Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2945: Hitchhiker

   "Now?" Upon hearing this, Senior Feng looked startled, but immediately frowned, showing embarrassment.

  At a glance, he could see that Jian Chen's current state was very bad. Even if it was supported by the body of chaos, his combat power would inevitably decline severely. This state of Jian Chen made Venerable Feng worry and at the same time felt guilty.

Because Jian Chen fell here entirely because of him, originally according to Venerable Feng’s idea, when he fully controlled the power of the world’s fetal membranes and became the true supreme of heaven and earth, he did everything he could to help Jian Chen. Recover and compensate for it well.

  But Jian Chen resolutely wanted to leave now, which made Venerable Feng suddenly wonder what to do.

  He naturally didn't want Jian Chen to leave now, because of the Wangulou, once Jian Chen left, there was a great possibility that he would be in danger.

  But if you force Jian Chen to leave

  Looking at Jian Chen's resolute attitude, there is no need to think about it, and he will encounter resistance in the opponent's heart.

  Finally, under Jian Chen's repeated insistence, Venerable Feng did not stop him after all, allowing Jian Chen to leave the unnamed star.

  Sacred Yu did not leave with Jian Chen, he stayed beside Venerable Feng, preparing to follow Venerable Feng to practice for some time.

  Of course, this is also what Venerable Feng meant!

"Senior Feng, my brother left like this. If Wangulou continues to target him, isn't my brother in danger?" Looking at Jian Chen sent out by the power of Venerable Feng, the expression of Sheng Yu was full Worry.

"Wan Gu Lou did not dare to deal with him blatantly, and the ultimate goal of their framed Jian Chen was to deal with the old man. But right now, Wan Gu Liu's carefully planned action has completely failed, and the old man can't think of it. Wan Gu Lou still has it. What reason to continue to frame Jian Chen?"

"But you can rest assured, little friend Jian Chen, for the old man, has the grace to recreate. Without his chaotic essence and blood, this time fusing the world's fetal membranes, the old man's hope is less than one place, so great Well, how dare the old man forget. Therefore, the old man has already left a mark on little friend Jian Chen. Once he is in danger of life, the old man will know immediately."

  "As long as the little friend Jian Chen is still in the holy realm, even though this holy realm is big, in the eyes of the old man, it's just a matter of thought"

  In an unknown starry sky in the Holy Realm, suddenly, a powerful force swept across, making the void tremble, and thousands of stars were swaying.

  This powerful energy came quickly and went quickly. After the energy storm dissipated, Jian Chen's figure appeared here silently.

The unnamed star where Venerable Wind is located is very remote. At the speed of Jian Chen, even if it is driven by the law of space, it will take a long time to reach the nearest intercontinental teleportation array.

   Therefore, before Jian Chen left, Venerable Feng directly sent Jian Chen a ride, so that Jian Chen would not be able to rush.

"Now I need to recover the chaotic essence and blood as soon as possible. It is best to get more blood coagulation pills. To get such pills, I must travel to forty-nine continents and eighty-one stars." Jian Chen was pale. With a face floating in the sea of ​​stars, he quickly made his next plan, and immediately used the law of space to drive directly in the endless starry sky.

  But not long before, Jian Chen discovered that there was a very huge void spaceship, which was shuttled through the void at a very fast speed.

  The rank of this void spaceship is obviously not low, but the speed it exhibits at this time is afraid that some ordinary Hunyuan Beginnings will not be able to catch up.

  As for Jian Chen, he immediately turned around and chased after this huge void warship. The law of space was fully deployed, and the speed was so fast that even some of the powerful Beginner Realm could be beyond the reach.

   Soon, Jian Chen caught up with the void spaceship, his figure appeared above the void spaceship, his feet steadily landed on the energy shield condensed from the void spaceship.

"This is a commercial void spacecraft of the Scarlet Cloud Star Wanyang Dynasty. I don't know what the purpose of your friend's hard work to catch up with us?" Almost when Jian Chen arrived, a black robe flew out of the void spacecraft. The old man, he talked to Jian Chen through the energy shield of the void spaceship, full of vigilance and guard.

  Jian Chen could see at a glance that this old man was the Nine Heavenly Powerhouse of Promise Beginning Realm, because he should be one of the guardians of this void spacecraft.

  He has also been on a void spacecraft before, and naturally understands that any void spacecraft that sails in the early stars will have multiple Beginning Realm powerhouses escorted all the way to ensure safety.

"In Xia Changyang, this fellow Taoist is polite." Jian Chen had put on a mask to cover up his own breath and completely changed into another person. He smiled and hugged the old man in black robe, and said: " If you want to ride this void spacecraft, I would like to ask fellow daoists for a convenience.

   "Do you want to take our void spaceship?" The black robe old man did not open the spacecraft's guarding formation, but stood inside the formation, staring at Jian Chen suspiciously.

   "Not bad!"

   "Then I don't know where you want to go?" the black robe old man asked.

   "As long as it is on any of the forty-nine continents or eighty-one stars, it's okay."

  After a moment of silence, the black-robed old man finally opened the formation and let Jian Chen enter the void spacecraft.

  With Jian Chen’s strength, even the ferry ticket was waived here, and the black-robed old man was arranged on the upper deck of the void spacecraft, choosing a best cabin for Jian Chen to submerge.

"Nine Promise Beginning Realm, and there is also a strong person of Hunyuan Beginning Realm One Heaven. The guardian power of this void spaceship is not weak. However, the ship's specifications are quite large, and there are hundreds of warriors carried in it. There are thousands of them." Jian Chen sat in the luxurious cabin, and with a sweep of his spiritual knowledge, he understood the situation of the entire void spacecraft clearly. The countless formations in it could not stop his gods. knowledge.

  After all, this is only a commercial void spacecraft. The strength of the formation is limited, and it is rare to prevent the peeping of strong people like Jian Chen.

And the black-robed old man, after arranging Jian Chen properly, came to another luxurious cabin protected by heavy formations, and clasped his fist to an old woman sitting inside cross-legged and said: "The elder, too The order has been arranged."

"Yeah!" The old woman closed her eyes and sat, exuding a powerful aura belonging to the First Heaven of the Hunyuan Beginning Realm, and said in a hoarse voice: "This person is indeed a bit weird in the boat halfway, you should pay more attention to it. As he said, I just want to take our Void Warship on the way temporarily, then we don't mind being a favor to send him a ride."

   "Yes!" The black robe old man said respectfully.

"In addition, although this person has caught up with us through the laws of space, it should be the eighth heaven from the law level, but I have an intuition that this person's strength should never stop at that. At least, he treats you like this. A strong man with the Nine Heavens of the Promise Beginning Realm is not half jealous."

  "So, when you face this person, you must be more cautious. As long as he doesn't make some extraordinary actions, he still needs to have the courtesy." The old woman said with a cautious expression.

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