Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3027: Taizun returns

"I, I don't know" Chang Yang Mingyue sat on the vast snowy ground with her hands around her knees, dazed and helpless.

Jian Chen looked at Changyang Mingyue with complicated eyes, and his mood became extremely heavy, because in his mind, he couldn't help but recall what he heard from He Qianchi when he first met He Qianchi in Bingjizhou. About the deeds of the Snow God.

Not only Crane Qianchi, but even Lan Zu, who enjoys the supremacy in the Tianhe family, said the same words.

In fact, Jian Chen already had the answer in his mind about the changes that might happen to the second sister, Changyang Mingyue, when he recovered his memory, and he was already mentally prepared.

But even so, when he really faced this scene, his heart was still very heavy and he was unwilling to accept it.

Because he understands that if the situation is like what He Qianchi and Lan Zu said, once the second sister restores the memory of the snow **** in the previous life, the long time experience of the snow **** will turn into a magnificent river of time. The only short memory of Changyang Mingyue in this lifetime was shattered by an instant shock.

At that time, Changyang Mingyue will be completely dominated by the memory of Snow God, and everything she experienced in Tianyuan Continent will only become a small episode in the heart of Snow God.

And Jian Chen knew even more that, judging from the situation Changyang Mingyue was facing now, she was afraid that it was the last moment to restore her memory.

This process, under Changyang Mingyue's obsession, may be temporarily suppressed and temporarily delayed for a while, but it absolutely cannot be stopped.

Because the Dao Enlightenment that belongs to the Snow God has appeared, here already has the power of the law of ice that belongs to the Snow God, and the memory that belongs to the Snow God will eventually return.

This is like a certain person, who has lost his memory for some reason and can't remember the past.

But when the lost memory suddenly comes back someday or at a certain moment in the future, then the road in front of you can only be passively accepted. It is simply irresistible and unstoppable.

Although in the holy realm, some of the top powerhouses who have attained the highest level of cultivation are able to forcibly cut off part of their memories with the help of heaven and earth, but the strength of Changyang Mingyue is clearly far from being able to do so. This step.

In addition, the return of the Snow God not only brought the life memory of the Snow God, but also the realm of the Snow God, that is, the Snow God’s perception of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

Jian Chen sat down cross-legged next to Changyang Mingyue, his eyes staring at this snow-white world of ice and snow in a daze, depressed and dumbfounded.

He was silent for a long time before finally speaking, with a low voice: "Second sister, if it wants to come out, let it come out, there is no need to deliberately stop it. Because it is the real you."

These words seemed to be the result of Jian Chen having gathered a lot of courage to say them. When he said these words, his heart was cut like a knife, extremely uncomfortable, and even more depressed.

He couldn't imagine the scene when the lively and cheerful second sister next to him would one day become the cold and ruthless Snow God.

But he understands better that many people in the Bingji State are secretly playing with the idea of ​​the Snow God. Xuezong’s Bingyan Patriarch is only a person who has surfaced. As for the strong ones hiding in the dark, I’m afraid there will be more. .

To change this situation, there is only one current method, and it is also the easiest and fastest one.

It is to wake up the memory of the Snow God!

This time, he and Shui Yunlan brought a lot of resources from Bingji State. Once the memory of Snow God awakens, with the help of these resources, her cultivation level will increase rapidly.

Taking a step back, even if the Snow God's cultivation base has never recovered, she still possesses her realm back then. With her understanding of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, even if her own cultivation base has not been restored, her strength should not be underestimated.

Changyang Mingyue's body shuddered slightly, and there was deep fear in her eyes: "But but it is so cold, so ruthless, so terrible, I can vaguely feel it"

"Fourth brother, I'm so scared, I'm afraid that after it comes out, I will be affected by it, and I will completely become another person, forgetting the Tianyuan Continent, forgetting the Changyang Palace in Luoer City, forgetting you, forgetting Dad and mother, forget the eldest brother and the third brother, and even forget everything they have experienced in this life"

Jian Chen turned his head, staring at Changyang Mingyue with a serious expression, and comforted: "Second sister, don't worry, let alone be afraid, open your heart and accept yourself boldly, no matter what you become in the future, no matter what you become in the future. How cruel and ruthless you are, you have always been my second sister, and always will be."

"Even if you really forget everything you have experienced in this life, as long as I am still there, then I will find a way to make you remember it again."

Jian Chen's comfort didn't have any effect, and the worry and anxiety in Chang Yang Mingyue's expression did not abate, because she had a faint intuition that things might not be as simple as Jian Chen imagined.

"Fourth brother, will you stay with the second sister for a while, the second sister is worried, worried that this is our last meeting"

Jian Chen endured the sadness in his heart and nodded silently.

In the holy world, Luo Tian Taizun's congratulatory gift has ended. Now, the many void warships gathered outside Luo Tianzhou have left, making Luo Tian family once again restored to the peace of the past.

In the depths of the Luo Tian family, the newly born Luo Tian Taizun seemed to sit in the void with his eyes closed, righteously blending the heaven and the earth, interacting with the heaven and earth, and blending with the rules of order.

At this moment, he is as if he is incarnate into the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, he himself represents the supreme rule, and himself represents the vast universe.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many mysteries and so many unsolved mysteries in this world. If we really don't have this level, we can't really understand the world on which we live." At this time, Luo Tiantaizun slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes were as deep as the void of the universe, revealing bursts of complexity and surprise.

"But even when you set foot in this field, merged with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and understood the deepest mysteries between the heaven and the earth, you still can't know the answers, alas," Luo Tian Taizun sighed softly.

However, at this moment, he seemed to feel something, his gaze suddenly looked at the vast void, his gaze seemed to penetrate the vast universe, traverse countless time and space, countless worlds, and looked towards the unknown of the world.

"They are back"

As soon as Luo Tiantaizun's voice fell, the entire Three Thousand Avenues of the Holy Realm suddenly shook, and it seemed that an unmatched force suddenly descended on this world, affecting the Three Thousand Avenues and disrupting the orderly operation of the entire world.

Under the shaking of these three thousand avenues, the entire vast starry sky and the endless universe were suddenly covered by a thick **** color. This **** red color contained an incredible force of blood.

"It's weeping blood, he was actually injured." In Luo Tian's family, Luo Tian Taizun's expression suddenly changed.

After achieving the heaven and earth supreme status, Luo Tian Taizun also seemed to have crossed another level. Looking at the world, there are few things that can cause him to fluctuate.

But at this moment, Luo Tian Taizun really had trouble keeping calm, and his mood fluctuated.

Chuanzhou, one of the seven sacred states, is also a place of cultivating the Weeping Blood Taizun.

At this moment, in the most sacred place of Chuanzhou, a blood-colored temple, standing on the Supreme Throne on the top of the temple, suddenly blood and blood flowed, and a figure that seemed to be condensed by endless blood appeared out of thin air. He just appeared. , There was a burst of blood that couldn't help but squirted out.

Moreover, since this blood squirted from his mouth, the surging blood power condensed on him also collapsed in an instant.

"Master, you, you, you are hurt." The silhouette flashed, and Jiuyao Xingjun, wearing a star robe, appeared here. He looked at the silhouette sitting on the supreme throne, showing horror.

At the same time, in Shengzhou and in the depths of the Shengtian Palace, with a ruin that was so strong that the void would tremble, the sacred fire and the three laws of creation appeared. A vague figure appeared here out of thin air, and this person was powerful. , Surrounded by endless road runes, extreme horror.

The figure flashed, and the figure of His Highness Bishengtian Palace appeared. She looked at the figure surrounded by the runes of the Dao in astonishment, and said in surprise: "The disciple feels the breath of six reincarnations, Master, you have experienced it. War?"

"I met people from both worlds of immortality and devil. In order to compete for a ray of ancient chaos and Tao fruit, I fought with the six paths of reincarnation, Daowei, and demons in the world of Weeping Blood. The ancient spirit fell into the hands of the Daowei of the immortal world." A really respectable voice came.

"The Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal Venerable in the Immortal Realm and the disciples of the Ten Thousand Ghost Demon Venerable in the Demon Realm know it, but this Daowei" Yixin's expression changed slightly, and he was already aware of something in his heart.

"The immortal world has a new supreme born. This person is named Daoweifatian. He is one of the twelve heavenly courts of the immortal world, a member of the Daowei family." Said really Taizun.

"It turned out to be him? I didn't expect that the defeated men in the past would break through the last level?" Yixin was very uneasy, and his expression was extremely complicated.

"Yixin, although Daowei Fatian was not your opponent, now, you must not underestimate this person. Although he is a newly promoted supreme, but he has a strange treasure in his hand. This treasure has a mysterious and unpredictable power. With this strange treasure, he severely wounded the blood of tears." It was too respectful.

"What? Senior Weeping Blood was hurt by Daoweifatian?" This time, Yixin was really shocked, and because of her current state of mind, it was difficult to maintain her composure.

She really couldn't imagine that Daoweifatian, as a former defeated underling, had grown to the point where she was not even an opponent of Weeping Blood.

"The strength of Daowei Fatian is not a concern, but the strange treasure in his hand makes the teacher feel threatened. Yixin, since you have collected the last soul of the ancient Dao, you will give the last soul to the teacher. Well, as a teacher, we must return the old way as soon as possible. The strange treasure in the hands of Daoweifatian, I am afraid that the old way needs to be refined by the old way to contend."

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