Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2644: The end of the Tongtian Peak

Yunzhou is calm, but the trauma caused by this war to Yunzhou can not be compensated for in a short time.

In addition, this war has also caused Yunzhou to be greatly hurt, and the overall strength has dropped rapidly. It is feared that it will become the weakest continent in the forty-nine continents of the Holy Land.

Because of today's Yunzhou, the Taishiqiang strong has fallen to four people, leaving only the nameless family, the flames of the Vulcan family, the Qiang Kun Zong Zhou Road and the Tongtian Peak.

Among the four, the former three were badly hit and it was difficult to return to the heyday in a short time. In particular, the flames of the Promise, the temperament of the hot, after being forced into the road by the Four Elephants, he burned his own essence without hesitation. After the end of the war, he also hurt the origin, and eventually the damage was damaged, even in the future. The breakthroughs in the realm have been affected to some extent.

Flame Promise is not the worst one. Although he has hurt his origins, it takes a little time and Tianbaodibao to have a hopeful make-up. Compared with Tongtianfengfeng, he is a minor injury.

The body of the Lord of the Heavenly Peaks has been completely spoiled by the curse of the curse, and it has reached the point that it has to be abandoned.

Originally, the master of Tongtianfengfeng can completely suppress the power of the curse and slow down the speed of spreading it. Although it cannot be eliminated, it can last for a longer period of time. The longer it is, the greater the grasp of it will be completely resolved. .

It’s just that the situation in Yunzhou has suddenly changed. When he saw the nameless, Zhou Zhidao and the flameless three were beaten by the Four Elephants Alliance, they almost did not fight back. This was a decisive shot, no longer suppressing the curse of the body, and making full efforts to The smoked ancestors fought in the footsteps of the smoked ancestors.

Without the self-sacrifice made by the Tianfeng Peak, there is no name, Zhou Zhidao and the flames of the Promise. The three of them can never insist on the rescue of the Wushen, at least one or two.

Because they are not only weak in individual strength, but even the number is also weak, the gap is a bit big.

On this day, there is no name, Zhou Zhidao, the flameless three people are not allowed to heal, and all three are dragging the body of the disabled to gather the peak of Tianfeng.

Even the sword dust and Xu Ran of the Tianyuan family came here.

At this moment, it is almost the four top forces that can represent the whole of Yunzhou.

Although the foundation of the Tianyuan family is shallow, the strongest force in the family is only one Xuan, but after this war, even if the Tianyuan family does not rely on the Bisheng Tiangong, no one dares to deny its status.

Today's Tianyuan family, although not able to do the same, but stood up to the same height as the family, Qiankunzong, and the Vulcan family, and even more than ever.

In front of them, it is the illusory King of Heaven.

This is the **** of the main peak of Tongtianfeng. He has abandoned the flesh and exists in the form of the god.

However, the main character of Tongtianfengfeng still did not completely get rid of the entanglement of the curse. I saw that in his god, a green silk thread spread out from Dantian, and looked at the momentum, even in the noisy Tianfeng peak. The head goes long.

This thread is the power of the curse. It is tenacious and powerful. If it is like a skeleton, it can't be stripped. Once it really spreads to the eyebrows of the main form of the peak of the sky, it means The main character of Tongtian Peak is destroyed.

"The main character, this is the net soul grass, can play a certain purification effect on the gods, although it can not eliminate the power of cursing, but it is better than nothing."

"I also have a soulful Dan here, which can enhance the gods and peaks to a certain extent. You are now entangled by the power of cursing. The stronger the gods, the better."

There is no name, Zhou Zhidao, and the flameless three people have come up with some treasures of heaven and earth that are of great benefit to the Yuanshen. Each one is very precious, effective for those who are too strong in the beginning, and belongs to the market without price. Treasures.

Jian Chen also came up with some Tiancai Treasures that were harvested from the space rings of the Tai Shi Jing and other places, hoping to help the peak of the peak.

The main peak of Tongtian Peak is a respectable person, and Jian Chen also hopes that the main peak of Tongtian Peak can get rid of the curse of the power as soon as possible.

"These things are also very useful to you. You don't have to waste it on me. For me, even if you have these treasures, you can only strengthen my time limit of hundreds of years, and if I try my best to suppress this silk. The power of the curse can at least last for tens of thousands of years.” Tong Tianfeng’s main character said that he was calm and peaceful, and he was very calm, and he was very weak.

"Peak Lord, you can rest assured, I will find a way to find the strong who understands the curse of the law, and resolve the curse on you." Jian Chen said firmly.

"The power of a curse will push the peak to such a level. The strong man who left the curse on the dagger will not stop the four days of the beginning, at least the five heavens. I just know a sentiment. The curse of the law to the five-day Taoist friends, but the price he opened is too high, we Yunzhou simply can not get out." Flames of the Promise a regrettable way.

"How can the friend of the road be willing to shoot?"

"He wants to be a strange thing." The flames sighed infinitely, and the strong ones who have reached this level have long since disappeared. Everything that can enter their eyes is precious.

As soon as I heard the innate wonders, I had a glimpse of hopelessness and the way of Zhou, and I suddenly looked awkward.

The innate wonders are too precious. For example, the innate five-line flower of the rain, and the water cloud **** iron required by the blue sky are all innate.

Although they are not as good as some of the treasures of the god-class nine products, they are even rarer than the god-class nine treasures, and they are usually in the hands of some top-notch powers.

"You don't have to be like this. I don't have a million years. In this 10,000 years, maybe I can find a way to resolve the power of the curse."

After leaving Tongtianfeng, Jian Chen appeared to be somewhat silent. He has been thinking about how to help Tianfeng Peak.

The curse of the curse is at least the strongest of the five heavens in the beginning. The only thing he can think of is the Bi Sheng Tian Gong and the Dao family. These two top forces may not have reached this level in the curse law. But their fame, you can call such a strong person.

Among them, the Dow family, Jian Chen will not consider it at all, so that only the Shengsheng Temple will be left.

He still has a lot of credit in the Bisheng Temple, which can make the hall go out in person, but he always regards this merit of the Bisheng Temple as the last amulet of the Tianyuan family, ready to deal with Jiuyi. Star Jun, if it is used now, it is equivalent to the last retreat of the Tianyuan family.

"My curse is only the king of the kingdom. Even if I fully understand the law, Jin Dan can only go to the beginning of the Promise. Forever, I don't know if I can practice the curse of the curse to the five days of Tai Shijing." Jian Chen’s heart sighed and felt weak.

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