Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2611: Xu Zhiping shot

Both Huangfu and Xu Zhiping nodded and agreed with Sha Yun’s words.

"Before Gong Sunzhi grows up, we must help him well. Let him know that our Huangfu family, Xu Jia and Shendao are completely on his side. Only let him really regard us as The only person who can be trusted, he will safely hand over the remaining three guardian swords to the juniors in our family. The guardian sword is so powerful, we must not miss it." Huangfu said.

"The relationship between several guardians in the Temple of Light is not harmonious. Bai Yu, Han Xin and Dong Lin are surrounded by three people. The attitude of the father and son is unclear and seems to remain neutral. And Gong Sunzhi, although he has the strongest The guardian holy sword, but it is a loner, at this moment, he urgently needs his own cronies, and our three major families can be the biggest enthusiasm behind him, looking at Yunzhou, in addition to Tongtian Jiansheng, there is no more The forces have fought over the three alliances of ours. Therefore, the remaining three guards of the holy sword are not the three of us." Xu Zhiping said with confidence.

This is the confidence brought by the powerful strength, because they are in the wilderness, except for the Huangfu family, no one can find any top forces to compete with them.

Because they have Xu family, they have two great Taishi strongmen. In addition to his Xu Zhiping, there is also a ancestor of the second world.

At the same time, in the guardianship of the Four Elephants Alliance, the ancestors of the wind, Wu Lu, Gong Ji, Yun Hehe and the five Taishou are standing side by side, they are suspended in the air, a pair of eyes are full of glory. The flash of excitement and excitement stared at the sky for a moment.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect the enemy of Wushen's veins to find it at this time. This is really good. It's so good. It seems that even God is helping us." Gong Ji said excitedly. She looked at Gongsun Zhi, who was in the sky and the moon, and although she did not know Gong Sunzhi, at this moment, Gong Sunzhi has become a savior in her heart.

"It seems that the threat of the martial arts has really been lifted. I really didn't expect that at this juncture, there will be two such strong people in Yunzhou." The smoked ancestor also said that he was guarding the array. Law, looking deep into the direction of Huangfu, Xu Zhiping and Sha Yun, the look became awe-inspiring, said: "The strength of the two people has already reached the beginning of the four days, they are two of them Any one of them must be stronger than the great demon of the year."

"What? Two of the four days of the beginning of the day?" Wen Yan, a heart of surprise, could not help but make an exclamation, and immediately it was a burst of ecstasy.

At the same time, in the Blood Yang Dynasty, the blood yang dynasty inside the phoenix dragon and grandson under the secret arrangement of the blood emperor, is preparing to evacuate the place, to escape from the cloud to escape this disaster, leaving some fire.

The emperor did not leave, calmly staying in the **** dynasty, which symbolizes the highest authority of the immortal dynasty, seems to supervise the evacuation of these phoenix dragons and grandsons, preventing the nine emperors from taking the opportunity to slip away.

From the beginning to the end, the blood emperor is like a frosty face, a gloomy horrible, and the emperor’s move has seriously provoked the majesty of the blood yang dynasty, and did not put the blood yang emperor in his eyes, which made the **** emperor angry in the sky. .

But reluctantly, the only two ancestors of the Blood Yang Dynasty are now at the headquarters of the Four Elephants Alliance. They are ready to fight with the Justice League. The **** dynasty of the Great Yang Dynasty has no power to fight against the emperor. The cultivation of the Yuanjing.

Therefore, in the face of the oppression of the emperor, the blood emperor can only bow.

However, at this time, the battle between Gong Sunzhi and the Wushen was also witnessed by the Emperor and the Emperor of Blood. The brow of the Emperor was suddenly wrinkled, and his eyes immediately stared at the sky, and his face gradually became serious.

The blood emperor is the decadence before the sweep, the whole person's spirit is shocked, and the same gaze is staring at the sky outside the sky, although he looks far less clear than the emperor, but can also capture some pictures.

"Ha ha ha ha, it seems that there is a lot of hostility in the sacred world of the martial arts, dare to take the initiative to find the pulse of the martial arts. It seems that the opponent of the martial arts is not simple." Blood Emperor Haha Laugh, the haze on his face dissipated.

"A sudden change of life, such as the emperor, you think that between the Justice League and the Four Elephants Alliance, who will be the last winner?" The blood emperor looked at the emperor with a meaningful look, especially watching the emperor The serious face, his heart is a kind of unspeakable pleasure.

The success or failure between the Justice League and the Four Elephants League is also related to the survival of their two immortal dynasties. "The emperor's predecessors, Xu predecessors, sand predecessors, why don't you do it, let me trap this person, let him escape for the last time, this time, the Lord must kill him by hand." Just then, In the sky outside the sky, the angry voice of Gong Sunzhi came.

"The Lord is in a hurry, we will help you!" Xu Zhiping laughed. At this moment, he finally stopped concealing. The repairing power of the body suddenly broke out, suddenly forming a horrible energy storm, the earth of the earthquake. Cracks, mountains and rivers tremble, the Justice League's unnamed, flameless Promise and Zhou Zhidao three, face change.

"Four heavens, the beginning of the four heavens!" The three of them exclaimed and their faces became incomparably ugly.

The Four Days of Taishi is already in the mid-term realm. The gap between the two cannot be compared with one heaven to two heavens and two heavens to three heavens.

The strongmen of these levels, for so many years, have only appeared in Yunzhou, that is, the Heavenly Emperor's Heavenly Demon!

Although the Heavenly Demon Lord has fallen, but the Yuwei that he brought to the hearts of the people still exists, and at this moment, there is a strong person in the same realm as the Heavenly Devil, which makes many of the Justice League’s strongmen. They are all sinking in the heart.

On Wushen Mountain, the soul is buried, and Chu Jian is also a serious face. If they are on weekdays, they naturally do not fear that Xu Zhiping and Huangfu are one, but now they are at the extreme of the battle with the Four Elephants. If they are more involved. , that will happen many variables.

"Xu Zhiping, Huangfu Guiyi, Shayun, your three major forces and our martial arts have always been the waters of the wells. For the sake of a Gongsunzhi, why are your three families involved?" The soul buried and said. "The soul is buried, you don't have to say much. Once we did not want to offend you, the cost of the martial arts, because the price to pay is too great, but nowadays, the martial arts will soon become a thing of the past. "Xu Zhiping said plainly, he took a step, and his body appeared in the sky outside the sky, and the horrible energy burst, and he directly pressed the palm to the moon."

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