Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2921: The power of Shuiyun Temple

   "Thank you for the reminder of the law guards, I will arrange the following things freely." Xi Yu held a fist at the law guards, confident and confident.

  The guardians retired, and immediately, Xiyu was the only one left in the huge conference hall.

  Xiyu sat on the main seat, closed her eyes and meditated, while several memory spars were pinched in her hands, rubbing unconsciously.

  After a full incense stick, Xiyu slowly opened her eyes, and a pair of beautiful eyes appeared coldly: "Come on, notify all the guardians in the family to gather in the main hall and hold a family meeting."

  Xiyu’s command, passed by many attendants, was delivered to all the guardians of the beginning realm in the shortest time. Not long after, all the Beginning Realm Protectors in the Tianyuan family were all gathered in the main hall of the Shuiyun Temple, with a full number of more than thirty people.

  Most of these protectors are in the early and middle stage of the Promise Beginning Stage, and not many people reach the latter stage of the Promise Beginning Stage. The strongest among them is An Hufa, a master of the Nine Heavens in the Promise Beginning Realm.

"Xiyu, I don't know why you summoned all of us to come here?" Among the crowd, An Hufa was the first to speak, his tone a little impatient, as if he did not take Xiyu as the deputy head of the family seriously. .

"Xiyu, although you are the deputy head of the Tianyuan family, with a high level of authority. But we are also strong in the beginning, let alone the Tianyuan family, even if it is in the entire Yunzhou, it is quite an identity. , If you don’t have anything important to summon us at will, that’s a big disrespect to us who are strong in the beginning.

Hearing what Chen protector said, Xiyu showed a meaningful smile and said: "Why did Chen protector say this? When Chen protector joined our Tianyuan family, he understood our family rules clearly. Clan Code Article 4: To join our Tianyuan family, one must obey the clan’s dispatch and serve the family without any complaints. This is such a simple rule, guardian Chen won’t forget it so quickly, right."

"Naturally I dare not expect this rule. Chen has no objection to this rule. Naturally, he is willing to listen to the family's dispatch. But now the Jian Chen Patriarch is not in the clan. In Chen's heart, except for Jian Chen Patriarch and Senior Xu , Then no one is qualified to command our Beginning Realm protectors." Chen protector said sternly.

In fact, in the hearts of many guardians in the field, they did not approve of Xiyu, because Xiyu's strength is too weak. As a strong Beginning Realm, they naturally cannot tolerate a small main **** and override them. On the heads of these beginnings.

  Even if Xiyu was a princess of the Xi family dynasty, this identity was brought to the Southern Territory, and there was no deterrent to the powerful Beginning Realm.

The   Xi clan was at best an immortal-level force with the Hunyuan realm, and behind the Tianyuan family master Jian Chen, there was Wuhun Mountain that was equivalent to the eternal-level force backing.

   Therefore, these guardians can follow Jian Chen's words, but in the face of Xi Yu, they always have a superior posture.

"That's wrong. Since Jian Chen has appointed me as the deputy head of the family and handed over all the powers to me, I will naturally be able to represent the entire family." Xiyu said in a tone and continued: "Actually, I don't need to be like you. To explain this, just like the words of Patriarch Jian Chen said to me that day, our Tianyuan family spent a lot of money in hiring you because the family needs to use your strength to protect the interests of the family, instead of inviting a group that will only hold the rich A small ancestor who enjoys pleasure and does nothing."

  In the main hall, the faces of many Beginning Realm protectors turned dark and gloomy.

"Close to the subject, we are calling you today not to tell you these truths, but to announce other important things." Xiyu's face was straight, and he said solemnly: "These years, the gods under the jurisdiction of our Tianyuan Patriarch Very serious problems were discovered in mineral veins, spiritual materials and medicinal gardens, and various foreign procurement transactions. Later, after hearing our Tianyuan family’s secret investigations for many years, we discovered that there were extremely serious problems in the management of all walks of life within the family. Corruption, the phenomenon of enriching one's own pockets, has seriously damaged the interests of the family."

   "What is even more frightening is that behind these incidents, there are still many shadows of Dharma protectors. Dharma protectors, in light of this matter, what do you think should be handled?"

   "Naturally, it is handled in accordance with the family rules!" As soon as Xiyu's voice fell, Xue Hufa immediately uttered.

"Xiyu, you can't talk nonsense about this. The guardians of the Tianyuan family are all powerhouses who have reached the first level of cultivation. How can these characters make this kind of self-desired status for the resources that they can't use. What a shame." An Hufa said.

"Just a little bit of resources? According to incomplete statistics, the various resources that our Tianyuan family has lost over the years add up to tens of billions of superb crystals. If you dare to ask the security guard, all the wealth of your whole body can be worth hundreds of Yizhipin Shenjing?" Xiyu sneered.

  An protector was suddenly speechless. Although he was the Ninth Heaven of the Promise Realm, since he chose to be the protector of the Tianyuan family, it means that he is not a strong casual cultivator with a big background and not rich at the same time. Tens of billions of superb Shenjing is really an unattainable number for him.

   "Xiyu, do you have evidence? If there is no evidence, you can't talk nonsense, and those who are strong in the first stage can't be insulted." A law protector shouted in the crowd.

  Xiyu showed a playful look on her face, if before Jian Chen returned, she would really not have the confidence to act on these Beginning Realm protectors, as of now

  When she waved her hand, many memory spars flew out: "If you want evidence, I will give you evidence. You can look at these memory spars, and perhaps you can find your own shadows from them."

  Hearing this, the Beginning Realm Protector immediately began to look at these memory spars, and now many people's faces changed rapidly.

   "Huh, fake, all the content inside is fake, someone is setting me up and waiting"

  “There are too many ways to forge these things in the world. These memory spars can’t explain much.”

  Many Beginning Realm powerhouses roared and crushed these memory spars. As for the security guard, they waved their hands, swept across with violent power, and the memory spars in front of them burst into pieces.

Xiyu sat calmly on the main seat and said: "That's right, because I remind you that all memory spar content is backed up, so it doesn't matter if it is destroyed. As for the true or false, you can investigate afterwards. I know. Come here, bring a few of them up."

Those who guarded the high-grade crystal veins, the kings who were finally captured by the charm protector were brought up by the five-flower big tie. Several of them had obviously suffered some torture. At this moment, all of them looked sluggish, and their eyes were hollow, as if they had lost their souls. It seems.

  As soon as he saw the state of these people, An Hufa's face became a little ugly. With his eyesight, he could see these **** kings at a glance, and they were obviously punished and tortured against the soul. In this state, their minds are in a state of complete loss, almost answering whatever they ask, they will not lie at all.

   But when he thinks of his own strength and the powerful Beginner Realm standing on his side, An Guardian suddenly feels certain.

  He is not alone, but a huge interest group. Almost half of all the Beginning Realm Protectors of the Tianyuan Family are from his side.

  "Say, who instructed you behind to tell all the things you know." Xiyu looked at the few **** kings.

   "It's An Hu Fa", the **** kings didn't conceal the slightest bit. They told all the things they knew about betraying the Tianyuan family, and the goal instructed An Hu Fa.

"Bold, the security guard is the first guardian of the Tianyuan family. How can you let you ants wantonly blaspheme, and you will die." A guardian of the Five Heavens in the Promise Beginning Realm suddenly shouted and slapped the gods with a palm, thinking To kill.

  However, at this moment, in the Shuiyun Temple, a powerful energy that had changed the color of the law of order suddenly exploded, forming a force of suppression, and descended mercilessly on the guardian who had done it.

  The guardian with five heavenly strength suddenly felt his body sink. In the face of this oppressive force, he had no resistance at all, but his knees were soft and he knelt on the ground.

   Soon the power of the temple fell down, completely restraining him, making it difficult to move.

  The sudden change of "the spirit of the instrument, this is the spirit of the instrument", so that the expressions of Dean Hufa and others changed greatly, and their faces were full of unbelievable expressions.

Didn’t the spirits of the Shuiyun Temple never show up without showing up? Why did you intervene in these trivial things today?

"No, the spirit of the Shuiyun Temple has begun to obey Xiyu's orders." Looking at Xiyu's calm and composed look, An Hufa instantly understood what was going on, and he knew the Shuiyun Temple. The power of the middle-grade artifact, without the cultivation base of the Hunyuan Realm, it is simply difficult to counter this power here.

  An Dharma protector shook his body, and immediately rushed to the outside of the Shuiyun Hall. At the same time, there were several Dharma protectors acting.

  All of them understand that as long as they are in the Shuiyun Temple, they are the turtles in the urn, and they have no resistance. Only after leaving the Shuiyun Temple, they are the powerful Beginning Realm powerhouses.

   Suddenly, there was a dull loud noise, and the gate of Shuiyun Temple closed suddenly. At the same time, the power of the temple exploded again and began to suppress the many powerful Beginning Realm in the field.

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