Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3029: Let Taizun take a moment

"A book?" Jiuyao Xingjun showed doubts and muttered to himself: "What supreme artifacts exist in the two worlds of immortals and demons. Almost all of us in the holy world know about them. But in the history of our holy world, the collected immortals Among all the supreme artifacts in the two worlds, there has never been this supreme artifact. Is it possible that this supreme artifact was refined by Daoweifatian himself."

"Impossible, let alone the new breakthrough Daowei Fatian, even if the ancient Dao of our holy world is still alive, it is absolutely impossible to refine such a powerful artifact." As soon as Jiuyao Xingjun's suspicion came out, he was immediately stricken with blood. Too respectable denial.

   "The power of that book has surpassed all the artifacts known in the world, and I don't know where Vifatian got it." Qixue Taizun's tone was low, and it still smelled of distraction.

  He deliberately wants to use his own incarnation as a heavenly way to gain insight into the secrets of heaven, and grasp the deepest secrets hidden in the world from the vast world.

It's just a pity that the other party is also a powerful person of the same rank who has turned into a heavenly way, and the top artifact in his hand is even more powerful than imagined. In the face of such an opponent, any means to derive the heavenly secret is useless. .

  Because of this ability, usually it can only be used on targets whose realm is too much lower than one's own. If you encounter opponents at the same level as you, this ability is naturally invalid.

  Not to mention the same level, even in the case of not much difference in realm, it is also difficult to derive.

   After all, the strong who have reached a certain level of cultivation have all the means and abilities to conceal themselves.

At this time, the Great Hall of Bishengtian Palace also came to Zhuzhou with one heart, and handed a fruit that exuded the power of Taoism to Weeping Blood, saying: "Senior Weeping Blood, Master specially asked the disciple to make this chaos Dao Guo will be given to Senior, and I hope Senior's injury will recover soon."

Staring at this Chaos Dao Fruit, Weeping Blood Taizun was silent for a while, and then let out a light sigh, then rolled up the Chaos Dao Fruit with a blood-red energy and disappeared into the sea of ​​blood: "This kindness is really true, the old man remembers it in his heart. Now, when he enters the chaos space again in the future, the old man will definitely return it in double."

  At the same time, Luo Tian Taizun also descended to the Spirit God family.

The   Lingshen family was once the top race that was born in Taizun. It is very powerful. After the death of Taizun, the Lingshen family, which has a complete transmission from Taizun, was also one of the ancient families in the holy world.

  It’s just that now, the Spirit God family has been declining, and even if they maintain the complete inheritance of Taizun, they are not qualified to become a member of the ancient family after there are no nine-layer powerhouses in the Taishi realm.

  Today, when Luo Tiantaizun personally visited, the whole clan of the Spirit God family was shocked, and all the ancestors who had retired hurriedly broke through and came to meet him personally.

   After all, the current Luo Tian has become Taizun, can represent the way of heaven to a certain extent, and his status is completely different from before.

  Luo Tiantaizun was also straightforward, and directly proposed that he wanted to borrow the spirit sword of the town clan's treasure of the spirit **** family.

  For Luo Tian Taizun's request, the Spirit God family didn't dare to refuse. They didn't even hesitate, so they directly took out their town family's supreme treasure spirit sword.

"The old man owes you a favor from the Spirit God family, and the old man promises you that as long as the old man is still alive, he will protect your Spirit God family for thousands of years. As for this spirit slicing sword, when the old man returns from the chaotic space, it will return your spirits. "God Family" Luo Tiantaizun publicly promised, his voice was strong, aroused the resonance of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and spread throughout the holy realm.

  At this moment, anyone who has reached a certain level of understanding of Tiandi Avenue can vaguely pass through the resonance of Tiandi Avenue and hear Luo Tiantaizun’s promise to the Spirit God Family.

  Tai Zun promises, heaven and earth witness, this is the most inviolable sacred promise in the world.

  Everyone in the Spirit God family was overjoyed and quickly thanked them respectfully. All of them understood what Luo Tiantaizun's promise meant to the Spirit God family.

  This means that for thousands of years, even the eight ancient families of the Holy Realm have not dared to attack the idea of ​​their spirit family.

  As for tens of thousands of years later, who can say whether there will be a new Nine Heavens in the Qing Lingshen Family?

  For these tens of millions of years, the Lingshen family can be said to be really relieved.

  In an unknown void in the Holy Realm, there is a huge bone tower floating quietly in the starry sky, emitting a vast coercion, as if possessing the invincible power to suppress the heavens.

At this moment, at the highest point of this bone pagoda, there is a little boy in red, lying lazily on a jade bed, beside the jade table made of extremely precious ancient jade. , There are many precious spiritual fruits on display.

  This little boy is the No. 2 character Wuxin boy in Wangulou!

"Weeping Blood Taizun is back, and Really Taizun also returned, but when Weeping Blood Taizun returned, it caused such a violent vibration in the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. It seems that Weeping Blood Taizun was injured in the chaotic space." The Wuxin boy lay bored on the jade bed, gnawing on a spirit fruit in his hand, looking very leisurely.

   "Well, Weeping Blood Taizun is indeed injured. It seems that he has met a person from the immortal world in the chaotic space." Opposite Wuxin Boy, a figure with an illusory body sits in the void, making a sonorous and powerful voice.

  This figure is obviously similar to the form of the Yuanshen body. It can be seen carefully, but it is very different from the ordinary Yuanshen body. It seems to be an alternative existence.

  Wuxin Boy tilted his head, staring at the phantom figure opposite, and said: "Brother, your body is also in the chaotic space. Do you know what happened in the chaotic space?"

   "I don't know, the area where I am is not in the same place as them, and the area where Weeping Blood Taizun they entered is an existence similar to a secret realm, and I am only active in the edge area." The illusory figure said.

  This person is the host of Wangulou, a famous top powerhouse in the holy world!

"Brother, I'm really curious, you have been in the chaotic space for tens of thousands of years, right? What are you doing there? After all, if we want to enter the chaotic space in our realm, we must maintain it all the time. With the power of the supreme artifact, don't you feel tired for so many years?" Wuxin Boy continued to ask.

The owner of Wangulou was silent for a while. After a while, he said, "I'm looking for something, something that can completely change the destiny of our Wangulou."

   "Then have you found it?"

"Not yet!" The owner of Wangulou shook his head and continued: "Actually, I don't have much hope for finding this thing, but I have to try it and see if there is anything. A miracle happened."

   "Leave aside this, that thing is very important, it involves a supreme in the fairy world, I am ready to fail and return. Now, let's pay attention to the wind venerable." Wangulou said.

Hearing this, Wuxin Boy seemed to think of something very interesting all of a sudden, his face immediately showed a happy smile, staring at a certain prescription in the void with a look full of expectation, and said: "Venerable Wind has destroyed it. Dao Guo, who is really too respected. Before, it was because too much respect was not there that he could live comfortably for a while. Now it is really too respectable to return. Hahahaha, I suddenly look forward to it. What kind of reaction will Zun have when he finds that his Dao Fruit has been ruined."

"What else can I have? It's nothing more than anger and madness. After all, Jian Chen, the Dao Fruit, has an extraordinary meaning for Huanzhen Taizun. If this Dao Fruit is destroyed, it is also equivalent to breaking Huanzhen Taizun's. Dadao Road." The host of Wangulou said in a lingering tone: "Breaking Taizun’s Dadao Road, this hatred, I feel terrible just thinking about it, Venerable Feng, this is over."

   "Hmm! Yes, yes, but weird. It's true that Taizun has been back for a while. Why hasn't there been any movement until now?" Wuxin boy asked strangely.

The owner of Wangulou said: "This trip to the chaotic space, I think Taizun has also encountered fierce battles. This has just returned, and it is estimated that he has not noticed the destruction of Dao fruit. It is too late, let Taizun slow down."

   "Yes, so, if so, let Venerable Feng live for a while, let Taizun take a little longer, let Taizun take a little longer," Wuxin Boy said with a smile, relieved.

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