Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3017: Cold wind gate

"Evil elder, are not dead..."

"This is Yunhun Jade, I understand. It turns out that the evil elder was buried in the Dao Poison Pill before, and all of this was a painful plan that they had arranged long ago. The purpose was to put the blame on the Tianhe family, and finally there will be another death. , The Tianhe family jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean it. In fact, the evil elder left his soul in advance to hide in the soul jade..."

"It turns out that the evil elder who died under the poisonous pill of Burial Dao is only part of his soul. Fortunately, I found Wuhan in time. Otherwise, the truth will probably be sealed forever..."


Alas, I didn’t expect our Xue Zong to have suffered such a change. It is really unfortunate for the sect, and unfortunate for the sect..."


In the rear, the many elders of Xue Zong who had witnessed this scene sighed, and each of them looked lost.

Because they understood that even though Patriarch Bing Yan did not fall, her actions were exposed in public, and she was undoubtedly sentenced to death.

This is a powerhouse of the Sixth Heaven in the Supreme Beginning Realm. In just one day, Xue Zong has lost a great figure of the foundation level, which is not a big blow to Xue Zong.

As for the ancestor of Hanhe, at this moment, he is indifferent to the hatred of the Wuhun line. His soul was severely injured, and he endured the tingling sensation from the soul at this moment, and he was in line with the ancestor Xuanji. Patriarch Bing Yan, who stared at the state of the soul, was filled with sorrow and grief that could not be concealed.

"Bing Yun, you... you disappoint me too..." Grandmaster Bing Yan's soul made a voice of unwillingness. She looked at Grandmaster Bingyun and gradually burst into hatred and hatred. Baleful light.

Grandmaster Bingyun didn't show any guilt, her expression was open and righteous:

"Since Shui Yunlan has appeared, the Snow God's Highness will surely come back soon. Bing Yan, you have reversed your behavior, and what you have done to the Snow Sect is unbearable. I will personally imprison you. When the Snow God returns, Your Highness Snow God will execute you personally."

As soon as the voice fell, Grandmaster Bingyun pinched the magic formula, and immediately a cold ice prison quietly appeared, instantly sealing Grandmaster Bing Yan's primordial spirit.

As for Yu Yangxie's primordial spirit, he was directly wiped out in this illusory snow country, and the soul-containing jade used to store his primordial spirit was also broken into a piece of ice slag.

Patriarch Bing Yun put away Patriarch Bing Yan’s primordial spirit, and then glanced at Xue Zong’s super elder, his sharp gaze paused for a moment on several of them, and finally turned his attention to Shui Yunlan. .

Under the full rescue of Lan Zu, Shui Yunlan has successfully got rid of the suffering of the God-Eater Pill, fully awake, and even the injuries she suffered, started after Lan Zu fed a few healing pills. Gradually recover.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Shui Yunlan found many powerful men gathered around her, but her expression was dull, her eyes gloomy, and she was hopeless and dead.

"You don't want to know the whereabouts of Your Highness from me."

Shui Yunlan smiled sorrowfully, his eyes showed determination, and he began to burn his soul without hesitation.

She knew that with her own strength, some of the top powerhouses had ways to let herself speak, and there was only one way to protect the hiding place of her Royal Highness.

"Shui Yunlan, we are here to save you!" Lan Zu seemed to have prepared, and gently pointed at the center of Shui Yunlan's eyebrows. A gentle force instantly blocked all the energy of Shui Yunlan and prevented her from committing suicide. behavior.

"Shui Yunlan, I am Snow Sect’s Bingyun Patriarch. What happened before was because my Snow Sect’s Patriarch Bing Yan had perversely acted and betrayed the Ice Temple. Now Bing Yan Patriarch has been destroyed and his body has been banned, and he is waiting. Execution will be executed when His Highness Xue Shen returns. We Xue Sect is willing to go through fire and water for His Highness Snow God, and we will die, so you can trust us..." Grandmaster Bingyun said.

"Shui Yunlan, you were imprisoned in the Xue Sect. It was our Tianhe family united with Martial Soul and Master Yu to rescue you, so you must understand that our Tianhe family did not betray the Ice Temple. Lan Zu also said.

Shui Yunlan remained unmoved. She stared at this illusory and hazy country and said coldly: "This is the Supreme Snow Kingdom of the Ice Temple. Once this technique is unfolded, it will become a world of its own. Once she is supreme. The Snow Country is trapped, unless it has the powerful strength to break the Supreme Snow Country, otherwise it is impossible to escape. You keep saying that you are willing to go through fires and waters for His Highness Snow God, but the result is trapped me in this Supreme Snow Country, which is too ridiculous. Up."

"This Supreme Snow Country was deliberately prepared to interrogate Wuhan, to prevent the leakage of the news when investigating the truth of the matter, and some characters took the opportunity to escape. Now that everything has come to light, then this Supreme Snow Country naturally does not have it. It must continue to be maintained." Grandmaster Bingyun said, immediately revoking the Supreme Snow Country.

Immediately, the heavens and the earth returned to clarity, and the Xuezong sect below appeared in the sight of everyone again, but within the current Xuezong, it was a mess.

Although the Supreme Snow Country was removed, Shui Yunlan's expression remained the same, showing an expression that no one believed in, and said coldly: "Let me leave!"

"No way!" As soon as Shui Yunlan said this, he was immediately opposed by Ancestor Lan and Master Bingyun. Master Bingyun said earnestly: "Shui Yunlan, now the entire Ice Pole State knows about you. Existence, in today's Ice Pole State, no one knows how many forces controlled by Flame Venerable are still lurking. If you let you go, your situation will be very dangerous."

"Shui Yunlan, Master Bingyun is right. You can never leave alone at this time. Otherwise, once you fall into Yan Venerable's hands, your highness' safety will be seriously threatened." Lan Zu also said.

"Great, Shui Yunlan, you can be regarded as coming back." At this time, an old voice came, and an old man in snow suddenly appeared outside the Xue Zong sect.

For this old man, all the strong in Bingji State are no strangers, because this person is the second-ranked force in Bingji State, the ancestor of Cold Wind Gate-Chifeng.

Chi Feng, the strongest ancestor of the Cold Wind Sect, his position in the Cold Wind Sect is equivalent to the Frozen Cloud Patriarch of Xuezong and the Blue Patriarch of the Tianhe Family. He has the cultivation base of the Sixth Heaven in the Taishi Realm and is known as Feng. Ancestor.

At this moment, outside the Xuezong sect, all the top three ancestors in Bingji State were all here.

And they only appeared because of one person, and that was Shui Yunlan!

For a time, the water rhyme blue became like a bright star.

The ancestors of Qi Feng began to transmit to Shui Yunlan: "Shui Yunlan, our Cold Wind Gate has always been loyal to the Ice Temple from beginning to end. Back then, it was under Yan Zun’s eyelids, taking huge risks to suffer. Wuhan was persecuted, and Caixia, who had been dying frequently, was rescued, and then secretly brought back to the cold wind gate."

"Actually, Caixia, who was one of the four great guards back then, has been secretly training in our Cold Wind Sect for these years, and there are some important news about the Ice Temple in her body. These news she said besides your water rhyme blue and ice No one would say except Qin. It's just a pity that Bingqin has fallen..."

The ancestor Chi Feng sighed, his expression was full of helplessness, and continued to transmit his voice: "Shui Yunlan, I know you will doubt that this jade slip is

Caixia specially asked the old lady to give it to you. Caixia seems to have something very important to tell you. She is eager to meet you. "The Qi Feng ancestor flicked his finger, and immediately a jade slip appeared out of thin air in front of Shui Yunlan.

Looking at this jade slip, Shui Yunlan showed hesitation, but in the end he gritted her teeth and reached out to take the jade slip. In the next moment, Caixia’s familiar figure and voice full of excitement and expectation appeared in Shui Yunlan’s mind. .

"Shuiyunlan, neither the Xuezong nor the Tianhe family can be trusted. Today's Bingjizhou, only the Cold Wind Gate is the most trustworthy. You follow Senior Chifeng quickly.

Cold Wind Gate, I have very important news to tell you..."

Holding this jade slip in his hand, Shui Yunlan's eyes flickered for a moment, and finally seemed to have finally made a certain decision, gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I will go to the cold wind door temporarily!"

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