Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3016: Bing Yan's end

When Patriarch Bingyun’s voice came out, the Blue Patriarch of the Tianhe family and He Qianchi standing behind Lan Patriarch also showed unexpected expressions. The eyes of the two flashed a little, still with a little suspicion.

At this time, Grandmaster Bingyun had already taken action, and relentlessly launched the most violent attack on Grandmaster Bing Yan. She was holding a sword of cold ice in her hand, exuding the power of a high-grade artifact, and directly slashed with monstrous energy. Patriarch Xiang Bingyan.

"Bing Yun, do you really want to do this? Is it really worth it?" Grandmaster Bing Yan said painfully, with an expression of disappointment in Grandmaster Bingyun, as if he was deeply embarrassed by the heartless man. The piercing pain of the weak woman in her heart was very pitiful. However, deep in his eyes, there is a strong unwillingness and hatred hidden.

Facing the attack of Grandmaster Bingyun, Grandmaster Bing Yan naturally wouldn't be able to catch it, the sixth layer of the Taishi Realm's cultivation base burst out unreservedly, desperately resisting it.

I saw that she was also holding a high-grade divine weapon-level ice long sword. As the long sword was swung, the terrible cold air seemed to freeze the void.


Patriarch Bingyun and Patriarch Bing Yan’s ice long sword collided with each other, and Patriarch Bing Yan was immediately struck by the footsteps of Patriarch Bing Yan backing back after a loud noise.

Although the two of them are in the Sixth Heaven Realm, the difference in combat power is indeed very different.

Suddenly, Patriarch Bingyun's figure disappeared, seeming to be perfectly integrated with this illusory snow kingdom. The next moment, four huge figures appeared silently in the snow in the sky.

Those were the four ice and snow **** generals, each exuding the breath of the Sixth Heaven in the Supreme Beginning Realm. They held their war spears and pointed them at Grand Master Bing Yan, sending out a shocking blow.

Suddenly, a terrible energy storm flooded this area, and it was completely impossible to see the figure of Grandmaster Bing Yan fighting, but after hearing a few loud noises, Grandmaster Bing Yan flew out full of blood, extremely embarrassed. Fell to the icy ground in the distance.

"Cough cough" Patriarch Bing Yan kept coughing blood in his mouth, his face was sickly pale, and the eyebrows were filled with weakness, and he was already severely injured.

In her gorgeous long dress that had been dyed red with blood, there was a fist-sized transparent hole in her heart. She was unable to resist the attacks from the four ice and snow gods. She couldn't be as relaxed and casual as the Rain Master. She tried her best to block only three of them. The fourth attack was powerless, and she was merciless by War Spear. The hole pierced my heart.

After all, she is equivalent to being attacked by four strong people of the same rank at the same time. Without the ability to fight at a higher rank, it is almost difficult to achieve one enemy four.

In the midst of the flying snow, the four dim figures of the ice and snow gods will disappear, and the figure of Grandmaster Bingyun will be revealed. She did not touch the ground, floating in the air three feet high, staring coldly at the ancestor Bing Yan, and said coldly: "Bing Yan, you betrayed the Xuezong's purpose and betrayed the Ice Temple. Are you convicted?"

At this moment, Grandmaster Bingyun was really like an invincible God of War, and both belonged to the Sixth Heaven Realm. She defeated Grandmaster Bing Yan almost without much effort.

If it weren't for the more terrifying and more powerful Yushangren today, with Patriarch Bingyun's peerless heroic posture, he would really be the leader in this ice polar state, and no one can match it.

Looking at Patriarch Bing Yan, who was hit hard and fell to the ground, all the Xuezong seniors who watched the battle had complex expressions. Lan Patriarch, Crane Qianchi, and Soul Burial were all silent.

As for Shui Yun Lan Na, who suffered from the suffering of God Devouring Pill, it was rescued by Lan Zu with all his strength.

Based on Lan Zu's attainments on the path of alchemy and his peak cultivation, it is not too difficult to dissolve the God-Eater Pill on Shui Yunlan's body.

Grandmaster Bing Yan looked at the Master Yu who was watching the battle silently, and on the other side he had witnessed the matter almost the whole time and had passed the Xuezong powerhouses, knowing in his heart that there was no more room for maneuver when the matter had progressed to this point.

Because of what she did, not to mention making everyone know, but it's almost the same.

Nothing else, just because there is a rain master here!

The people of Xue Sect, they can still restrain, and they are sure to stay with the blue ancestor of the Tianhe family and the soul burial of the Wuhun family.

Only Master Yu, who was stronger than Patriarch Bingyun, truly made everyone feel jealous.

Patriarch Bingyun exposed himself in front of Master Yu. This was obviously for the Bing Temple, and he did not hesitate to destroy his relatives.

Grandmaster Bing Yan smiled, she smiled very beautifully, and said: "Bing Yun, I will treat you as the best sister in this life, and I will treat you as the closest person in this world, but I didn't expect it, ours. This sisterhood that has lasted for millions of years can't keep up with the Ice Temple that swept you out and caused you to suffer for a hundred years."

"That's it, this is the end of the matter, I don't want to say any more, Bing Yun, how to execute me, just do it."

Grandmaster Bing Yan closed his eyes as if accepting his fate, with an expression waiting to be fainted. Because she knew that in this supreme snow country's magical powers, she had no ability to escape at all, unless it was to break this illusory snow country.

"Bing Yun won't kill me, because once I fall, the impact on Xue Zong will be too great, so she will only imprison me. And I still have a chance to escape," Grandmaster Bing Yan said secretly in her heart. Knowing that Patriarch Bingyun had been working hard to break through the final hurdle, trying to enter the Seventh Heaven Realm, under this situation, she didn't have much energy to guard her at all.

She still has many cronies in Xue Zong, so she still has the hope of escaping.

Suddenly, the sword light flashed, and Grandmaster Bingyun waved the long sword in his hand and cut off Grandmaster Bing Yan's head without hesitation. At the same time, the terrible cold air spread, freezing Grandmaster Bing Yan's body in an instant.

In the next moment, the body of Patriarch Bingyun that turned into ice cubes shattered into countless ice slags in a burst of cracking sound.

Not only the body, but even the head shattered.

"Bingyun, you, you, you are so cruel, you actually ruined my body." Ancestor Bing Yan's soul emerged. She was stunned at first, and she couldn't believe her ending, but she turned into a monstrous ending. The anger roared at Patriarch Bingyun.

If the body is destroyed, she will also lose all her cultivation base, and her combat power will be severely reduced. The existence of the body of the primordial spirit will undoubtedly make her extremely fragile.

Grandmaster Bingyun didn't speak, the spatial ring that had been worn on Grandmaster Bing Yan's fingers suddenly appeared on his palm, and a black jade floated out of it.

As soon as this black jade appeared, a primordial spirit belonging to Yang Xie immediately turned out, very sad, only less than 1% of the time in its heyday.

"Ancestor, how is the situation going? Have you passed the crisis smoothly." As soon as Yu Yangxie's soul emerged, he heard a voice.

But immediately Yu Yangxie discovered that Patriarch Bing Yan, who had also been destroyed and turned into a soul body, turned pale after a brush.

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