Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2642: advice

This time, before going to the official screen, Jian Chen refused to take the initiative to replace the official screen: "Thank you for your good intentions. Regarding the future cultivation of the curtain, the younger generation has already had an idea. The younger generation is ready to send the curtain to the Bisheng Temple. ""

After knowing that Dao Jiu came from the Tao family, Jian Chen’s mind made up his mind to stop Jian Chen from going to the Tao family.

This is not because he has complaints about the Tao family, but because of the early shrine that was trapped in Taiqing.

At the beginning of the temple, it was sealed by the sage of the last epoch. The relationship between the two was a hateful relationship. The mind of Jian Chen always thought about the temple of the early days. He had already made up his mind that once he collected ten drops of sage, he immediately returned. Taiqingjie let the temple of the early Tai dynasty recognize the Lord.

The Dao family, one of the ancient family of the Holy Land, is very likely to be the Taoist system passed down by the Tao. Therefore, Jian Chen is very worried that if he gets the temple in the beginning, will he be in the epoch? The hatred between the holy saints and the Taoist saints continues to be with the Dao family.

Although this possibility is not very large, Jian Chen is to keep a distance from the Tao family.

"Baisheng Tiangong" Daoyou made a whisper, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he was quite unhappy. He didn't want to waste his tongue on this topic, but considering that the Shangguan curtain is after all he loves. The only passer of the woman, in order to bring the Shangguan curtain back to the Taoist family for care, he had to say: "The Bi Sheng Tian Gong is indeed stronger than our Dao family, and the resources are not comparable to my Dao family. But Shangguan, if you really go to the Bi Sheng Tian Gong, Bi Sheng Tian Gong will not spend too much resources on you, and in the Dao family, I will treat you as a pro-disciple, so the Dao family Bi Sheng Tian Gong is more suitable for you, you will get more in the Dow family."

"The curtain is very grateful to the love of the predecessors, but the curtain has decided to follow Jian Chen from now on, and does not want to go to other places." Shangguan screen children did not have the slightest heart, refused without hesitation.

On the other hand, the road saw that the Shangguan dynasty’s mind had been decided, and that the various conditions in the Dao’s family were unsuccessful.

"If this is the case, then I will not force you. If you figure it out, you will crush this jade symbol. I will send someone to pick you up. The door of my Dao family is open for you at any time." One point, I saw that in the face of Shangguan, there was a corner of a jade symbol that was condensed out of thin air, and then appeared from behind the corner.

Soon, a jade symbol with only the size of the palm and a very delicate appearance appeared in front of the Shangguan dynasty. One side was engraved with the quaint lines, and the other side was a word of "Tao" that seemed to contain the mystery.

"Don't make a living!" The Jian Chen, who witnessed this scene, was shocked. He saw at a glance that this jade symbol was not made well in the early morning, but was created by Tao Jiu with the magical power.

Moreover, the jade symbol created by this is not an ordinary jade symbol, but an extraordinary thing that contains the avenue of the road and hides a mysterious power.

It is not too difficult to create a jade symbol out of thin air. If you want to embody such a mysterious rhyme in the created object, then it is a god.

Only by this point can you see how amazing the means of Dao Jiu are.

His understanding of the Law of the Avenue has reached an extremely surprising level.

"If you meet a strong enemy in the future, you can also take out this jade. This jade symbol is not a defense, but it represents me to a certain extent."

"It’s just that my jade is not recognized by everyone. Those who can’t recognize it must be able to cope with your strength. If you can recognize it, you will sell me a few thin faces.”

The eyes of Daojiu fell on Jian Chen. His attitude toward Jian Chen was not as gentle as the Shangguan dynasty. He seemed to be a little cold. He said: "I know that you returned to the tower and set up at the Shengsheng Temple. I have to admit you to the words of Shangguan, but I still want to advise you that the Shengsheng Temple is not as good as you think. If you send Shangguan to the Shengsheng Temple, it may not be one. Good things. As for your so-called Tianyuan family, if you want to continue to pass on, don't go to Shengzhou."

"I know that you are worried about the Nine Stars. You can rest assured that as long as you are not dead, he will not dare to give birth to a minion."

After the voice was behind, the figure of Dao Ji disappeared, and the walk was silent, there was no trace, and he had left.

Dao Jiu left, but Jian Chen’s heart was not calm. The last few words of Dao Jiu made him fall into meditation and his face was very serious.

He didn't know how the Tao was like this person, but with his skillful cultivation, he could easily take the Shangguan curtain away, but he did not do so, but respected the opinions of Shangguan. At one point, there is some change in the view of Jian Chen on Dao Jiu.

Such a character will never be targeted. Since he said that it is not a good thing to go to the Shengsheng Temple in Shangguan, there is a certain reason. There is also a Tianyuan family to inherit, and can not go to Shengzhou, this has to lead to the thought of the sword dust.

In the discourse of Daojiu, a clear message was revealed that Shengzhou is not a land of Fukuzawa for the Tianyuan family.

At this time, several powerful breaths fell on the Tianyuan family, interrupting the meditation of Jian Chen.

The battle of the sky outside the sky has ended, the soul is buried, Chu Jian and Yue Chao three people also came to the Tianyuan family.嗵 No name, Zhou Zhidao, Flame Promise and Tongtian Peak Peak are each returning, and other battles in several domains still need them.

Jian Chen left the words of Daoji for a while and came to the front yard together with Shangguan, and saw the bodies that were put in their hands at a glance.

They are Wu Lu, Gong Ji and Yun.

"Unfortunately, the smoked ancestor let him escape." The soul buried a regrettable said, the smoked ancestor is the strongest person in the four-image alliance, the soul burial is first to display the martial arts martial arts to make the martial arts lose half Then he was hit hard, and he was no longer able to leave his ancestors in the heyday.

"Master brother, two brothers, three brothers, this battle is worthy of you, otherwise, my Tianyuan family is afraid that can not be saved, the three brothers go inside to rest and rest." Jian Chen holding a fist.

"We still go back to the mountain spirit, where we can help us to recover. But the eight divisions, Xiao Xingjun is dead, Jiuyi Xingjun is bound to be furious, this Yunzhou you can't stay, you have to go back with us immediately. Wushen Mountain." The soul burial face is serious, and the name of Jiuyi Xingjun has brought them a lot of pressure.

After all, this is the ultimate strength of the nine-day heaven in the beginning. In the face of such a strong, they can only rely on Wushen Mountain to resist.

"If we are still a martial art, if it is still the previous seven, it will be a little difficult to block the nine-star star. But now we are eight people, and the strength of Wushen Mountain will become stronger. Today's Wushen Mountain, because This can block the nine-star star." Yue Chao said.

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