Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3011: Bite back

However, Patriarch Bingyun did not look at Lan Zu. It seemed that in her eyes, he did not put the Tianhe family in his eyes. Even Lan Zu was no exception. Her gaze was staring at the rain. people.

It seems that there are many strong players in the field, and among all the forces, only Yushang is qualified to enter her eyes.

"Explain your purpose, what exactly do you intend to do?" Grandmaster Bingyun asked. Although she was defeated, her momentum remained undiminished and her attitude remained cold and frosty.

With her ingenuity, she naturally understood that Master Yu's coming this time could not be as simple as a fight with her. There must be a certain purpose behind it.

It was just that she was defeated. The strength displayed by Master Yu shocked Patriarch Bingyun, but at the same time she had to admit that she was indeed not Master Yu's opponent, so she had to make a certain degree of compromise.

Of course, one of the most important things is that until now, Patriarch Bingyun didn’t know what had happened, nor did he know what happened to the Martial Spirit line, Master Yu and the Tianhe family of Bingjizhou. Unite to attack Xue Zong.

Patriarch Bingyun was full of misgivings.

However, Grandmaster Bing Yan, who was standing next to Grandmaster Bingyun, had a gloomy expression, his eyes sparkling, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Facing Grandmaster Bingyun’s question, Master Yu did not speak and kept silent all the time. She did not reveal her real body, which made anyone look at it with a sense of mystery.

In addition to the terrifying power that Master Yu showed when she defeated Master Bingyun, she became more and more unpredictable in the hearts of all the top powerhouses in the Ice Pole State.

"We only need to be alone, hand over Shui Yunlan!" The soul burial standing beside Yushangren spoke.

"Hand over Shui Yunlan? What do you mean by this?" Grandmaster Bingyun frowned. The name Shui Yunlan is naturally familiar to her, but the words of Soul Burial made her second monk confused.

The soul burial expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "Grandmaster Bingyun, I don’t know if you really don’t know, or if you are deliberately pretending to be confused here, the water blue of the Ice Temple was captured by your Snow Sect people. You Snow Sect thinks about this. It is extremely secretive, and no one in the world knows it. It’s just a pity that paper can’t contain the fire after all. We have already known your Xue Zong bird’s actions in water and blue."

After hearing the words of Soul Burial, Grandmaster Bingyun's reaction was extremely fierce. Her gaze became extremely sharp in an instant, like a sharp sword that pierced Soul Burial’s eyes, and a huge momentum overwhelming the world. Emanating from her body, the heavens and stars are dimmed.

"What are you talking about? Our Xue Zongqian walked away from the water rhyme blue?" Grandmaster Bingyun's voice was extremely severe, and there was an undisguised anger that was mixed in it.

The reaction of Master Bingyun, whether it was Soul Burial or Lan Zu, was a natural expression, because they knew very well in their hearts that Xue Zong's poultry walks in water and blue is not a trivial matter. Xue Zong will definitely deny it, even Pretending to be completely ignorant, being able to actively admit that is a weird thing.

Therefore, the unawareness of Grandmaster Bingyun, both Soul Burial and Lan Zu were expected.

"Huh, it's nonsense!" Ancestor Bing Yan snorted coldly, staring at Lan Ancestor sharply, and said: "The Tianhe family hides evil intentions, and I am afraid that they have already invested in Yan Zun's command. Although I don't know why the Tianhe family can Please use Wuhun and Yushangren from Lezhou to help you out, but one thing is beyond doubt, that is, the Tianhe family, which must be very conspiring."

Having said this, Patriarch Bing Yan paused, and then continued to say in Binghan's voice: "It is even possible that the Tianhe family wants us Xuezong to follow in the footsteps of the Hefeng family and let me Xuezong in the Bingji. The state completely disappeared."

"What's the truth of the matter? You only need to interrogate Yu Yangxie, the Supreme Elder of Guizong, and everything will come to light." Lan Zu said lightly.

Ancestor Bing Yan sneered again and again and said: "Yu Yangxie is the Supreme Elder of the Xue Sect. What a distinguished identity. In the daytime, even our ancestors treat the Supreme Elder of the sect. We need to give them a bit of face. . If you people from outside the sect just say a word, or is an excuse that is so ridiculous that it can no longer be ridiculous to ask us Xuezong to interrogate a supreme elder, then what face of our Xuezong will stand on Bingji State in the future? What qualifications does Xue Zong have to enjoy the reputation of being the No. 1 in Bingji State?"

"Invite the evil elder, since this matter is related to the Ice Temple, naturally there is no room for sloppyness. Regardless of whether it is true or not, you must carefully investigate." Grandmaster Bing Yun spoke and directly rejected Grandmaster Bing Yan.

At this moment, she was expressionless, but her eyes were extremely shocking, and her tone was icy cold: "Ancestor Lan, the evil elder, we will interrogate ourselves. If it is exactly what Bing Yan said, this matter is entirely up to your Tianhe family. Frame our Xue Sect, then I Bingyun swears that I will never let your Tianhe family go."

Faced with the threat of Grandmaster Bingyun, Ancestor Lan did not have the slightest fear, and said calmly: "Grandmaster Bingyun, this seat has already left the Tianhe family, and what this seat does is completely personal, and has nothing to do with the Tianhe family. Relationship. Otherwise, it's not just me who is standing here at the moment."

"Hey, since Bingyun has spoken in person, you can only ask the evil elder to come over." Grandmaster Bing Yan sighed lightly, and immediately waved her hand, and the law of cold ice immediately condensed between the world and the earth, forming a building. The bridge corridor spreads into the Xuezong and reaches directly in front of Yang Xie.

Looking at the cold ice bridge corridor spreading to his feet, Yu Yangxie's complexion changed several times, the last time he gritted his teeth, stepped on decisively, and instantly appeared behind Grandmaster Bing Yan.

Grandmaster Bing Yan turned around and stared at Yu Yangxie with those emotionless eyes, and said: "Evil elder, tell the truth, are you really as Lan Zu said, captured the watery blue of the Ice Temple? In Bingyun In front of Patriarch, you must tell the truth. You should know Patriarch Bingyun’s methods, so you don’t want to be fooled."

Yu Yangxie's face turned pale in an instant, his body was trembling violently, and then he knelt to the ground all of a sudden, and said with a guilty expression: "Injustice, a few ancestors, the old man was really wronged. The old man did not capture the watery blue of the Ice Temple."

"If this is the case, why do the people of the Tianhe family insist that you have taken Shui Yunlan?" Patriarch Bing Yan continued to ask.

As soon as Master Bing Yan said this, Yu Yangxie's face suddenly changed, and the light in his eyes flickered, as if he was fighting between heaven and man.

After a while, Yu Yangxie seemed to have made some kind of decision. His eyes showed determination. He suddenly stretched out his hand to Lan Ancestor and said, "It is the Blue Ancestor of the Tianhe Family. All this is the Blue Ancestor of the Tianhe Family. In the plan, Lan Zu threatened and lured the old man, let the old man cooperate with the Tianhe family to play a play. The Tianhe family had an unruly heart towards our Xue sect early in the morning, and wanted to overthrow our Xue sect's dominance. It just suffers from no excuses, so Only then did he buy the old man and let him come forward at a critical moment and admit that our Xue Zong captured Shui Yunlan, so as to find a legitimate excuse for the Tianhe family to attack our Xue Zong."

"Even when the Heavenly Crane Clan attacked our Snow Sect, we could get the full support of other forces in the Ice Polar State."

Yu Yangxie was full of regret. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed, and said in pain: "It's the old man who is confused. The old man failed to inform the ancestors of this news in the first time, and he failed to expose the wolf ambition of the Tianhe family in the first time. , The old age is guilty, the old age is sinful, please ancestors to punish"

Yu Yangxie's words suddenly changed Lan Zu's pale complexion. She stared at Yu Yangxie sharply, looking at Yu Yangxie's regretful look, and that beautiful beauty. Yan instantly became ugly like never before.

Even He Qianchi, who was standing beside her, had a pale face, and his angry eyes seemed to burst into flames.

They never expected that they would be bitten by Yu Yangxie at this time.

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