Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2944: Taizun

  Jian Chen, who was completely immersed in the avenue perception, could not feel the passage of time at all, and fell into a state of selflessness. In this state, he only felt that his perception of the laws of kendo was steadily improving.

  I don’t know how long it has been, Jian Chen’s perception of the laws of swordsmanship has risen to the extreme of the middle level of the sword fairyland. Vaguely, he seems to have seen the gate leading to the sword fairyland Dacheng.

  At this moment, he has already touched the threshold of Sword Wonderland Dacheng.

   But just when he was about to cross this threshold and truly set foot in this brand new world of Sword Wonderland Dacheng, he suddenly felt that a thick mist appeared between the world and the whole world.

  Even the gate of Sword Wonderland Dacheng, which became extremely clear before his eyes, became blurred in this moment, and the distance at hand became very far away.

The evolution of the avenue caused by Venerable Wind's fusion of the world's fetal membranes has ended, and all the rules of the avenue that clearly appeared between the heavens and the earth are hidden again.

  Jian Chen slowly opened his eyes. He looked at the world that had regained clarity, only to let out a helpless sigh. Just one step away, just one step away, he could break through to the Great Sword Wonderland and formally step into the Hunyuan Realm.

  Stepping into the Sword Wonderland Dacheng, not only can his body of Chaos break through to the sixteenth level, but also his assassin's profound sword aura can be condensed again.

   Sheng Yu and Shen Jian also woke up at the same time, their bodies suddenly surged, and a powerful aura burst out uncontrollably.

  This time, the two of them raised a small realm together. Shengyu went from the second heaven of the Promise Beginning to the third heaven, and Shen Jian went from the fourth heaven to the fifth heaven.

  For their breakthrough, Jian Chen was not surprised, because his current realm of Sword Dao should be equivalent to the level of the Nine Heavens in the Promise Beginning Realm.

  For the time being, regardless of the further down the realm, the more difficult factors to break through, the most important thing is that the breakthrough he is facing now is a leap in a big realm.

  There is a hurdle between the Promise Beginning Realm and the Hunyuan Beginning Realm, and he is now on this hurdle.

  Shen Jian and Sheng Yu quickly stabilized their realm, and their eyes were filled with joy.

  However, the three of them had not had a conversation, and soon focused their eyes on the Venerable Feng in front of them.

  At this moment, what appeared in front of them was no longer the world's fetal membranes covered by a thick mist, but an old man who was very familiar to the three of them.

  This old man is indeed Venerable Feng!

But at this moment, Venerable Feng looks majestic. He closes his eyes and sits in the void, giving people a feeling of no anger and self-prestige. That messy long hair is now rolled into a tall bulge on top of his head. crown.

  Looking at Venerable Feng in front of him, Jian Chen and the three of them couldn't think of the old man who looked like a beggar.

  The person is still that person.

   Can be temperament, but earth-shaking changes have taken place.

   "Brother, is Senior Feng already a Taizun now?" Sheng Yu turned to Jian Chen, and his eyes were full of curiosity, looking up and down at Master Feng, seemingly uncertain.

  Because the current Venerable Wind has no such power that destroys the world except for his temperament.

The form of    is obviously very different from the description of Taizun in rumors.

   "I'll know when Venerable Feng wakes up." Jian Chen returned, looking at Venerable Feng as well, gradually revealing a strange color in his eyes.

  Because he found that Venerable Feng’s body did not look like a flesh and blood body.

  Next, the three of them waited here for a long time before finally waiting for Venerable Feng to wake up.

When Venerable Feng’s eyes opened, the power of the fetal membranes that enveloped this star also disappeared silently. The power of the fetal membranes that protected the three Jianchens also disappeared without a shadow. trace.

   "Senior Feng, are you really too respected now?" Shen Jian couldn't wait to speak. Although he already had the answer in his heart, he had not received the confirmation from him, and there was still no bottom in his heart.

Senior Feng nodded with a smile.

   Seeing this, Jian Chen, Sheng Yu, and Shen Jian were all overjoyed and excited.

"However, although the old man has completely integrated with the world's fetal membranes, he has not yet fully grasped the power of the world's fetal membranes. Therefore, the current old man can only be regarded as an empty body without the corresponding power. Next, The old man still needs to retreat for some time. During this period, the old man shouldn't take action either." Venerable Feng said.

   "Senior Feng, do you have too much blood and essence?" Jian Chen asked eagerly. He is now a little eager to find ten drops of too much essence and blood, so as to obtain the Temple of Supreme Beginning.

"Little friend Jian Chen, I no longer have a flesh and blood body. The shell you see is actually transformed by the world's fetal membranes. There is no flesh and blood, no internal organs, and no various meridians. It can be regarded as one body. Naturally, there are no artifacts." Venerable Feng said in a calm tone.

  Hearing this, Jian Chen was suddenly disappointed.

Venerable Feng might have seen Jian Chen’s desire for the blood of Taizun, and added: “If the little friend really needs the blood of Taizun, you don’t have to worry about it. After the old man has fully mastered the power of the world’s fetal membranes , I went to find Weeping Blood and exchanged some back from him."

"Senior Feng, the matter of Taizun's essence and blood, let's wait until you have fully mastered the power of the world's fetal membrane." Jian Chen said with blinking eyes, he found ten drops of Taizun's essence and blood, mainly to get rid of the Taoist saint. The curse of staying in the temple of the beginning.

  In fact, to break this layer of curse, it does not have to be ten drops of Taizun's blood. If you can invite a Taizun to do it yourself, you can also break the layer of curse and let the temple of Taichu break free.

What makes him uncertain is that the spirit of the temple of the primordial beginning insisted that he take out ten drops of Taizun's essence and blood, whether he thought he did not have the ability to invite a Taizun, or it was a test component. ?

  In other words, it was the artifact spirit of the temple of the early days who worried that Taizun would do something contradictory and would take it as his own. In the end, Jian Chen would get nothing?

"Well, that's okay. Little friend Jian Chen, let's take care of yourself for a while. When the old man fully controls the power of the world's fetal membranes, he will try his best to help you recover the chaotic blood lost in your body." Venerable Feng nodded and said. .

   Jian Chen hesitated for a while: "Senior Feng, then how long will it take you to fully grasp the power of the world's fetal membranes?"

  "It can be as short as a few decades, or as long as tens of thousands of years." Senior Feng muttered. He has lived for too long and too long. In his eyes, this little time is really not worth mentioning.

  But Jian Chen didn't want to wait so long here. He was forced to stay here before to form a disguise to make Wangulou believe that he was dead, thus keeping the news of Shen Jian's existence.

  Because at that time, Venerable Feng often fell into a state of madness, and the waking time was very short. Once Wangulou came to the door, they might not be able to threaten Venerable Feng, but Shen Jian’s troubles would be great.

  Now Master Feng has become Taizun. Although he hasn't grasped the power of Taizun temporarily, he at least no longer falls into madness as before.

  In this state, he has no problem with sheltering Shen Jian.

"Senior Feng, I want to go now." Jian Chen said, his chaotic blood has recovered more than a dozen drops. Although his strength has been affected and he can't use his full strength, he at least has the power of the Promise First Realm. No problem.

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