Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2946: Get someone to do it

Jian Chen enjoyed a high level of treatment on this void spaceship. Not only did he receive free spirit fruit and spirit tea, but the void spaceship also specially deployed a maid to wait outside Jian Chen’s cabin for Waiting for Jian Chen's dispatch at any time.

  However, his existence has been known by all the beginning guardians on this void spaceship. Although these beginning experts did not visit Jian Chen one by one, they secretly noticed Jian Chen's every move.

  After all, a strong man who can catch up with the void spacecraft, it is difficult not to attract their attention. Because in the Holy Realm, the powerful with such strength seldom use public spacecraft to drive on their way. They either have their own void spacecraft, or go directly to the transcontinental level, teleportation array.

  It’s rare to see Jian Chen on the way.

  They are all worried that if such a strong man suddenly gets on the ship, will it be a hidden evil.

   But fortunately, this Void Nether was put on, and there was also a Supreme Elder who had reached the Hunyuan Beginning Realm. This also made these guardians who only have the strength of the Promise Realm, have an extra Dinghai Shenzhen in their hearts.

  Jian Chen naturally felt that he was being watched, but he didn't care about it. He stayed in his cabin, quietly condensing chaotic blood.

"The depletion of essence and blood not only affects my strength, but also the speed of condensing chaotic essence and blood is also greatly affected. When I condense a drop of chaotic essence, it only took a year. But now, it will take five or six years."

   "Counting time now, I stayed on that unnamed star for more than two hundred years"

   Jian Chen's eyebrows were a bit sad. For some strong people for more than two hundred years, it was probably in the blink of an eye, but for him, this time was indeed too long.

"I'm not far from the age of a thousand years. Once I exceed a thousand years, then I will not be able to enter the Dark Star Realm again. Although Venerable Feng promised to wait for him to fully control the power of the world's fetal membranes, he would go to Weeping Blood Tai Zun exchanges ten drops of Tai Zun's essence and blood."

   "But this is too much blood, even if weeping blood is willing to exchange it, I am afraid that it will have to pay an unimaginable huge price."

“Let’s not talk about the cost. It’s just that Senior Feng fully grasps the power of the world’s fetal membranes. It’s not known how long it will take. It’s good to say that for decades, I can afford to wait, but if it takes tens of thousands of years,” thought Here, Jian Chen let out a light sigh. Regarding the way to obtain ten drops of Supreme Essence and Blood, he felt that he should take two paths at the same time.

  One road, put it on Venerable Feng.

  The other way is the agreement between himself and the Dark Star Emperor to obtain ten drops of Taizun Essence and Blood from the Dark Star Realm.

"I need to restore the chaos essence and blood as soon as possible. Once I return to the peak, I will immediately start to try the alchemy." After that, Jian Chen would have been waiting outside the door to listen to the maid waiting for dispatch and called in, saying: "I have something to want. Talk to your elders, and you will inform them."

   "Yes, senior. I don't know which elder senior is looking for?" The attendant was very respectful. She lowered her head and spoke a little tremblingly, so she didn't dare to speak out.

  "Just find any elder." Jian Chen said.

  The maid took the order, stepped back cautiously, and reported Jian Chen's request, which soon reached the ears of several guardians of this void spaceship.

  In the end, it was the black-robed old man that Jian Chen saw for the first time in person, and during these days on the void spacecraft, Jian Chen also knew the name of the black-robed old man, who was called Elder Shi.

Elder Shi is also the strongest among the nine Promise Realm powerhouses guarding this void spaceship.

  "Old man Shi Qing, Daoist Changyang is polite." Elder Shi appeared in Jian Chen's cabin with a smile, with a friendly, polite manner, and he treated each other with courtesy without the slightest negligence.

   Jian Chen and Elder Shi sat opposite each other, and said with a faint smile: "Elder Shi, thank you very much for your hospitality these few days. On the contrary, it is me who has caused you a lot of trouble."

"Hahaha, Daoist Changyang is too polite. It is our blessing that our spacecraft can be boarded by a powerful fellow like Daoist Changyang. I believe that after our spacecraft gets the seat of Daoist Changyang, this starry sky voyage will definitely There will be a lot of peace.” Elder Shi’s polite greeting, secretly, he was observing all the tiny actions of Jian Chen very seriously, even the slightest change in his expression, even the change of eyes, was also caught by Elder Shi. The catch is clear.

However, some observations made Elder Shi a little surprised, because he discovered that Chang Yang in front of him, when facing his own, the Nine Heavens Powerhouse of the Promise Beginning Realm, not only did not show the slightest expression of pressure, but still inadvertently revealed. There was a touch of carelessness.

  It seemed that his cultivation base of the Nine Heavens of the Promise Realm could not even enter the eyes of Changyang.

  "Is Changyang really a Hunyuan Beginning Realm?" Elder Shi's mentality has become bad. Although they also have a superior elder sitting here, it is just a heaven. But if Changyang is not only a Hunyuan Beginning Realm, but also a Hunyuan Realm even more powerful than the Supreme Elders, then no one on this ship can match it.

  After all, in the vast sacred world, there are countless tragedies that have occurred on the void spacecraft. There are always some strong men who have chosen their prey on the void spacecraft for various purposes.

"Elder Shi, please rest assured, I will naturally not sit in your void spacecraft for nothing. Once you encounter danger in the starry sky, you will definitely help you within the range of your ability." At this point, Jian Chen said in a tone: "However, there are still some small things I want to ask Elder Shi for help. I need some **** pill to restore essence and blood, and I hope that Elder Shi can help me collect it on this spaceship. In addition, there are these treasures of heaven, material and earth. I also need a lot."

  Jian Chen made a list of all kinds of heaven, material and earth treasures needed to refine the King Pill of Hundred Tribulations and gave it to Elder Shi, and finally handed out a space ring.

  This space ring contains a huge amount of resources, as well as some low-grade and middle-grade divine pills, which are obtained from Venerable Feng, which does not help to restore the essence and blood, as exchange items.

  When he saw these resources, Elder Shi was immediately moved, because the huge wealth in this spatial ring made him, a powerful person in the Beginning Realm, be stunned.

  Not to mention, just the dozen or so middle-grade divine pills are already a sky-high price.

  "Daoist Changyang, don't worry, this matter is on my body. I will go and collect the things needed for the daoists." Shi Qing readily agreed, and immediately put away the space ring and left here.

Next, just wait in the cabin with peace of mind. There are millions of warriors on this void spaceship, and Elder Shi and the others represent the official forces of this void spaceship, in charge of everything on this void spaceship. It couldn't be more appropriate for them to do this on their behalf.

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