Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2920: Evidence collection

  Out of the range of the crystal veins, without the obstacles of the formation, the speed of these **** kings who were chasing and killing them suddenly increased. The supervisor who flees in the front, even though he has resorted to various means to flee in a hurry, but he is only in the early stage of the main **** realm. Compared with the late stage of the **** king realm, the disparity in strength is really too great.

  Therefore, in just a few breaths, several **** kings guarding the crystal vein surrounded the monitoring mission.

"What are you going to do? I am the supervisor of the Tianyuan family, and I am directly under the command of the Tianyuan family chief and deputy family chief. As members of the Tianyuan family, do you dare to murder the supervisor and fail to succeed?" There is no hope of escape, the supervisor held up the token. He let out a stern shout, with a trace of despair in his eyes.

   "Hey hey, the inspector, right? But dare to hinder us from doing things, even if you are the inspector, there is only one dead end."

   "You said that your supervisor is not good at visiting the mountains and rivers outside, but you have to come to take care of your own business. You are really seeking your own death."

  "This is called heaven, you don’t go, **** has no way, you come here, hahahahaha, the inspector, today next year will be your death day"

   "Monitor, you just hid in the dark, you must have secretly recorded the memory spar, please hand over the memory spar obediently"

  The **** kings who guarded the crystal veins all had a sneer, and didn't care about the identity of the other party's supervisor.

  What about the inspector? Over the years, there have been several monitors who died indirectly in their hands.

  "Don't delay, I'd better handle him as soon as possible, so as not to have extra branches." One of the **** kings whispered. As soon as his voice fell, he held a high-grade sacrificial artifact and burst out a strong sword light to the monitor.

  The monitor envoy was full of despair. In the early stage of the main **** and the late stage of the **** king, the difference in strength between the two sides was so large that he did not even have the slightest resistance.

"Oh, what happened today? Why did my family fight with my family?" However, at this moment, a soft voice came, and only a woman dressed up as a coquettish appeared abruptly. Here, she just waved her hand gently, and the sword light emitted by the late **** king was shattered.

  "Enchanted Guardian"

   Seeing this woman, the expressions of the **** kings changed drastically, and their hearts sank.

"Tsk tusk tusk, the current younger generations are really more courageous than the other, and even the supervisors of the Tianyuan family dare to kill. The family rules of the Tianyuan family are very strict. I don’t dare to kill the inspectors at will.” Meihu spoke softly and made a giggle. She didn’t know whether she was laughing at the boldness of these gods or admiring their courage.

"Charm Guardian, this person is not a supervisor at all, but a thief from outsiders in disguise. I hope that the Charm Guardian will let me wait for the execution of this person. Afterwards, Lord An will explain to the Charm Guardian." A **** king gritted his teeth and said. As soon as the voice fell, he shot again, bypassing the enchanting guardian in front of him, and slaying the supervisor of the Tianyuan family with all his strength.

"Hey, you little guys, you still don’t give up. Whether this person is a supervisor is up to the family to decide, but it’s not your turn to shout and scream here. As for the security guard, he also It's just an external guardian of the Tianyuan family. When does the family matter need him to explain it?" Charm guardian giggled and saw her wave of her hand, and the belt wrapped around her waist immediately flew out and changed instantly. With a length of one hundred feet, all these **** kings are bound.

  In front of an Beginning Realm powerhouse, these few **** kings also had no resistance at all in the late stage, and they were all trapped solidly.

   "Thank you, Charm Protector, for helping me." The supervisor who escaped from the dead bowed to Charm Protector with gratitude.

  The magic protector glanced at him faintly, and said: "Little guy, you are lucky, it just happened that the protector came back from a business trip, otherwise, your little life will not be saved."

Immediately, the Magic Guardian whispered to herself: "Xiyu, this little girl's movements have become bigger and stronger recently, and her wrists have become stronger and stronger. Even the Xue Guardian has been forcibly assigned a task by her. It seems that there is a big move. what."

   "It's just that the Patriarch has not returned, and Senior Xu is aloof. He does not interfere with anything in the Tianyuan family at all. It's just that little girl, where does she have the confidence"

  In the former imperial city of the Xueyang Dynasty, a spiritual material chamber of commerce specializing in trading all kinds of heaven, material and earth treasures.

"Vice President, I represent the Tianyuan family this time. I have purchased from your Spirit Material Chamber of Commerce all kinds of heaven, material and earth treasures worth nearly one billion of the best **** crystals, and the adults above us have already spoken. This order, We are going to take eight layers"

  "You have to deal with this matter in good health. If this matter satisfies the adults above, then in the future, our Tianyuan family will still look for your Spiritual Materials Chamber of Commerce for similar purchases."

   "After all, our Tianyuan family is now a big family with a large number of people, and the daily expenses are also very amazing. This batch of heaven and earth treasures will soon be exhausted."

  In the Spirit Material Chamber of Commerce, a **** king of the Tianyuan family has a meaningful smile on his face, and he is negotiating with the vice president of the Spirit Material Chamber of Commerce.

"Don't worry, don't worry, this matter is left to our Spiritual Materials Chamber of Commerce, which will definitely satisfy several adults. Yo, it just so happens that the Tianyuan family needs these heavenly materials and earth treasures. Recently, due to the huge demand, the prices are soaring than before. More than ten times." The vice president of the Spirit Material Chamber of Commerce gave a wry smile.

  After some negotiation, both parties finally left the enclosed living room with contented smiles.

After they left, a young man dressed up came in from the outside and began to clean the living room. After making sure that there was no one around, the young man came to a corner of the living room and opened a hidden secretly. When he got up, he took out a memory spar from it.

  Tianyuan family, in the Shuiyun Palace, a middle-grade artifact.

  Xiyu's face, if Shuanghan is sitting on the main seat, below her, there are several high-level supervisors standing.

"Deputy Patriarch, with the intervention of several law protectors and the input of a large amount of space, our efficiency in collecting evidence has greatly increased. At present, evidence from all parties is basically sufficient. The only drawback is that the evidence we have collected is basically All of the above are evidences of crimes in the Divine King Realm. As for the guardians standing behind them, we have no evidence at all."

  Several senior officials of the Ministry of Supervision reported.

  Xiyu looked at the thousands of memory spars placed on her table, waved her hand expressionlessly, and said, "You are doing well, so go ahead. I will make arrangements for the rest."

  Several senior officials of the Ministry of Supervision stepped down one after another. However, not long after they left, with the Snow Guardian as the leader, six practitioners at the same time entered the Shuiyun Temple at the same time.

  Charm protector is one of them.

"Guess, what did I meet on the way back?" As soon as I entered the Shuiyun Temple, the Charm Protector made a giggle, then released the few **** kings who guarded the high-grade crystal veins, and continued: " If I’m not mistaken, these people should also belong to the Tianyuan family, but in the end, a few of them joined forces and openly hunted down people from the Ministry of Supervision. If I hadn’t happened to meet them, that person from the Ministry of Supervision would have died early. It’s in the hands of these people. Oh, these people are becoming more and more lawless."

  As soon as he heard this, Xiyu's face immediately turned pale.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it is totally a misunderstanding. We thought that the inspector was a fake. After all, the family's inspector had also disappeared a lot. Several of us were also worried that an outsider might have taken the inspector's token, so we made a mistake. What was unfavorable to the family, only then took a shot and prepared to hand it over to the family for disposal, but I didn’t expect the Charm Protector to suddenly appear."

"Keep it down!" Xiyu snorted coldly, and directly ordered people to take these **** kings down, and then stared at the Wuji Beginning Realm in front of him cautiously, saying: "A few guardians, I don't know how things are going. Up?"

"Fortunately, all the evidence is in these memory spars." Xuehu said lightly in French, and immediately threw out dozens of memory spars, and muttered: "I just want to use these evidences to deal with those law protectors, I'm afraid It's far from enough. Because some evidence can actually be forged. If they don't admit it, then we can't help them."

   "Yes, after all, many of them are already in a hug, and their power is not weak. If you want to deal with them, you can't just have evidence, you have to rely on fists."

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