Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3018: A sentence

Hearing this, the ancestor of Qi Feng showed relief and said in general: "Among the four guards of the Ice Temple, Wuhan betrayed and Bingqin fell. Now only you and Caixia are left. In fact, you are the one who has disappeared from now on. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? In these years, Caixia has always missed you. She has been waiting for millions of years in our cold wind gate. Now she is finally paying off. She finally waited for your return. You sisters, finally It's time to reunite."

After hearing this, Shui Yunlan's eyes fluctuated, and she couldn't help but miss the past.

I think back then, how harmonious the relationship between the four sisters was, helping and supporting each other, just like biological sisters. Looking at the present, the four sisters who were in love with siblings, one fell and the other betrayed, and in the end only her and Caixia were left.

This series of changes made Shui Yunlan's heart full of sadness.

Shui Yunlan sighed secretly in her heart, and immediately took the initiative to approach Qi Feng's ancestor.

The ancestor of Chifeng smiled and looked kind, like a kind old man, watching his children who had been away from home for many years return from outside.

However, in the dark, the ancestors of Chi Feng had already used secret methods to transmit to the cold wind gate in an extremely obscure way.

"The plan is successful, quickly prepare the teleportation formation in the forbidden area, once Shui Yunlan arrives at the cold wind gate, immediately send her away through the teleportation formation"

This news was directly transmitted by Chi Feng ancestors to the other two Taishi realm ancestors of Hanfengmen.

Cold Wind Gate, the two great ancestors of the Taishi Realm who stayed here are also paying close attention to the situation on the Xuezong side. Upon hearing the voice of the Chifeng ancestor, the two great ancestors immediately lifted their spirits, and the two of them People looked at each other with joy in their eyes.

"Go!" In the next moment, the two great ancestors disappeared together, appearing in the forbidden area deep in the cold wind gate at the fastest speed.

And this forbidden area is not empty. In addition to these two great ancestors, there is also a stunning woman wearing a white dress with a beautiful face.

If Shui Yunlan were here, she would definitely find that this woman was one of the four guards of the Ice Temple in the past, Caixia!

"See the two ancestors!" However, as soon as she saw the two ancestors of the Cold Wind Gate, Caixia immediately bowed and saluted, the respect between her expressions was completely from the heart, without concealing it.

"Shui Yunlan is about to arrive at the Cold Wind Gate, Elder Zi, in order to gain further Shui Yunlan's trust and reduce her vigilance at that time, you will need to come out in person at that time, and you should be ready." Cold Wind Gate One The ancestor said sternly.

"At this critical moment, there must not be the slightest omission. Elder Zi, you must deeply remember any words and deeds of Caixia, and you must not show any hints. After all, there are the blue ancestors of the Tianhe family and the ice of Xuezong. Master Yun is staring, and besides them, there is another Master Yu who has an unknown position, but whose strength is beyond imagination. Therefore, we must not have the slightest accident, otherwise, let alone our cold wind door, just Even a few of us will fall into a place where no one can recover." Another ancestor of the Cold Wind Gate spoke in a deep voice, with a solemn expression.

Caixia looked solemn and confidently said: "Please rest assured that the two ancestors, I won Caixia, not only won Caixia's body, but also swallowed her soul, and perfectly integrated Caixia's life. All the memories in, if you want to confuse the water rhyme blue, it is really a piece of cake."

"It's so good, then we can rest assured." The two ancestors of the Cold Wind Gate nodded with satisfaction, and immediately he looked at this forbidden area and said: "There is no problem with the confusion of the water rhyme blue, then the next The biggest challenge is the teleportation array that is arranged here. The Rain Master has extremely high attainments in the laws of space. I hope that the teleportation array here will not fail."

Hearing that, another ancestor laughed dumbly and said: "Then you can put a hundred hearts on it. The teleportation disk placed here was also from the hands of the ancient Taoist Taizun, although it was only the interest of the ancient Tao Taizun. However, after all, it involves things at that level, and when it comes to that field, its mystery is by no means capable of intervening in the Space Law of the Rain Master."

"When Qi Feng comes here with Shui Yunlan, we will immediately launch the teleportation formation to leave, even if there are Master Yu and Patriarch Bingyun by the side, we don't want to stop us. As for the cold wind gate, it will be destroyed, wait. We have obtained the origin of the Snow God and will definitely return again."

"Yes, our next return will surely shine brightly. By then, we will establish a more powerful cold wind gate than now. Moreover, if the plan under Yan Zun's crown is successful, it will definitely become a new generation of Tai Zun. At that time, with our backs on Heaven and Earth Supreme, we will truly dominate the Ice Pole State and sweep all obstacles."

"No, Shui Yunlan, the cold wind gate now has unknown friends and enemies, you must never go to the cold wind gate."

Above the Xue Zong gate, Master Bingyun spoke to prevent Shui Yunlan from approaching the Chi Feng ancestors. At the same time, she exuded a powerful momentum towards the Chi Feng ancestors, facing the Chi Feng ancestors. He said coldly: "Chi Feng, leave quickly, otherwise, don't blame Bingyun for his ruthlessness."

Facing Patriarch Bingyun’s toughness, Patriarch Chi Feng was obviously jealous, but when he thought of the huge destiny hidden behind this incident, his heart was hot, and his courage became stronger and harder. Under the pressure from Patriarch Bingyun, he said in a deep voice: "Patriarch Bingyun, you must not use your power to overwhelm others. Your performance is obviously a response to a guilty conscience. This shows that your Xue Sect is bound to hide evil intentions. And you cannot be ruled out In order to win the trust of Shui Yunlan, Xue Zong deliberately performed the previous big show."

"Shui Yunlan, come here quickly. If anyone here stops you, it means that this person must be from Yan Zun's side. As for our Cold Wind Sect, even if you don't trust the old man, you must trust your good sister. "The ancestor of Qi Feng said to Shui Yunlan again.

Shui Yunlan's eyes flickered, and her gaze swept across the three people in the field. Compared to Xuezong and the Tianhe family, she was obviously more inclined to the Cold Wind Clan.

Because the jade slip given to her by the ancestors of Qi Feng is indeed a picture of Caixia, no matter the tone, expression and expression are the same as Caixia, this cannot be faked.

"Xuezong, and the Tianhe family, if you really did not betray the Ice Temple, then you are not qualified to restrict my behavior." Shui Yunlan said, with a firm expression, and a face of determination, slowly moving towards the Chi Feng ancestor Go.

Ancestor Bingyun's face changed slightly, and he wanted to stop him forcibly, but when he thought of what Shui Yunlan said, he suddenly dispelled the idea of ​​taking action, his face was gloomy.

"Shui Yunlan, can you listen to the words of this seat? After that, whether you go or stay, this seat will never intervene." Lan Zu suddenly spoke. As soon as the voice fell, she waved her sleeves and arranged a soundproof barrier. .

There are only three people in this soundproof barrier, except for herself and Shui Yunlan, it is He Qianchi.

As soon as this sound-proof barrier was formed, Shui Yunlan's ears heard a familiar voice that could no longer be familiar.

"Shui Guardian, I am Jian Chen. I am on the side of the Tianhe family. Remember, my true identity cannot be revealed yet, and you should not show any strange expressions. Come to the side of the Tianhe family."

This short sentence set off a shocking wave in Shui Yunlan's heart, making it difficult for her to calm down.

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