Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3026: Changyang Mingyue

In a small world that is completely closed, the vast expanse of ice and snow has become the only color in this world.

Somewhere in this world of ice and snow, there was a slight spatial fluctuation suddenly, and the two figures of Jian Chen and Shui Yunlan suddenly appeared here.

As soon as he arrived in this world, there was an icy cold current eroding in, and Ling Jianchen couldn't help but shivering. Without energy protection, his body was wrapped in a blink of an eye. A thin layer of ice crystals is crystal clear.

The cold of this small world is far stronger than the ice states!

Jian Chen looked at the world, and found that apart from the white color, there was nothing more worthy of attention.

Compared to Bingji State, this small world is obviously much monotonous.

"Go, I'll take you to the place where your Highness is." Shui Yunlan said to Jian Chen, she took Jian Chen all the way to the end of the small world, and finally came to an ice and snow palace.

When Yi saw this ice and snow palace, Jian Chen was shocked, and his eyes were shocked.

He saw at a glance that this ice and snow palace did not belong to the category of any divine artifact. It was like the aggregation of the heaven and earth avenue, which was intertwined with the order of heaven and earth.

Facing this palace, Jian Chen had a feeling of facing the Supreme Heavenly Dao.

It is like the incarnation of "Tao", high above all beings, above all things!

"This small world was created by the great Ice God on a special trip for His Royal Highness Snow God. His Majesty Ice God seems to have counted the scene as it is today, so she specially created this place for His Highness to cultivate. His Royal Highness is in the palace. In the middle, you come with me." Shui Yunlan said softly, her emotions were a little ups and downs, and she seemed a little worried and worried.

Jian Chen followed Shui Yunlan into this icy and snowy palace intertwined with order, and found that it was empty, except for a very strong cold air surrounding it in the center.

The cold there is so strong that it has formed a vast white mist, which is filled with chaotic ice energy and the avenue of order, not to mention that it is impossible to see through, even Jian Chen's current divine consciousness can't get a step closer there.

Jian Chen stared at the cold mist in front of him for an instant, his expression gradually became dignified, because inside, he felt an extremely familiar breath.

This breath comes from the second sister, Changyang Mingyue!

"His Royal Highness is inside." Standing at the periphery of Hanwu, Shui Yunlan stared at the front blankly, her expression full of helplessness.

Jian Chen stepped in silence, slowly approaching the cold mist ahead, he paused when he was only three feet away from the cold mist area, and then resolutely stepped into the cold mist area.

Suddenly, Jian Chen encountered a strong resistance, which seemed to be composed of two forces, one of which came from Changyang Mingyue, which was relatively weak.

But the other force was so powerful that Jian Chen was terrified, because this force came from the rules of heaven and earth, the power of order.

This great power is much stronger than Lan Ancestor and Bingyun Ancestor Master. If you really want to compare it, you can even use the difference between heaven and earth to describe it.

"This is because the power of the Great Dao from the Snow God!" Jian Chen's heart shuddered. Facing the power of the Great Dao from the Snow God, he knew that he would not be able to break in anyway. It will make him fall into a place where he cannot be recovered.

Jian Chen took the initiative to exude his own aura. As soon as his aura radiated, the resistance from Changyang Mingyue faded cleanly, but the Xue Shen's power of rules still did not give in and formed. An insurmountable scourge ruthlessly blocked Jian Chen.

But the next moment, the power of rules from the Snow God was interfered by a weak, but extremely tenacious and determined will, making this powerful power of rules reluctantly retreat.

Suddenly, Jian Chen's resistance disappeared, and his body smoothly entered into the vast cold fog, but in it, Jian Chen's divine consciousness was suppressed, and all he saw was a vast expanse of whiteness, and he could not see his fingers.

Suddenly, a terrible cold air swept down. In front of this cold air, Jian Chen's combat power comparable to the Hunyuan realm was like a newborn baby. Without the slightest resistance, he was instantly frozen. After a lifelike icy, his expression, his movements all solidified at this moment.

At the moment when he became an ice sculpture, Jian Chen's consciousness was also taken away from his body and appeared in a white snowy space.

And in this space, there is a white woman standing there quietly, her majestic grace, her temperament out of dust, and the whole person seems to be integrated into this world and become one with this world.

"Second Sister!" Jian Chen suddenly became extremely excited when he saw this woman. This was the first time he had met Changyang Mingyue since his departure from Tianyuan Continent.

"Four brother, is it really you? Is it really you? Me, am I dreaming? I actually met you." Chang Yang Mingyue was also surprised and tears of excitement flowed out.

Since leaving Tianyuan Continent, she has severed contact with all her relatives and has been practicing silently under the guardianship of the water guard, living a life of isolation from the world.

In these years, apart from the guard of water, she has never seen anyone again, let alone the saint martial artist, she doesn't even know what the saint world is like, only to endure the long time alone. Hundreds of years of loneliness, all day spent in boring practice.

Changyang Mingyue's psychological age is not very old, perhaps for the rest of the strong, hundreds of years of retreat is just a blink of an eye, but for Changyang Mingyue, it is definitely a torment.

In addition, long far away from relatives, the deep thoughts that formed in my heart often tortured Changyang Mingyue.

Therefore, Changyang Mingyue was naturally extremely excited when he saw Jian Chen at this moment.

After centuries of separation, now that the two brothers and sisters finally meet each other, there are naturally endless talks and endless things.

Next, Jian Chen seemed to have forgotten what kind of situation he was in at this moment. In his heart, there was only the warmth when he was reunited with the second sister. The two sisters and brother had a long conversation all night, completely forgetting the time.

And Jian Chen, it seemed that he had forgotten the true purpose of his coming this time, as the second sister told her about the changes and situation in Tianyuan Continent after her departure, as well as some of his own experiences in the Holy Realm over the years.

When he heard that Jian Chen's current strength was comparable to Hunyuan Beginning Realm, Changyang Mingyue suddenly opened her mouth wide, her face full of incredible color.

After hearing that the Tianyuan family created by Jian Chen had already become a detached force in Yunzhou, Changyang Mingyue was relieved, but at the same time he showed a look of yearning and curiosity in his eyes, as if he wished to visit Tianyuan Continent now. one look.

This long talk didn't know how long it took. When all the words had been exhausted, Jian Chen seemed to suddenly remember his purpose of coming this time.

"By the way, Second Sister, what's your current situation? Why do you trap yourself in this place?" Jian Chen pointed his finger at the snow-white world, making a puzzled voice.

Based on his insight, there was no way to see that this was actually Changyang Mingyue's consciousness space, and he was forcibly pulled into this consciousness space by Changyang Mingyue.

When talking about this topic, the smile on Changyang Mingyue’s face disappeared instantly, and her expression was full of deep worry and fear. She shook her head and said in a weak and helpless tone: "I I don’t know, I don’t know why I am here, these things seem to be beyond my control."

"It's right, it must be it, and everything seems to be caused by it." Chang Yang Mingyue seemed to have thought of something terrible, her expression became terrified and deeply disturbed.

Suddenly, her hands tightly grasped Jian Chen's shoulders, her body trembled slightly uncontrollably, and she trembled: "Four brother, I feel it, it thinks it, it thinks it all the time, but it It is so cold, so ruthless, it is like a cold and ruthless behemoth, cold makes me feel terrible, and cold makes me desperate"

"Fourth brother, I am so scared"

The expression of Changyang Mingyue revealed deep anxiety, as if a weak woman had been greatly frightened, very frightened.

Jian Chen was silent and didn't know what to say for a while. He naturally understood that the "it" in Changyang Mingyue's mouth was probably the memory of the Snow God, that is, Changyang Mingyue's previous life.

In his heart, he naturally hopes that the second sister will become stronger and stronger, and naturally hope that the second sister can become an extremely strong deterrent to the holy world. Moreover, the situation in the Bingji State today is complicated, and it is indeed necessary for the second sister to reply as soon as possible. I personally sit in the Bingji State and quell all the turmoil.

Just looking at Chang Yang Mingyue's such fear and fear, he couldn't bear it again.

"Second sister, do you know what will happen if it comes out?" After a long silence, Jian Chen asked again.

Such things can be said to have been experienced by him, because he has kept the memories of his previous life in this life.

It's just that his situation is a little different from Changyang Mingyue. He keeps the memory of two worlds at the same time, that is, the experience of two lives. But Changyang Mingyue only kept the experience and memory of this life. For any deeds of her previous life, she would not know a little bit unless the memory awakened.

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