Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3030: Holy Light Tower Spirit (1)

Wuxin Boy and Wangulou Tower waited quietly on the top of this bone pagoda. They did not move, their eyes were always directed to a certain position in the depths of the void, full of anticipation, and seemed to be patiently waiting for a great show to be staged. .

This time, it was seven days. After seven days, Wuxin Boy seemed to be a little unable to sit still, and muttered alone: ​​"Strange, it's been so long, why haven't there been any movements? It's really too respectful. Could it be that you forgot Jian Chen's Dao Fruit?"

"Don't worry, be patient, now it's only a few days since Taizun's return, and the time is too short. Moreover, this time there is another war in the chaotic space. It is really Taizun that there is some loss, and it does not take Dao fruit into consideration. One thing, it is reasonable, let Huanzhen Taizun take a little longer." said the host of Wangulou.

Wuxin Boy nodded with deep approval, and said: "My brother is polite in his analysis, but I am a little too impatient, but who makes this matter related to the fate of our Wangulou, and at the same time it is related to our two brothers. Safety, after all, if Venerable Feng does not die in one day, then our Wangulou can't get rid of the crisis in one day. In this matter, it is really difficult for me to maintain my composure."

"Well, that's right, Venerable Feng is too powerful. Fortunately, he is now unstable, unconscious, and becoming mad, otherwise, it would be difficult for us in Wangulou to have such a peaceful day today. But don't worry. , Now that Venerable Feng has broken the road that is really too respectable, and his ending is doomed, we now only need to watch the changes and wait patiently.” The host of Wangulou seemed extremely calm, and he groaned. For a moment, he continued to speak: "Also, Luo Tian Taizun borrowed the Spirit Slashing Sword of the Spirit God Family. If I guess it is correct, Luo Tian Taizun should also accompany Huanzhen Taizun and Weeping Blood Taizun before entering the chaos space."

The Wuxin boy looked thoughtful: "So, that's really too respectable at this moment because he should be preparing for the second entry into the chaotic space. In the face of such a major event, no wonder he didn't care about the destruction of his Dao fruit. His mind shouldn't be put on it yet."

"Well, let's wait a little longer, anyway, such a long time has come, and I am not in a hurry for these few days." Wuxin boy stood up, stretched his body lazily, with a smile on his face Looking at the starry sky, he said with a general feeling: "For so many years, our two brothers have always pressed two mountains, one from the Dark Star tribe, and the other from Venerable Wind. Now they are from the Dark Star tribe. The shackles have been lifted, and there will be no need to consider the Dark Star Clan for a long time in the future, and Venerable Wind is about to fall."

"As long as Venerable Feng dies, then from now on, our Wangulou will truly sit back and relax. As long as we don't provoke those overlords and look at the holy realm, there will be no force that can threaten us, even the ancient family. There is no need to be jealous." Wuxin Tong seemed to think of the glorious future of Wangulou, and immediately couldn't help laughing out loud. At this moment, he seemed to have seen the picture of Wangulou truly standing on the top of the world.

Because the strength of their Wangulou is indeed very powerful, although it is not an ancient family, it is not inferior to the ancient family.

"Ancient family? Humph, they still can't threaten us, supreme artifact, our Wangu Building is no less than them. The Eight Great Sages are very strong, but compared to our brothers, they still lack something." Wangu There was a bit of contempt in the original poster's words, and he didn't put the ancient family in his eyes.

"Yes, after all, our two brothers have the great fortune of the Dark Star Clan, and under the Taoism of the Wood Spirit Clan Taizun, we have experienced reincarnation again and again, and these countless rebirths are for our brothers. For the two of them, it is not without gain. These innate advantages are not possessed by the Eight Great Sages." Wuxin Tongzi's smile became brighter, and he looked at the void affectionately, revealing a somewhat intoxicated color.

"Brother, have you noticed that this starry sky suddenly becomes more beautiful and more beautiful than before. Although it hasn't changed anything, in my eyes, this starry sky is different from before. "

The host of Wangulou didn't have much mood swings, and he said in a light tone: "That's because all the pressure and worries in your heart have disappeared. Without any external threats, your mood has naturally changed. "

"Yeah, that's it. I used to worry that Venerable Feng would come to him at a certain moment in my heart, but now, he no longer has this opportunity. Without the threat of Venerable Feng, I feel my whole body and soul Become very relaxed, this feeling is just intoxicating and addictive." Wuxin boy said.

"All this is thanks to Jian Chen. We should really thank him. If he is reincarnated in reincarnation, I don't mind accepting him as a disciple. It is a pity that he was killed by Venerable Feng and he is no longer eligible to reincarnate in reincarnation." The host of Gulou said teasingly.


In the small world in the deserted state, the Temple of Light, and the Tower of Light, the current Lord of the Temple of Light, Sun Zhi, is standing on the top of the mountain. He wears a sacred robe that symbolizes the Lord of the Temple of Light. Xuan Ang, with a bit more supreme spirit that he had never had before, and the whole person seemed energetic.

"Qi Ling, are you still there? If you really exist, please show up immediately. The incompetent son of our ancestors, grandson Gongsun Zhi, desperately hopes to see you as an old man..."

"Qi Ling, I have a deep blood of ancestors, and my ancestor is your master. My Gongsun Zhi is already the only person in this world who is qualified to talk to you..."


Standing on the top of the mountain, Gongsunzhi shouted loudly at this vast world, and occasionally spilled his own blood on this void, hoping to get the opportunity to communicate with the Spirit of the Holy Light Tower with the breath of his Taizun bloodline.

Over the years, he has entered the Holy Light Tower countless times, and he has also stood in different places in the Holy Light Tower, using various methods to call the Holy Light Tower Spirit, in an attempt to obtain the opportunity to communicate with the Holy Light Tower Spirit.

Because the Holy Light Tower has nine guardian holy swords, now only six have appeared, and the remaining three are still stuck in the holy light tower. He desperately wants to get the designation right of these three guardian holy swords.

This is too important for him. Once he has the right to designate these three guardian holy swords, he can not only cultivate his own strength, but also win over top forces such as the Xu family in the deserted state and the Zhongtian family. .

Thinking of the current power structure of the Temple of Light, Gongsunzhi's heart was full of anger, and at the same time there was a sense of helplessness. Currently in the Temple of Light, the strongest are naturally the six guardians who have obtained the guardian holy sword, but among these guardians, Xuan Zhan and Xuan Ming belong to the neutral faction. verb: move.

As for Han Xin, Bai Yu and Donglin Yanxue, they hugged each other and confronted him all the time, without him as the lord at all.

The six great guardians, the six guardian holy swords, except for himself, Gongsun Zhi is not moving orders, which makes him feel that he, the palace master, is really a bit useless.

At this moment, the energy in the Holy Light Tower suddenly surged violently, and the entire small world in the Holy Light Tower suddenly shook at this moment.

The sudden change immediately made Gongsun Zhi overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Senior Qi Ling, are you? Senior Qi Ling, are you awake?"

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