Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2610: Gong Sunzhi shot

"Good and strong!" 嗵 No name, Zhou Zhidao and the flames of the three great heart shocks, one by one narrowed to the size of the eye, the heart is in a sharp shock.

Among the three of them, Zhou Zhidao is in the beginning of Taiyuan, and the nameless and flameless are both the beginnings of the world. This kind of strength is almost in the shadow of Yunzhou, and the lame can make the whole cloud The state was shocked by three earthquakes.

However, at this moment, the energy that broke out from Gong Sunzhi made the Zhou Zhidao, who is the top powerhouse of Yunzhou, the unnamed and the flameless three, all of them are fascinating and their hearts are violently roaring.

Moreover, what makes them feel embarrassed most is that the sudden and powerful people who are shocked by them are actually in a state of hostility with the martial arts and the sword dust.

At the moment, it is the crucial moment to annihilate the four-image alliance. Seeing that the four-image alliance’s guardianship law is about to be broken, the four-image alliance will be completely destroyed. As a result, there is a strong presence of strength, which makes Zhou Zhidao, 嗵The faces of the nameless and flameless three are somewhat ugly.

For a time, the sire they brought, they also stopped attacking the four-image alliance.

Gong Sunzhi holds the sword of the **** of the gods, and is shrouded in the sacred light. It shines like the supreme god. He turns into a terrifying rainbow and flies into the sky outside the sky. When he is not near Wushou Mountain, the **** of the gods The sword is slamming down.

Suddenly, the amazing power of the sword of the **** of the gods suddenly broke out, eclipsing the heavens and the earth, leaving the stars in the sky unknown, the cold and dark void, even more so, the sword was given in half, and a huge black crack appeared. , swallowing all the light.

With the sword of the **** of the gods, there is an incredible sword light, carrying the earth-shattering energy, exuding the atmosphere of destruction, and going straight to Wushen Mountain at a fast and incredible speed.

Wherever this sword light passes, the cold and dark voids are violently trembled, and another piece collapses and collapses.

The power of this sword is so strong that it exceeds the upper limit of this void, and even if it only emits a little energy fluctuation, it can cause the starry sky to oscillate.

"Gongsun Zhi is not worried. Although he has mastered the sword of the **** of the gods, his realm is too low. He can't perfectly control the power of the sword of the gods. We are careful, he can't hurt us. On the mountain soul of Wushen Mountain, the moon super-sounded and said, when the voice fell, he controlled the position of the mountain soul of Wushen Mountain.

The mountain spirit of Wushen Mountain moved, and it was as fast as a teleport. Only when it was in the blink of an eye, the mountain spirit of Wushen Mountain left its original position and appeared thousands of miles away.

The shocking blow of Gong Sunzhi’s sword with the **** of the gods, although possessing the supreme power of destroying the earth and destroying the land, can’t seem to really lock the Wushen Mountain, so the Wushen Mountain changes its position and the sword of the gods This attack naturally fell through and eventually disappeared into the depths of the Xinghai.

Gong Sunzhi issued a roar. He continued to attack with the sword of the **** of the gods. Every sword broke out with the power of heaven and earth, destroying the earth and destroying the earth. However, Wushen Mountain was not hard to pick up, and each time they were easily taken away from the past.

Seeing his own attacks again and again, and then being fooled away, Gong Sunzhi finally couldn’t help but scream: "The martial arts are a pulse, you have the courage to not run, dare not fight with the main hall of the temple." ""

On the soul of the mountain, Jian Mian stared at the sword of the **** of the gods, and the singer of the singer, the singer of the singer, the brow was also a wrinkle, if the Gongsun Zhi did not protect the holy sword, in his eyes it is indeed like a ant-like character, there is Guarding the holy sword, he also had to admit that this little **** king is not what he can do.

"But the six guardians of the Temple of Light, it seems that only Gong Sunzhi came here." Jian Chen's eyes swept over Yunzhou, and he was relieved after not discovering the figures of Bai Yu and Han Xin.

"The guardian of the holy sword, because it is completely chosen by the sacred instrument spirit, otherwise, with the qualification of Bai Yu Xiao Shimei and Han Xin honestly, it is impossible to obtain the guardian holy sword, after all, in the Temple of Light In the middle, there are too many people who are stronger than them. It seems that I have to find a way to go to the Tower of Light." Jian Chen’s heart is secret.

In the Light Tower of the Temple of Light, Gong Sunzhi showed his hostility and killing to him. The sacred instrumental spirit should know that the strongest guardian holy sword still fell into the hands of Gong Sunzhi. This made him feel bad in his heart, and he could not help but worry about the sacred instrument.

"Master brother, two brothers, I have taught the guardian sword very much, so my understanding of the guardian holy sword is far more than you, let me drag the Gongsun Zhi, you must be careful of the emperor and Xu Zhiping, they are Come with Gong Sunzhi, because it is a group." Yue Chao said, as soon as the voice fell, he flew directly out of the mountain spirit, and his strength surged and went straight to Gong Sunzhi.

Gong Sunzhi holds the guardian holy sword, and the whole person is like the only strong sun in this dark starry sky, emitting a ray of light, and the strong holy light shines through the whole piece of Yunzhou land, only to see him screaming in the sky. A sword is thrown out, broken the Milky Way, and the mercy is unrelenting.

In the face of the power of guarding the holy sword, Yue Chao did not dare to care about it. He saw that his face was serious and he did not connect with Gong Sunzhi. Instead, he escaped the attack of the sword of the gods with a clever figure.

Next, Yuechao and Gongsun Zhi are tangled in the sky, not so much as fighting, but rather playing a game of cat and mouse, because Yuechao deeply understands the power of guarding the sword, so he faces the grandson. Zhi, he does not fight hard, and does not fight back, except to avoid or avoid.

Hard to connect, the power of guarding the holy sword is too strong, it is only him who suffers. In the case of counterattacks, Gong Sunzhi has the power to guard the holy sword. This guardian power can resist even the martial arts force. Any form of attack, unless it can break the guardian power of the sword of the **** of the gods, otherwise it is impossible to harm the grandson. Zhizhi is not.

Therefore, avoidance is the only way to deal with the protection of the Holy Sword before it has the strength to counter the front of the guardian sword.

In the case of Gong Sunzhi’s repeated shots, he found that although he had a sword of the **** of the gods, he could not even touch the clothes of the moon, and he could not help but feel angry.

"Hahaha, in front of the Lord, do you have only one escape from the martial arts? In the sacred world, the martial arts that have the name of Hehewei have not even qualified for the battle with the Lord. It is really I don’t think it’s necessary to continue to exist.”

"You should be super-month, month super, you sneaked into our bright temple last time, and almost died in the hands of the main lord. I didn't expect to meet this time. When you see the lord, you will start to escape directly. After an injury, I knew that the Lord of the House was so powerful that I had a fear of the Lord, and even the courage of the First World War was gone..."

"Ha ha ha, martial arts, since you are so afraid of the Lord, then the Lord will give you a way to live. If you can surrender the head of Jian Chen and then sing the head nine in front of the Lord, then the Lord will put You are alive."

Forced to helpless, Gong Sunzhi began to use language to play, his attack with the sword of the **** of gods did destroy the land, but it is really impossible to beat the moon, which makes his heart feel very wrong, there is a punch Playing on cotton, completely makes you feel weak, how uncomfortable it is.

After all, he is only a king of God, and all aspects of his ability are far from being comparable to the beginning of the mixed element. Even if there is a guardian holy sword, the attack that can be issued is also empty and has no gods, and it cannot be locked in the moon. Super, and even many times, he can't even catch the shadow of the moon, and often he changes his position in the month. He has to shake his head and search around.

This is the drawback of the inconsistency between power and its own realm.

Otherwise, if the guardian holy sword falls in the hands of a person who is close to the realm of its cultivation, one stroke and one style can seal the heavens as prisoners, draw the ground as a prisoner, completely lock the opponent, and simply avoid the inescapable escape. escape.

"This Gongsun Zhi, its realm is too weak. The speed of this shot is too slow. It is a waste of such a powerful sword of the **** of the gods falling into his hands." Yunzhou, Huangfu is one, Xu Zhiping and Sha Yun are also staring at the battle in the extraterrestrial sky, shaking their heads.

"But this is only temporary. Gongsun Zhi has the protection of the guardian sword. He can break through the protection of the guardian sword and kill him. There are only a handful of people in the holy world, so he will eventually grow up completely, and with him in the future. As the strength continues to increase, he will become more and more horrible," said the thin old man Sha Yun.

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