Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3010: Victory (two)

"It's too unexpected, it's really too unexpected. The Master Yu of Lezhou was able to contend with Patriarch Bingyun. You said that in the battle between Master Yu and Patriarch Bingyun, who will win in the end"

"Does this still need to be said? Naturally, it is Master Bingyun. Even though Master Yu of Lezhou can contend with Grandmaster Bingyun, it is also because Grandmaster Bingyun didn't make a full effort. Xuezong's Zhenzong divine art knows that, right? But Xuezong’s ancestors brought them out of the Ice God’s Temple. As soon as Master Bingyun’s ancestorship is used, no matter how powerful the Rain Master is, he will undoubtedly be defeated.”

"Yes, unless Master Yu is a powerhouse of the Seventh Heaven in the Taishi Realm, she will definitely not be the opponent of Grandmaster Bingyun."

"The direction we should focus on now should not be who will win between Master Yu and Grandmaster Bingyun, but how long the Master Yu can support Grandmaster Bingyun."

"However, even if Master Yu is defeated in this battle, it is still a glorious defeat. After all, she is the same as the sixth heaven. She is not wronged at all when she is defeated by Grandmaster Bingyun. Instead, it is Lezhou. , Presumably the ranking will also improve a lot in the forty-nine continents"

Many ancestor-level figures of the top powers are discussing all over the Bingji State. None of them had the intention to intervene in the battle that took place in the Snow Sect, just like a spectator, watching the development of the situation.

It’s just beyond their expectation that the battle between Master Yu and Patriarch Bingyun ended faster than they thought. The space above the residence of the Xuezong sect was in a loud noise. It collapsed suddenly, and suddenly a force of extreme cold and the force of clouds and rain vented from it, and accompanied by it, there was a figure that fell like a broken kite.

"It's over so soon? Master Yu's combat power doesn't seem to be very good. He was defeated so soon."

"In my opinion, the reason why this Master Yu can explode with power comparable to the Seventh Heaven is mostly because of the short-term explosive strength of some secret technique. Now that the secret technique time is up, she naturally can't hold on in the hands of Grandmaster Bingyun. how long"

"Well, because that should be the case. Just like the ancestral blood pellets of the Tianhe family, after taking the ancestral blood pellets, the Tianhe family will also increase their strength, but it will not last long."

Having figured this out, this immediately made many top powerhouses in the Bingji State a lot of peace of mind, and many people sighed in secret. Before that, when Master Yu suddenly broke out with a powerful strength comparable to Patriarch Bingyun, it really shocked them.

Now it seems that the Rain Master in Lezhou is not as terrible as they thought.

"No, Na Na Na turned out to be Master Bing Yun." At this time, a powerful divine consciousness intertwined in the sky above Xue Zong suddenly trembled, and the master's shocked exclamation came out.

Until then, everyone could see clearly that the figure falling from the crack in the space was clearly the legendary Bingyun Patriarch of Xue Zong.

With this discovery, all the powerhouses in the Bing Pole State suddenly took a breath, and each and every one set off a huge wave in their hearts.

At this moment, Grandmaster Bingyun was falling rapidly, her body was disturbed, her face was sickly pale, and there was even a trace of blood still remaining at the corner of her mouth, which was obviously injured.

When he fell to the front of Xue Zong's sect guard, Patriarch Bingyun was able to stabilize the rapidly falling body, and his pale complexion became extremely solemn.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of Master Yu also flew out from the cracks in the void. With her appearance, suddenly heavy rain poured down from the sky and the earth, lightning and thunder, completely suppressed the snow and wind of Xuezong.

Compared to Grandmaster Bingyun’s embarrassment, Master Rain is much more calm. Her figure is still hazy and illusory, and she looks a bit mysterious, and then slowly falls from the world, stepping on the void, floating in Grandmaster Bingyun. before.

"Let you people of Xue Sect, stop!" Master Yu said, his tone was calm and there was no turmoil.

Patriarch Bingyun's face was gloomy. After a short period of hesitation, she pinched Yin Jue to open the Xuezong guardian formation.

Suddenly, the entire Xue Zong sect scene was revealed clearly.

But at this moment, there was a battle going on inside, although it was not comparable to Lan Zu and Bing Yan, and even less to Yu Master and Bing Yun, but it was also extremely fierce.

I saw that Soul Burial was fighting against the Xuanji ancestor, and He Qianchi, the supreme elder of the Tianhe family, was also besieged by many of the Xuezong elders.

"Snow Sect disciple, stop all!" Ancestor Bingyun shouted in a low voice, then looked at the outer starry sky, and said, "Bing Yan, you too!"

Xuezong’s strongest ancestor gave the order, and naturally no one dared to disobey. Suddenly, all the elders who had besieged Crane Qianchi stopped their hands. Even the Xuanji ancestor stopped fighting with Soulburial and was supporting the soul. The hard-hit ancestor Hanhe rose from the sky and came behind Patriarch Bingyun.

Just looking at Patriarch Bingyun's pale face and the trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, both the Xuanji ancestor and the Han Helai team were shocked.

Patriarch Bingyun was injured. The shock that this caused Xuanji and Hanhe in the hearts of the two people was as strong as the sky collapsed, causing stormy waves to be set off in their hearts.

The figure flickered, and Grandmaster Bing Yan returned from the void outside the sky. Looking at the blood remaining at the corner of Grandmaster Bingyun's mouth, Grandmaster Bing Yan's expression became so ugly and ugly.

"Xue Zong suddenly changed, the fog was cold, immediately took Shui Yunlan to leave the extreme cold ice cave, be careful to hide, do not let people discover" followed, a very cryptic divine consciousness was uploaded from the body of the ancestor Bing Yan, concealing it. After everyone's perception, he entered the extremely cold ice cave.

In the extremely cold ice cave, Wuhan was sitting on a throne of ice, looking forward to staring at the watery blue of the embarrassed image in front of him, waiting for the medicinal power of the Devouring Pill.

At this moment, Patriarch Bing Yan’s divine consciousness transmission suddenly came into her ears, Patriarch Bing Yan’s solemn voice suddenly changed Wuhan’s expression, and her eyes flashed a few times, and then she didn’t hesitate. The tormented Shui Yunlan was locked in a temple. After disguising himself, a disciple of the Divine King realm disguised as Xue Zong left the extremely cold ice cave.

The soul burial also flew out of Xuezong, the martial soul formation on his body had not been lifted, exuding bursts of powerful energy fluctuations, and he was standing side by side with Yushangren.

Lan Zu also returned from the void outside the sky, floating in the air with He Qianchi in front of each other, but the position where they stood did not belong to either of the two masters, Master Bingyun and Master Yu, but stood in the third position. Each position is a camp of its own.

Patriarch Bingyun, Patriarch Bingyan, Patriarch Hanhe, Patriarch Xuanji, Lord Yu, Soul Burial, Patriarch Lan and Patriarch He Qianchi formed three camps facing each other in a triangle.

Such behavior of Lan Zu is undoubtedly explaining to everyone that her position has nothing to do with Yushangren, and also has nothing to do with Wuhun. Both of them just have a common goal, so they formed a view. It seems like a joint force to contend with Xuezong.

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