Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2643: End of war

"Little teacher, you let the people of Tianyuan family stay in the Bohai Jingu Palace for the time being. I am afraid that the nine-star star will vent their anger to the Tianyuan family." Chu Jian also spoke, facing the strongmen of Jiuyi Xingjun, With the strength of the Wushen, it is impossible to resist, and only to be wronged to hide in the Wushen Mountain.

Wushen Mountain is the last line of defense of Wu Xing, and it is also the strongest line of defense.

Just a few people talked, Yun Ziting, Su Qi also returned from the outside, they apparently experienced a fierce battle, the clothes were stained with blood.

But this is not their blood, but the blood of the enemy.

In addition, there is a touch of exhaustion between the two of them, which is caused by the serious loss of Wu Soul.

"What? Eight teachers, do you really dare to give Xiaoxingjun?"

Yun Ziting and Su Qi did not know that Xiao Xingjun had fallen. When they heard the news, they were all shocked.

But that's all. It doesn't mean to blame the sword dust. This is just like the burial of the soul, they are not provoked by the martial arts, but they are not afraid of things.

This point is similar to the character of Jian Chen.

"Ha ha ha, killing is good, all bullying to this point, can not kill him, if it is fearful, afraid of that, then it is not the way of our martial arts." Yunzi Pavilion Laughing, very incomparable, and cast a glance at the sword dust.

"Call the seven divisions and the six divisions back, Xiao Xingjun is dead, Jiu Xing Xing will never give up, we must immediately return to Wushen Mountain." Su Qi said seriously.

Several of the martial artists are very dignified and are preparing to return to Wushen Mountain at the fastest speed. The swordsman, the initiator of all this, seems to be very calm, but he also understands the mood of several brothers.

In this vast sacred world, there are really few people who can withstand the anger of Jiu Xingjun. After all, Jiuyi Xingjun is already standing in the terrible existence of the world. It is second only to the avatar, like the avatar of the avatar. However, offending this kind of character, even the top-level forces in the sacred world can not escape the end of the demise.

However, due to the information disclosed by Dao Jiu, Jian Chen’s revenge on Jiu Xing Xingjun was not so worried, so he calmed down.

"Several brothers, you don't have to worry about me. Not long ago, our Tianyuan family came to a predecessor of the Dao family. The predecessor said that Jiu Xingjun would not start with the Tianyuan family for some reason." Jian Chen said, Although he was the first to see the Nine, he believed that such a person like Dao Jiu would never deceive him.

"What? Dow family? Shouldn't it be the Dow family of one of the most ancient ancient families?" Wen Yan, the soul buried several people were surprised.

All the forces that dare to call the ancient family, without exception, inherit the terrible existence of at least one era. They are the giants that cannot be shaken in the sanctuary. They can be disrespectful to the heavens and the earth, without fear of everything. Except for the great respect, there is no world between heaven and earth. Any existence can suppress them.

See Jian Chen nodded, the soul burial immediately asked: "What is his name?"

"Dow nine!" Jian Chen replied.

"Dow nine?" The soul burial whispered, frowning, and then gently shook his head, said: "Dow the family is hidden, but not completely isolated from the outside world, some of the famous top powers inside me Almost all I heard that there is no such name as the name of the road. Perhaps he is one of the few people I don’t know."

"But any ancient family in the sanctuary is more terrible than the Nine Stars, but they are almost in a hidden state, rarely appearing in the Holy Land, so those who know their existence in the Holy Land are very rare."

The soul burial tone was paused and carefully measured. "Since the person who said this is the strongest of the ancient family, then this matter is still credible. Of course, you still have to be careful."

Next, Qingshan and Bairufeng also returned to the Tianyuan family at the same time, but they did not stay much, and the sword dust chilled away with the soul burial and other people to leave, back to Wushenshan to prepare for the worst results.

Jian Chen stayed in the Tianyuan family and did not go back to Wushen Mountain with the soul burial. After all, Yunzhou is the root of the Tianyuan family. Especially after this war baptism, this root has become very solid. Next, waiting for it is to thrive, and he does not want the Tianyuan family to move. From Yunzhou.

Jian Chen looked down at the few space rings in his hand. These space rings were all buried in the soul. Su Qi and Qingshan stayed before they left. The inside is not a treasure, but the time they got it. a body.

"Sword dust, what do we do next? Is it leaving Yunzhou?" Qing Yixuan came to the front of Jian Chen, and her look did not change much. Her time for the Tianyuan family was not long, and her sense of belonging was not strong. There is no emotion at all, so she does not leave, she does not matter.

As soon as I heard the question from Qing Yixuan, everyone in the Tianyuan family gathered here and looked at it with a sigh of relief.

Among them, more people are not willing to leave here, but they also understand that this is not what they can decide. The Tianyuan family is going or staying, all in the thought of Jian Chen.

Because of the sword dust, it is a piece of heaven in the Tianyuan family!

Jian Chen indulged in the meeting, then shouted: "Mo Xingfeng!"

"Home!" Mo Xingfeng immediately stood out from the crowd and held a fist against Jian Chen.

"You act immediately, recover all the lost land of the Pingtian Dynasty, and rebuild the Pingtian Dynasty!" Jian Chen ordered.

It is said that Mo Xingfeng’s look is happy. The decision of Jian Chen is undoubtedly to announce to everyone that the Tianyuan family does not leave Yunzhou.

This suddenly made the many veterans in the Tianyuan family excited. Of course, there was also a person who was very worried about the revenge of Jiu Xingjun.

"Snow protection method, star protection method, white protection method, what is the charm protection method." Jian Chen low drink.

"Home!" The four guards who were named have stood up and are all respectful and respectful to the sword dust.

"The four of you helped Mo Xingfeng to regain the Pingtian imperialism on the ground, and it is necessary to re-establish the Emperor of the Heavens in the shortest possible time." Jian Chendao.

"Yes, the owner!" said the four guards in unison.

"Tsing rain, the restoration work of the Tianyuan family, and the reconstruction of Dong'an County are all responsible for you." Jian Chen said to Xi Yu.

"Homeowner, how to deal with the dynasty of the month." The rainy opening, the betrayal of the Tianyue Dynasty completely angered her, such as today's Yuan family regaining power, her first thought is the Tianyue Dynasty.

"Heavenly Moon Dynasty, dispose of it with you"

After the general explanation was completed, Jian Chen became a showcase and no longer asked about the restoration and operation of the Tianyuan family. All of this was done by the rain and the many elders of the Tianyuan family.

He took the Shangguan dynasty and the hard-hitting Nubis to the forbidden land of the Tianyuan family. Various gods appeared to help Nubis to heal.

At the same time, the fierce battles in the Yunzhong Middle, East and Northern regions were also quickly reversed with the nameless, Zhou Zhidao and the flameless return of them. The army of the Four Elephants was strong in these three great beginnings. Under the shots of the people, they were defeated in a moment, and many elders from the beginning of the mixed-race were killed.

There was no four-image alliance in which the strong-starters were sitting in the town, and the soldiers were defeated by the mountains. The strong-starters were killed more than eight stories. Finally, they forced the situation and began to surrender to the Justice League.

The Justice League did not kill the Four Elephants Alliance, accepted the surrender of the remnants of the Four Elephants, and all the surviving warriors of the Four Elephants were captured as captives.

At this point, Yunzhou, which has been turbulent for many years since the breakthrough of the Great Devils in the past, has finally restored the tranquility thoroughly, and the whole continent has once again become peaceful.

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