arranged, with the ability of the four of us, unless it is to consume the energy of the array, otherwise there is no hope of breaking."

"There are transmissions in the family of the gods. They are going to transfer the fires in the family through the transmission array. We have to break the battle as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will only be an empty mountain gate..."


The four elders from the family have been drinking low, and their hearts are secretly anxious. But this is a strong law, so they have no way.

"You step back, let me come." Just as the four of them were in a hurry, an old voice passed over, and only the ancestors of the family appeared in front of them.

"Old patriarch, great, your old man has come over!" The four elders of the family were happy and grateful.

"See the ancestors!" In the rear, many disciples of the family also made great gifts and looked excited.

He didn't speak without name. He held an iron bar in his hand. When the energy was running, there was a horrific pressure that broke out from the iron bar and destroyed the earth.

This iron rod is an artifact, and its rank is among the best.

Unnamed hand-held iron bars, directly on the guardian of the Fallen family, burst into a fierce roar, the earth shakes, the horrible energy storm razes the mountains, the space is torn out A huge crack.

The Guardian Array of the Fallen Family violently flickers, the light flickers and the energy of the array is being consumed at a very alarming rate.

However, this unspeakable attack, the guardianship method is finally resisted.

嗵 No name, no stop, pick up the iron bar to continue attacking, every stick is thrown out, with earth-shattering energy fluctuations, the power is very amazing, the whole piece of land is shaking violently, and the ground everywhere is collapsed.

He attacked five times, and the Guardian of the Fallen Family finally broke, revealing a building under the cover of the formation.

At this moment, the family of the gods has already been chaotic, and the disciples of many families of the gods have panicked in front of them, fleeing in a panic, and rushing toward the transmission of the family of the gods.

In the central square of the Sacred Family, two transmission arrays were set up there, and the transmission ray flashed continuously, sending away a famous talented younger generation in the family.

In the high sky of the family of the gods, five people of different ages were suspended there, and they radiated a sigh of relief.

These five people are all strong in the beginning of the mixed-age, and are the five elders of the fallen family.

However, the faces of the five of them all became pale. The formation of the family of the gods is that the five of them are presiding over, and the namelessness has shattered the guardian array with absolute strength, which has caused them to be implicated.

"I went to ruin the transmission array!" After the nameless, one of the elders of the family sang a low drink and immediately swept away toward the transmission array. "You can't think about it!" The elders of the Fallen family screamed in anger, and he was saddened by death, and he went to block.

However, at this moment, the void burst, and a huge space crack appeared. I saw an iron rod tearing the sky and smashing it with devastating power.

The elders of the fallen family, the elders of the beginning of the mixed-yuan, did not even have the power to resist them. They were shackled on the head by this iron rod.

The person who shot was unnamed, and he used his strong strength in the beginning of the world to kill an elder of the family of the gods.

In this scene, the four remaining elders of the Fallen family are seen to change.

"Oh, no name, you are also a highly respected predecessor. How can we make this self-deprecating identity and run down to bully us, which is not a glorious thing for those younger generations." The elders of the family of the gods fell, and He Ping screamed and screamed. It became very ugly.

If they are just the four elders of the family, they can still rush out, but they can start from the beginning, they will have no chance to survive.

"In order not to let the five of you escape, but also to reduce the casualties of our family, therefore, the old man can only personally take the shot." 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵 嗵The elders called.

The gap between the mixed environment and the beginning of the world is too big. Moreover, the beginnings of the floating family are not particularly strong, so in the hands of the unknown, almost There is no power to fight back.

Unnamed shots, no feelings, and soon the remaining four of the family of the Fallen family began to kill the elders, one did not escape.

The four immigrants in the family are too elders, and they are the promising starters who chase down the family of the gods.

Suddenly, the strength of both sides was one-sided, forming a unilateral slaughter. The family was chasing down the disciples of the family of the gods. The huge disparity in strength made the many families of the family of the gods fall into the slaughter.

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