Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2919: Family borers

  Senior Feng stayed for only three hours and then left. Every time he was awake, he only spent a few hours awake.

After    Senior Feng left, Jian Chen did not practice immediately. He sat cross-legged and couldn't help thinking of Wangulou in his mind.

Not to mention that the design of Wangulou framed Shengyu, but now it is even more aimed at himself, trying to let himself die in the hands of the unreasonable senior Feng.

  If he did not happen to meet Shen Jian here, and it happened that Shen Jian had a method to restrain Senior Wind, then his trip would not really end in a dead end.

  "Wan Gulou" Jian Chen muttered in a low voice, a sharp light flashed in his eyes. However, he also understood that he could only temporarily hide the calculations of Wangulou for himself.

  Because the strength of Wan Bone Tower is too strong, in the eyes of Jian Chen at this stage, he is an unshakable behemoth, an existence that can only be looked up to.

"Jian Chen, you probably won't have the chance to avenge this enmity in Wangulou, because Senior Feng will never let them go. Once Senior Feng solves his own problems, the first thing is to destroy them. Lost Wangulou."

   "Senior Feng hates the Tower of Ten Thousand Bones more than you, so ah, if you want revenge, I'm afraid it's not your turn."

  Shen Jian also knew about Wangulou's frame of Jian Chen. Seeing Jian Chen's murderous look, he couldn't help but said jokingly.

  Jian Chen took a long breath and slowly calmed himself down, instead of thinking about the Wangulou, he focused his attention on Sheng Yu.

On the holy feather, the blood red cocoon transformed by the energy of the holy blood fruit, its color has gradually changed. Through the blood red cocoon, you can roughly see the person lying quietly inside. Holy feather.

  As the power of the Holy Blood Daoguo weakened, Jian Chen's divine consciousness was able to penetrate in. He carefully inspected the injuries in the body of the Saint Yu, and finally showed a relieved smile on his face.

Under his observation, the condition inside the holy feather is improving. The blood power contained in the fruit of the holy blood not only enhances the power of his own blood in the holy feather, but also assists the blood power of the holy feather. Together, they counterattacked the power of the Dark Star Clan Taizun's bloodline.

  This kind of counterattack can be regarded as a kind of swallowing.

Although the power of the bloodline of the Dark Star Clan Taizun is strong, there is no backing force to support it. On the other hand, the power of the bloodline in the body of the holy feather, supported by the energy of the holy blood, is like having a huge energy source. With the continuous support of the power of the Holy Blood Daoguo, he immediately turned defeat into victory and gained the upper hand.

  Furthermore, as part of the Dark Star Race Taizun’s bloodline power was swallowed, the bloodline power of the holy feather itself became stronger.

  As for the flesh body of Sheng Yu that had been transformed by the Dark Star Clan, it was also washed by the power of the Holy Blood Dao Fruit and his own blood, and slowly recovered.

  The scale of victory has completely tilted towards the holy feather.

   "From the current situation, it won't take long for the holy feather to recover." Jian Chen was completely relieved, and then continued to absorb Gusta's flesh and blood sacred pill to fill the power of the chaos.

  Yunzhou, Southern Territory, in a high-grade **** crystal vein controlled by the Tianyuan family, at this moment, several warriors of the late **** king stage are gathering together, each with a vigilant look, whispering to plot something.

  These **** kings belonged to the Tianyuan family, and they were specially dispatched by the Tianyuan family to sit here to maintain the safety of this high-grade crystal vein.

  "There are still seven days, and it’s time to hand in the crystals once a year. By then, all the crystals mined in this vein of mine in one year will be handed over to the family. Have you arranged for the poisonous dragon?"

"Don't worry, everything is arranged properly. Two days later, the poisonous dragon will ask a few people to pretend to attack our crystal vein, and then all of us will chase it out. As long as we leave, this crystal vein will no longer be godless. Wang sits in town, and then the poisonous dragon uses the method we told him to open the formation, and naturally he sneaks in without knowing it."

"We have dug through all the low-grade and middle-grade crystals on the periphery of this sacred crystal vein. Therefore, almost all of this year's output is high-grade sacred crystals, and the output is enough to match the amount of mining in the past ten years. If it is done at one time, aside from the dividends of the adults above, what falls into our hands, if one person says nothing, there will be millions of high-grade **** crystals."

"Well, after the incident, even if Xiyu wants to hold us accountable, we can say that we have been caught in the trap of the enemy. In addition, with the help of the adults above, even if Xiyu is the deputy head of the Tianyuan family, It can't help us"

When it comes to this, these conspiring warriors of the Divine King Realm involuntarily uttered a conspiracy-like treacherous laugh, and their eyes were shining. They had already regarded this mine belonging to the Tianyuan family as a rich self. The treasure of the waist bag.

  At this moment, the formation not far away suddenly made a slight fluctuation.

   "Who!" The expressions of these kings changed, and they chased out in a low voice.

  I saw a warrior who had only the main god’s initial cultivation base, condensing his breath with all his strength, unfolding at full speed, and flew towards the place beyond the crystal veins.

In this sacred crystal vein, numerous formations have already been laid down, but this warrior who only had the early stage of the main god, only the seal of his hand was determined to pinch, and all the formations that blocked the front one after another split a door, allowing him to shuttle calmly. Past.

  "It’s from the Ministry of Supervision, it’s no good, kill him soon"

   Seeing the Yin Jue in the hands of the Lord God Realm, the faces of the several **** kings guarding here suddenly changed, and they immediately chased down the past, and at the same time mobilized the defensive force here, and directly issued a killing order.

   Suddenly, many guards of this crystal vein rushed from all over, toward the besieged main god.

  "I am the supervisor of the Tianyuan Family Supervision Department, everyone quickly stepped aside" The warrior of the early stage of the Lord God held the token high.

"Huh, bold thief, do you think you can pretend to be a supervisor unscrupulously by snatching a token from the supervisor? Since you killed a supervisor of our Tianyuan family, don't want to leave today." , Several **** kings shouted loudly one after another, one by one, desperately hunting down.

It’s just that there are many formations in this sacred crystal vein. Each formation is like a city wall that blocks their way. Although they have the authority to open these formations that block the way, this authority obviously does not have the supervision department. The number of people is high, which makes the speed of opening the formations slower than those of the Supervision Department.

   was also blocked by this own formation, which made it even more difficult for their several **** kings to chase and kill a main god.

   "This **** formation"

  "When you look back, you must propose to a few adults to let Xiyu withdraw the authority of such a high level of formation granted to the Ministry of Supervision. Otherwise, it will be too bad for us."

  These few **** kings were secretly angry in their hearts. They chased and killed the main **** of the Tianyuan Family Supervision Department in the early stage, directly chasing them out of the formation.

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